最值得將 iPad mini 越獄的第三方應用/插件有哪些?
有一個 iPad mini,從來沒想過要越獄,因為找不到說服我的理由。但最近有朋友說越獄後能裝一些非常好用的應用或插件,特此來詢問一下。
更新: 剛買了 Nitrous,簡直爽到不行。第三方瀏覽器和其它應用內的網頁瀏覽,終於也可以像 Safari 一樣快啦。
我是一個極簡主義者,同時也過了大量嘗試新插件的年紀,我現在使用的 tweaks 有:
(0) RetinaPad ($2.99),讓 iPhone 應用以高解析度在 iPad 上面運行。
(1) Accelerate,調節過場動畫的時間。現在的 iOS 設備性能對比 2007 年發布的 iPhone 已經有了長足的進步,但是過場動畫還是如開始那般緩慢。某種程度上來說已無必要。不過不要開太快,太快沒有順滑感。
(2) NCSettings,在 Notification Center 內插入常用開關。由於我需要頻繁的開啟 VPN,即使蘋果幾次系統更新已經把 VPN 開關在設置菜單裡面提到很前面,但也仍然沒有達到我所要求快捷的程度。
(3) PasswordPilot,記住 Apple ID 輸入框的密碼。蘋果對於安全的考慮可以理解,但我認為自己的設備有 Passcode lock 的保護已經足夠了。每次下載或者更新應用都需要輸入密碼對我來說是非常厭煩的事情,我不想時間浪費在這上面。
(4) AccountChanger,使 App Store 支持多帳號切換。我不止有一個 App Store 帳號,而且也和家裡人共用帳號,所以有時候需要切換帳號下載應用。這個插件給了我很大幫助。
(5) iFile ($4.00),文件管理器。我能理解蘋果模糊文件系統的做法,但這很顯然不適合我這樣的用戶。首先我不喜歡默認的鎖屏、解鎖、拍照和鍵盤的聲音,所以我需要自己動手替換 UISounds 的文件修改;然後我想要增加或修改系統的字體,所以我需要替換 Caches Fonts 裡面的 TTC 文件;然後我想讓 Safari 的默認使用 Google encrypted 搜索,所以我需要動手修改 SearchEnginesFallback 文件;然後我需要修改 hosts 文件以達到無需 VPN 就能使用一些互聯網服務的目的;然後我希望在設備上面直接添加做好的鈴聲那麼需要往 Ringtones 文件夾放東西;然後我希望自定義 Reader 的樣式,那麼我需要修改 MobileSafari 文件夾下面的 Reader~ipad.html 文件;等等。上面這些都需要藉助 iFile.
(6) MultiIconMover,一次點選多個應用圖標。管理大量應用,一個一個移動是效率非常低的做法。這個 tweak 很好的解決了這個問題。
(7) NoNewsisGoodNews,在 Springboard 隱藏 Newsstand 應用圖標。
(8) FakeCarrier,修改運營商字樣。
(9) Pull to dismiss,通過下拉手勢隱藏鍵盤。系統全局有效。
(10) BlackOut,強制狀態欄為黑色。
(11) WiFi Password,顯示已記住 Wi-Fi 網路的密碼。
(12) Activator,增加手勢功能。這個很重要,主要用於音樂播放快捷鍵。
我從來就不抗拒越獄,這也是 hack and mod 的樂趣。但我不建議沒有學習和掌控能力的人越獄。我對那些通過越獄獲得盜版軟體和安裝輸入法的做法無法理解,後者,我認為是傷害系統效能的,況且,預裝的中文拼音輸入法已經非常優秀,有多少人知道利用 keyboard shortcuts 功能?一定要針對 iPad mini 的話.除非你不在 iPad 上用任何 iPhone 應用, 否則來自 Activator 作者 Ryan Petrich 的 FullForce 和 RetinaPad 絕對是第一理由.其他的…… 看需求再說了.
比如對我來說再多人說sbsetting或者ncsetting 我也自從iOS5之後就再沒用過 單純就是不喜歡 很破壞系統的美感引用一篇imore上的文章來做回答吧 希望能幫到你 當然多折騰多試是關鍵If you"ve jailbroken your iPad or iPad mini, there"s lots of apps and tweaks available that can not only make using your iPad much more enjoyable, but enhance core iOS features and make them a lot better. It"s not uncommon for Apple to implement jailbreak ideas and concepts in future versions of iOS, but why wait when you can have them now?There"s lots of jailbreak tweaks and apps available in Cydia and weeding through them all can be a task. We"ve already told you our favorite jailbreak apps for iPhone and these are our favorites for the iPad and iPad mini.NCSettings
Tapping into Settings every time you want to enable or disable WiFi or change your iPad"s brightness can get irritating. NCSettings adds quick toggles to Notification Center to quickly access settings such as brightness, WiFi, cellular data, and more. There are lots of add-ons to be had in Cydia as well.If you"ve ever used SBSettings in the past, you"ll be right at home with NCSettings. The only difference is that NCSettings just integrates with the already existing Notification Center interface which means less gestures to remember and more information and functionality all in one place.
- Free - Cydia Search Link
There are lots of apps out there that are for iPhone only. While Apple will allow you to download them on your iPad, they"re tiny and when you expand them to 2x to fill the screen, they"re grainy and look like crap. This is where RetinaPad comes in handy.Once you"ve installed RetinaPad it"ll automatically detect any traditional iPhone app that you open on your iPad and automatically upscale it to not look like crap. While it doesn"t completely fill all of the screen like a native iPad app would, it makes it look a heck of a lot better and a lot more bearable. If you"ve got iPhone only apps that you really want to run on your iPad, RetinaPad is a must.
