"Take your Bible, take your gun"...
無比慶幸,偉大的美國人民同樣有著【一小撮】反對主流價值的人,譬如——他所代表的一小撮的看法是——「美國已經變成了一個冷酷而暴力的地方。我們嘉獎那些最膚淺的人,最愚笨的人,最賤的人和嗓門最大的人。我們不再知道何為正派,不知道羞恥,不分對與錯。品德最差的一群人既有名望又受敬仰。撒謊和散布 恐懼都是可以接受的,只要這樣做能夠賺錢。我們變成了一個喊著口號,噴吐著怒氣的仇恨販子之國。我們失去了善意,我們失去了靈魂。我們變成了什麼?我們在 社會中尋找最弱勢的人,把他們推上舞台加以嘲弄,把嘲笑他們變成了我們的運動和娛樂。」
如果他們的言論自由受到威脅的話,我是該挺身而出,我是該支持他們打著前衛的旗號,去說那些腦 殘、偏激、下作、充斥著各種歧視的笑話。但這不是前衛,這只是他們的賣點,他們為了收聽率,去迎合大眾趣味,因為現在是毒舌橫行的年代,真相往往被誇張的評論所淹沒,羞恥心不復存在了,而我們卻為此歡呼!我昨晚在電視上看見一個女人朝別人扔用過的衛生棉條,這頻道還說自己是當代女性的象徵,小年輕相互毆 打,還傳到Youtube上!還記得當年看「倖存者」們吃老鼠和蛆那種震撼嗎?現在大家好像司空見慣了,保不準「兩女一杯」(著名重口味電影)里的女孩們 哪天就會在VH1台開個相親節目!如果我們都不做文明人,那要文明的社會有個屁用?
WHO BLESS CHINA...........................
The Newsroom 開場的一段話…"We stood up for what was right, we fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured disease, and we cultivated the world"s greatest artists and the world"s greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didn"t belittle it, it didn"t make us feel inferior. We didn"t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn"t scare so easy."
不論是從美國的文學作品還是影視作品上看,美國的價值觀就是家庭第一。從《紙牌屋》到《絕命毒師》,大到美國總統,小到犯罪分子,不管怎麼樣,Frank Underwood和Walter White所做的一切都是為了家人,就連《速度與激情7》這樣追求刺激的電影也流露出美國的價值觀,那就是家庭第一。
The predominant values in the United States include individual achievement and success, efficiency, progress, material comfort, equality, freedom, science, rationality, nationalism, and democracy, along with many other assumptions (Williams 1970; Bellah et al. 1985, 2000).
For example, we have seen that in U.S. culture, individualism is a basic value, reflected in the prevailing worldview. It is not surprising, then, that U.S. society has many norms based upon the notion of individual initiative and responsibility. Individuals are admonished to work for their own self-interest and not to become a burden to their families or community. Older Americans, if self-sufficient, are not supposed to live with their children. Likewise, self-sufficient young adults beyond a certain age should not live with their parents. These individualistic norms reflect the values of U.S. society and contrast with norms existing in other societies. In many agricultural societies, it would be considered immoral to allow aging parents to live outside the family. In these populations, the family is a moral community that should not be separated. Rather than individualism, these norms emphasize communal responsibility within the family unit.
Self-sufficiency : every person should stand on his or her own two feet
Upward mobility : success would come to everyone who got an education, worked hard and played by the rulesWork ethic: hard work, dedication to family and frugality were moral and rightConformity: no one should expect to be treated differently from anybody elseFrom MKTG 8th edition其實我看完這段以後一直在想中國的價值觀是什麼orz....民主自由平等,從清教徒來的時候,就懷揣著打破歐洲封建體制來美國開拓領土來了,心裡熱情的擁抱著他們的美國夢,從來美國夢再也沒有斷過。