林肯公園的 In the End 歌詞表達的含義是什麼?
這首歌是我最喜歡聽的英文歌曲之一。網易雲音樂 聽見好時光大概是一種無力的感覺。世間有太多的事情,不是我們常人玩命努力就能做好,盡完人事之後還要聽天命呢。不斷地放棄了太多不該輕易放棄的,堅持了太多不值得堅持的,青春就在這種一種循環中逐漸流逝。然後,經歷過了足夠的成功,失敗和滄桑,青春不再,歲月難回,了解到自己只是滄海一粟,被迫重新思考人生。曾經那些考試失敗,失戀,失業等等打擊,都變得淡然,不再重要,好像人生只是一個不斷重複製造故事然後講故事的過程,我們早晚要變成別人的故事。大部分故事裡,王子和公主最後沒有在一起幸福的生活,騎士也沒有精彩地屠龍,我們只是日復一日地重複著昨天的寂寞和心跳。就像歌詞高潮那樣:
I put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
所以我 從不退縮 一往無前
For all this
There"s only one thing you should know
I tried so hard
曾經我 勇往直前 義無反顧
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn"t even matter
I had to fall
後來 我逐漸釋然
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn"t even matter
I try so hard,and get so far →it doesn"t even matter
I had to fall,to lose it all→it doesn"t even matter一塊生牛排,它立志要把自己培養成一隻活生生的牛,會走路,會吃草,要住最好的牛棚現實是,牛排被煎完一面又被翻過來煎另一面,一面是try so hard,一面是had to fall,最後依然是it doesn"t even matter,外焦里嫩。就像肖申克這部電影里,監獄只是一個形式上的存在,真正的監獄在心裏面,它束縛著人讓人不自由:
These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That"s institutionalized.這是Red的監獄。
Officer: You feel you"ve been
rehabilitated? Red: Rehabilitated? Well, now, let me see. I dun have any idea what that means. Officer: It means you r ready to rejoin society... Red: I know what u think it means, sonny. To me it"s just a made-up word. A politican"s word so that... young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie and have a job.What do you really want to know.Am I sorry for what I did?
Officer: Well, Are you? Red: There is not a day goes by I don"t feel regret. Not because I"m in here or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then.. a young... stupid kid who commited that terrible crime I wanna talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him. Tell him the things are. But I can"t. That kid"s long gone...and this old man is all that"s left. I got to live with that. Reihabilitated? It"s just a bullshit word.你看,前兩次Red雖然確有悔過之意,但心裡那座監獄還在。
It"s just a bullshit word,心中的監獄就已蕩然無存所以,他出獄了。即使I try so hard,and get so far,but inthe end ,it doesn"t even matter 又何妨呢?我中學時一直以為這是一首勵志歌曲 0.0
"我那麼努力, 走了很遠, 到最後發現, 當初那個巨大的困難早已不是個事兒了"
I try so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it doesn"t even matter.
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