怎麼理解 `auto var = [&]() { /* things to do */ }`?
struct Fuck
int shit;
int bitch;
Fuck(int _shit, int _bitch)
:shit(_shit), bitch(_bitch)
void operator()()
cin &>&> shit &>&> bitch;
int main()
int shit, bitch;
Fuck var;
var(shit, bitch);
cout &<&< shit &<&< bitch;
int main()
int shit, bitch;
auto var = [](){ cin &>&> shit &>&> bitch;};
cout &<&< shit &<&< bitch;
看過一篇不錯的講解C++11 lambda的博客:
C++11 - Lambda Closures, the Definitive Guide
C++11/14 Rocks(http://cpprocks.com/books/)這本小書(clang版只有180頁)比較系統地介紹了C++11中的新特性,在講lambda時,有這麼一句話:In fact, internally lambdas are implemented as classes with operator().
...The compiler will generate the appropriate function object and pass an instance of it in place of the lambda expression.
至於這裡的auto,也是C++11中新增的type inference特性(auto、decltype、declval、……)。因為完整地寫出一個函數的原型是一件讓人不爽的事情,所以這裡就用auto,讓編譯器從初始化表達式自動推導出var的靜態類型了(如果不嫌麻煩,可以自己std::function&<...&>)。
其實,lambda、closure(閉包)這些概念我是在Python中接觸到的。哈哈。-----Lambda functions (since C++11)
A list of symbols can be passed as follows:
- [a,b] where a is captured by value and b is captured by reference.
- [this] captures the this pointer by value
- [] captures all automatic variables mentioned in the body of the lambda by reference
- [=] captures all automatic variables mentioned in the body of the lambda by value
- [] captures nothing
lambda么么噠~ 類似C#中() =&> { … }
A lambda expression is essentially a class, a constructor, and a function call operator.
C++ Primer中文版第五版 P506說的比較詳細吧~
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