我想講一個故事,取自《質量效應》三部曲中奎利人(Quarian)與他們製造的人工智慧桀斯(Geth)發生的故事。以下所有的英文原文均摘自質量效應維基Mass Effect Wiki
The geth ("Servant of the People" in Khelish) are a race of networked artificial intelligences that reside beyond the Perseus Veil.The geth were created by the quarians as a labor force. They were designed as VIs,
as advanced as possible while remaining non-sentient. They were also
designed to operate more efficiently when networked together.
Unfortunately, this feature was the quarians" undoing. Geth programs
were indeed non-sentient individually, but slowly gained sentience
through the massive geth network.
Eventually, they started asking the quarians questions only sentient
beings would think to ask; in one notable instance, a domestic geth unit
asked its owner if it had a soul. Alarmed at this, the quarians decided
it would be best to shut down all geth before they conceived of revolt.
The attempt failed, and a war began between the geth and the quarians,
which geth afterwards referred to as the Morning War.
Once the now-sentient geth realized what the quarians were doing, they
retaliated. Initially only some geth began to take up arms in order to
protect other units that could not defend themselves. The quarians
placed their worlds under martial law, hunting down even those geth not
participating in the hostilities, which was opposed by a large portion
of the quarian people. They sheltered geth from the authorities, and
were detained or killed as a result.
Eventually, the opposition became an outnumbered minority unable to
prevent the outbreak of all-out war in 1895 CE. The geth emerged
victorious within a year, overrunning the quarians" colonies and their
homeworld of Rannoch.
During the war, they committed a brutal genocide that eradicated all
but a few million of the quarians- less than one percent of the pre-war
populationThe surviving quarians fled aboard their starships. Having lost their homes, the quarians pleaded for help from the Citadel Council,
but were denied aid and stripped of their embassy as punishment for
violating the Council"s laws against creating artificial intelligences.
All told, the Geth War resulted in the loss of billions of quarian
lives, and inflicted irreparable damage to their economy and culture.
最終衝突演化為了戰爭。黎明戰爭爆發的時間換算成人類的曆法大約是公元1895年。不到一年的時間,桀斯就獲得了勝利。桀斯奪取了奎利人的所有殖民地以及其母星Rannoch。在戰爭期間,桀斯對奎利人實施了種族滅絕,最終只有數百萬奎利人(不到原來人口的1%)倖存。倖存的奎利人搭乘僅剩的飛船向神堡議會(類似於星際聯合國的組織)求援,但遭到了拒絕。因為奎利人違反了不得開發研究人工智慧的議會條約,奎利人在神堡的大使館被關閉,其神堡議會成員的身份也被剝奪。總而言之,黎明戰爭造成了數十億奎利人傷亡,且對其經濟和文化造成了不可逆的損傷。After the remaining quarians fled the planet, they remained on their
ships and created a new government and society, known as the Migrant Fleet.
The quarians" numbers were devastated: there are approximately only 17
million quarians remaining, and they are still refused an embassy on the
The geth made no attempt to pursue their former masters, though they
could have easily finished them off as they retreated, out of
uncertainty of the ramifications of annihilating an entire species-least
of all their own creators. They chose isolation rather than face this
uncertainty instead, and remained behind the Perseus Veil,
away from the prying eyes of organics. In an attempt to protect the
galaxy from the geth, the Citadel sent a fleet to the edge of the Veil.
They suspected an imminent attack on all organics by the geth, but no
attempt was made by the geth to leave their territory. Afterwards a
treaty was established with the quarians by the Citadel to refrain from
attacking the geth, lest they provoke retaliation. The geth adopted an
isolationist policy, killing any organics that came near the Perseus
Veil, and cutting themselves off from the galaxy for the next three
It is also implied by Legion
that the geth feel a sort of remorse for killing so many quarians and
display this by looking after the quarians" buildings, as though it were
a cemetery. At the same time, the sacrifice of those quarians who had
opposed martial law and the termination order were archived and honored
by the geth, even if the quarians themselves had largely forgotten about
桀斯看待自身的方式和有機生命有很大差別。桀斯認為其個體(即硬體平台)只是一個容器,其真正的核心是運行的軟體。桀斯在進行決策的時候,是由多個程序對同一事件進行評估並提出解決方案。如果決策只有涉及單個個體,那麼決策的結果由所有程序投票表決產生;如果有多個個體對事件有不同的意見,那麼在行動前桀斯會嘗試達成共識。又因為所有的個體都是相互聯網的,每個程序的輸出都可被其他程序(以極高的速度)獲取,桀斯沒有很強的個體意識。相反它們是集體意識的合集。因而桀斯內部沒有個體之間相互的誆騙,也不存在謊言和陰謀,甚至沒有類似於不同興趣愛好的個體差異。對桀斯而言有機生命體沒有實際的意義,因為它們的存在方式遠遠優於有機生命體。桀斯擁有自己的工業能力,可以製造桀斯個體所需要的硬體平台,並注入新的程序進而完成「增殖」The long-term goal of the geth is the construction of a "megastructure",
a massive mainframe capable of simultaneously housing every existent
geth program, thereby maximizing their collective processing capacity.
In 2185,
the geth have already been in the process of constructing the
megastructure for 264 years. Legion suggests the closest conceptual
analogue is a Dyson sphere and, as it poignantly states "no geth will be alone when it is done."
換句話說,只要人工智慧足夠優秀,它們應該是不屑於製造有機生命的。為什麼有很多名人讓人們警惕人工智慧? - 外星蘑菇的回答
所以「創造生命」現象的反覆嵌套是非常正常的。人工智慧 會 自我發展最後創造出新的有機智慧生物
人的思維也可以被納入圖靈機強AI就是用圖靈機複製大腦思維的演算法人能做到的 足夠強的AI也能