


bool pointInRegion(cocos2d::CCPoint pt,vector& plist)
int nCross = 0;

for (int i = 0; i &< plist.size(); i++) { cocos2d::CCPoint p1; cocos2d::CCPoint p2; p1 = plist[i]; p2 = plist[(i+1)%plist.size()]; if ( p1.y == p2.y ) continue; if ( pt.y &< min(p1.y, p2.y)) continue; if ( pt.y &>= max(p1.y, p2.y))

double x = (double)(pt.y - p1.y) * (double)(p2.x - p1.x) / (double)(p2.y - p1.y) + p1.x;

if ( x &> pt.x )

if (nCross % 2 == 1) {

return true;
else {

return false;

2015-1-14 補充:
在經過Milo Yip大神的解答之後,此問題在2014-11-10已經圓滿得到解決。題目沒有刪除或者關閉,是希望其他遇到此問題的人也可以得到參考。另外我覺得直接刪除他人認真回答的問題也是不禮貌的。
我在當初提問時,不知道有Point in polygon 測試,更不知道通過計算射線與多邊形相交的次數可以判斷,就像一個人到網上問大家月球與地球之間的引力存在什麼關係一樣,他根本不知道有萬有引力這回事兒,所以他根本想不到要搜索「萬有引力」或者「物體之間力的關係」等等關鍵字。之所以做出上面的補充是,2015-1-14推送了一個匿名的回答,全身變得不舒服起來,那感覺就像你小的時候犯了一個愚蠢的錯誤,總有人隔一段時間熱心提醒你一下。

這個問題是Point in polygon測試[1]。




另一個方法使用winding number [2],可避免除數,也更準確。請參考Inclusion of a Point in a Polygon。


[1] Shimrat, Moshe. "Algorithm 112: position of point relative to polygon."Communications of the ACM 5.8 (1962): 434.

[2] Hormann, Kai, and Alexander Agathos. "The point in polygon problem for arbitrary polygons." Computational Geometry 20.3 (2001): 131-144. http://www.inf.usi.ch/hormann/papers/Hormann.2001.TPI.pdf

The definitive reference is "Point in Polygon Strategies" by

Eric Haines [Gems IV] pp. 24-46. Now also at

Point in Polygon Strategies.

The code in the Sedgewick book Algorithms (2nd Edition, p.354) fails

under certain circumstances. See


for a discussion.

The essence of the ray-crossing method is as follows.

Think of standing inside a field with a fence representing the polygon.

Then walk north. If you have to jump the fence you know you are now

outside the poly. If you have to cross again you know you are now

inside again; i.e., if you were inside the field to start with, the total

number of fence jumps you would make will be odd, whereas if you were

ouside the jumps will be even.

The code below is from Wm. Randolph Franklin &

(see URL below) with some minor modifications for speed. It returns

1 for strictly interior points, 0 for strictly exterior, and 0 or 1

for points on the boundary. The boundary behavior is complex but

determined; in particular, for a partition of a region into polygons,

each point is "in" exactly one polygon.

(See p.243 of [O"Rourke (C)] for a discussion of boundary behavior.)

int pnpoly(int npol, float *xp, float *yp, float x, float y)


int i, j, c = 0;

for (i = 0, j = npol-1; i &< npol; j = i++) {

if ((((yp[i]&<=y) (y& ((yp[j]&<=y) (y& (x &< (xp[j] - xp[i]) * (y - yp[i]) / (yp[j] - yp[i]) + xp[i]))

c = !c;


return c;


The code may be further accelerated, at some loss in clarity, by

avoiding the central computation when the inequality can be deduced,

and by replacing the division by a multiplication for those processors

with slow divides. For code that distinguishes strictly interior

points from those on the boundary, see [O"Rourke (C)] pp. 239-245.

For a method based on winding number, see Dan Sunday,

"Fast Winding Number Test for Point Inclusion in a Polygon,"

Geometry Algorithms TOC, March 2001.


Franklin"s code:


[Gems IV] pp. 24-46

[O"Rourke (C)] Sec. 7.4.




bool pointInRegion(cocos2d::CCPoint pt,vector& plist)
int nCross = 0; // 定義變數,統計目標點向右畫射線與多邊形相交次數

for (int i = 0; i &< plist.size(); i++) { //遍歷多邊形每一個節點 cocos2d::CCPoint p1; cocos2d::CCPoint p2; p1 = plist[i]; p2 = plist[(i+1)%plist.size()]; // p1是這個節點,p2是下一個節點,兩點連線是多邊形的一條邊 // 以下演算法是用是先以y軸坐標來判斷的 if ( p1.y == p2.y ) continue; //如果這條邊是水平的,跳過 if ( pt.y &< min(p1.y, p2.y)) //如果目標點低於這個線段,跳過 continue; if ( pt.y &>= max(p1.y, p2.y)) //如果目標點高於這個線段,跳過
double x = (double)(pt.y - p1.y) * (double)(p2.x - p1.x) / (double)(p2.y - p1.y) + p1.x;
// 這段的幾何意義是 過目標點,畫一條水平線,x是這條線與多邊形當前邊的交點x坐標
if ( x &> pt.x )
nCross++; //如果交點在右邊,統計加一。這等於從目標點向右發一條射線(ray),與多邊形各邊的相交(crossing)次數

if (nCross % 2 == 1) {

return true; //如果是奇數,說明在多邊形里
else {

return false; //否則在多邊形外 或 邊上


A complete distance field representation和Generating signed distance fields from triangle meshes.這兩篇文章分別有針對二維線段和三維三角網格的Exact Sign Computation.



我是一塊磚,哪裡需要哪裡搬,最近參與一些前端開發的工作,然後選用了百度的echarts,不小心花了一天的時間把它的源代碼讀了一遍,它裡邊引用的zrender庫,裡邊有段代碼是你需要的,可以學習下,zrender/area.js at master · ecomfe/zrender · GitHub,這種東西沒有必須要在這裡問,如果你想玩圖形學這個領域的東西,把這個領域的知識啃了,多看些相關項目的源代碼,多寫寫自然就知道了。


Let me bing that for you



這個問題在圖形界裡面其實有一個專門的學術分支,名字叫「區域填充(region filling)」,他針對的範圍也不僅僅是多邊形,甚至是任意形狀、任意粗細的封閉圖形,目標就是用顏色準確填滿這個封閉圖形內部。判斷內點外點也是這些演算法的一個應用。


A new and fast contour-filling algorithm。谷歌學術上可以搜到。

不知題主解決這個問題沒有,我今天也碰到了這個問題。如果你成功的話,幫我測試下如下4邊形和 若干待檢驗點的位置關係。

x y

1 1

4 1

5 3

2 3 檢驗點為1.5 2 ,1.1 2, 4.5 2

我使用Inclusion of a Point in a Polygon上的wn法,寫了一下,發現判斷失誤,不知道哪裡出問題了,特地請教一下。






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