- $2.99 - Cydia Search Link
If you"ve got a Mac running OS X Mountain Lion, you"re probably familiar with the way Notification Center works on it. While this method isn"t really viable on a screen as tiny as the iPhone, it is on the iPad or iPad mini. I"ve never been a fan of how Notification Center pulls down on the iPad. It"s almost as if they took the default iPhone Notification Center layout and stuck it on the iPad. It"s not customized for the iPad and just feels like a cheap port.MountainCenter gives you the same kind of experience on your iPad or iPad mini that you get on your Mac with Notification Center. Simply pop into Settings and set up a gesture to trigger MountainCenter and you"re good to go. Slide to the right or left to reveal Notification Center on the side just like you can in Mountain Lion. It just feels better than the default implementation of Notification Center for the iPad. Not to mention you"ll be able to see more data at a glance than the default provides.
- $2.99 - Cydia Search Link
Just like Notification Center feels half baked, so does the default way notification banners are shown on the iPad and iPad mini. While they span the entire length of the top of the screen for iPhone, they don"t on the iPad and again, feels like a super cheap port. It works on the iPhone but doesn"t fair so well on the iPad or iPad mini.
While you could always wait for Apple to make improvements to banner notifications on the iPad, you can also download Emblem which solves the problem right now. Instead of seeing the stock banners that don"t look so great on the iPad to begin with, Emblem turns notification alerts on the iPad into OS X and growl like banners that will show on the upper right hand side of the screen. Tapping on one will launch the program the notification was received from. If you receive more than 3 notifications, Emblem will combine them into stacks that you can scroll through instead of taking up half the screen with banners. If you don"t take any action on a banner, it will simply roll away just like stock notification banners would.
- $1.99 - Cydia Search Link
While the iPad can be a great business tool, the keyboard still needs some work. Typing on it, especially when you make errors, can be daunting and slow at times unless you"re using a keyboard accessory. Even that can still be annoying when reaching for the screen to correct errors or add content.SwipeSelection aims to solve these problems by adding some additional functionality to the virtual keyboard. For example, instead of using your finger to move cursor around with the magnifying glass, SwipeSelection simply lets you drag your finger back and forth or up and down on the actual keyboard to move the cursor position. It doesn"t seem like a big deal but when correcting and editing text, it"s loads faster than moving your finger all the way to the top of the screen again.Another really nice action happens when you hold down shift and drag your finger. You"ll notice that this highlights the selection of text that you are dragging over. It"s much more natural than double tapping the screen or tapping and then dragging a cursor around. Your fingers are already on the keyboard, why not keep them there?
手勢操作,Activator,QuickDo,Zephyr,三個中選一個就好了。不理解為什麼 Zephyr 賣那麼貴,所以也沒用過,不過這是 chpwn 的作品,我很喜歡這傢伙。QuickDo 有很貼心的細節設置,功能也多,還是國人的作品,用 RMB 買有優惠:)但是對我來說太多功能用不上,最後還是選擇了簡單的 Activator。
更新,Zephyr 我買了,Activator 和 QuickDo 都可以卸載了!SwipeSelection,打字的時候有這個太舒服了!可以上優酷看看宣傳視頻。
快捷開關,老牌的 SBSettings,最近很火的 NCSettings,選一個就好。前者歷史悠久,為其專門開發插件的開發者也多,而且是 Bigboss 官方出品,用著穩定踏實。後者做得很漂亮,用知友的話說就是比 SBSettings 優雅,其他沒發現什麼特點。
Action Menu Plus Pack,可自定義 Action menu,比如選中內容一鍵搜索、一鍵發推等等,還可以瀏覽/編輯剪貼板。
MobileTerminal for iOS 6,這個就看個人需要了吧。每個人的應用需求不同,別人覺得有用/無用的,未必適合自己。我下面說的,一定是提問人本來就知道的,只是你用不上而已。
我的iOS設備越獄第一理由永遠是輸入法,因為普通話不好,拼音輸入對我來說簡直無法忍受。越獄後可以用百度的五筆輸入或者訊飛的手寫。有這一個理由就足夠讓我越獄了。如果覺得系統自帶輸入法不錯,那也用得上SwipeSelection,它可以更方便地在iPad虛擬鍵盤移動游標指針;還有KBshortCuts,可以設置快捷鍵。 第二理由是sbsetting。出於節電和經常移動的原因,我不喜歡永遠保持網路連接在打開狀態。然後我現在用的有:
MultiIconMover,可以一次性移動多個APP圖標,不用一個個拖那麼麻煩。Activator,手勢操作。不過iOS5以後在平板上已經有手勢了,加上SmartCover,這個插件的作用小了很多。iScheduler,計劃任務。可以設定定時開關飛行模式或執行某個任務等。在iPhone上非常有用,在mini上使用小一些。KillBackground,一鍵殺後台。有時APP莫明閃退或不正常工作,殺一下後台再重啟會解決。iFile,資源管理器。還有些東西得等升級後才能支持iOS6,比如AnyAttach。只有一個理由就夠了: 輸入法。
※iOS 設備不越獄可以免費裝 App 的原理是什麼?
※如果說越獄為了增加 iPhone 沒有的功能,那麼哪些功能是越獄後需要添加的?