

那麼在英文文章中有所謂的「文采」么? 比如,結構的一致,押韻之類的?



——2017.5.4 Second Edition——

題主應該是想了解一下英語中使用的修辭手法,從中獲得啟發以此來提高英語的寫作水平吧?這在《英語修辭賞析 (豆瓣)》一書中有很詳細的研究,我們常接觸到的是其中美學修辭的部分。簡單地介紹一下。

1.最常用——Figure of speech 比喻



本體和喻體都會出現的比喻,A像B。(like,unlike,a bit like,as if,similar to,something of...)


Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.










認同結構就是直接用「be 是。」 He is totally a chameleon. 他完全就是條變色龍。


(1)通過動詞折射:Let your unhappiness fly. 讓你的不快走吧。(通過一個「fly」把不快比喻成了某種會飛的東西)


Seize the day,boys. 把day比作了某種能seize的東西。


(2)通過名詞折射:She becomes my nanny. 她變成了我的保姆。(她關心我到了個什麼程度呢?簡直像個保姆照顧小孩子。)



He has seven mouths to feed in the family. 他家裡有七張嘴要喂。(家裡有七個小孩要撫養,用嘴代表人)

2.Personification 擬人


3.Metonymy 借代


像常見的:May I have a word with you? 我能和你說一句嗎?


No word has come from the battle filed. 前線還沒有消息傳來。(word代指news)

The kettle is boiling. 水壺開了。(其實是水開了。用水壺代指水。)

4.Antonomasia 換稱


像著名的:用Uncle Sam代指the United States。宗教里Judas(猶大)是traitor(叛徒)的代名詞。


5.Bifocal Visions 雙重聚焦

貌似很厲害的樣子。。。= =


①雋語(juan 第四聲,雋永的雋)


Enemies are also friends. 敵人也是朋友。



You have really done something good for me,huh? 你可真是給我做了點好事,嗯?

6.Transferred Epithet 移就




the liquid stillness of night 夜靜如水

noisy color 喧鬧的色彩(過分鮮艷的色彩)



Lazy clouds drifted across the sky. 懶懶的白雲飄過天空。(有擬人的成分,但也暗含人的慵懶心情)

③轉類(Transferred Epithet)


Our assumptions are all wet. 我們的假設完全了。

wet 濕,本來是用來形容浸水一類物體的狀態,卻可以用來修飾如假設的抽象概念。

dry humor 冷麵幽默


7.Rhetorical Repetition 疊言



比如Shakespeare的《King Lear》里,愛女Cordelia冤死獄中,李爾王呼天搶地、痛不欲生:

Lear:And my poor fool is hanged,no no no life! Why should a dog,a horse,a rat,have life,and thou(你,古英文)no breath at all?Thou"ll come no more!





演講里很常見。有一個很有名的例子就是馬丁·路德·金的演講《I have a dream》:

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

連續用了四個「I have a dream that」,很有感染力。


But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicatewe can not consecratewe can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.


8.Climax and Anticlimax 層進和突降







「樓下一個男人病得要死,那間壁的一家唱著留聲機;對面是弄孩子。樓上有兩人狂笑;還有打牌聲。河中的船上有女人哭著她死去的母親。 人類的悲歡並不相通,我只覺得他們吵鬧。」



9.Quote 引用


10.Hyperbole 誇張



眼睛都蹬出來 Eyes stare out.

下巴都掉到地上了 The chin fell to the ground.


比如學生很笨。直言:The student is obtuse.

婉言:The student is a bit slow for his age. 反應較慢。

11.Pun 雙關



We must all hang together,or we shall all hang separately. 我們必須團結一致,否則我們會被一個個絞死




12.Antithesis 對照


As a spot on the weather map,Rochester is one chilly town.But as a model for education reform,it"s shaping up as the hottest place in America.



13.End Weight 重尾



So what"s the next problem? 那麼下一個問題又會是什麼呢?




















《On writing well》一書中提到,好的寫作取決於五個關鍵:Simplicity、style、audience、words、unity。言辭簡潔、有自己的風格、區分受眾、改善表達、講求整體連貫。這幾大特徵,不就是為了流暢地表達思想而服務的嗎?《中式英語之鑒》一書中也曾指出中式英語的一大毛病:啰嗦,多餘。這種啰嗦多餘暗含了我們喜歡反覆表達同一意思的習慣,說白了,就是話總說不到點上,沒法給人清晰明了的感覺。








我拿第一章舉例吧:The Bear。



The Bear中有一個長句,一句長達1600字。這種長達一千六白字、創紀錄的句子,是要從感覺印象和回憶所交織的心理狀態反映幾十年的事情,那是不容易分析的。





專門找了The Bear的英文注釋評註讀了讀,完全不如夏志清這本書寫得好。



開通了個人公眾號——sparetime2017 / 姜大白,在哪裡我把關於自學英語的內容系統的整理了,現已開門迎客,歡迎大家去看一看,有朋自遠方來~


題主所列的中文寫作手法,英文中也都有。多讀一些精彩的英文著作,就慢慢都能體會到了。比如排比,去讀一下羅斯福對日宣戰演講中的那一長串 Yesterday,或丘吉爾的 We will fight them in / on the XX 的演講稿,就知道了。






轉載一篇William Zinsser的演講整理稿(英中對照)

William Zinsser - Writerhttps://theamericanscholar.org/writing-english-as-a-second-language/

Writing English as a Second Language

The American Scholar: Writing English as a Second Language - William Zinsser

A talk to the incoming international students at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, August 11, 2009

Five years ago one of your deans at the journalism school, Elizabeth Fishman, asked me if I would be interested in tutoring international students who might need some extra help with their writing. She knew I had done a lot of traveling in Asia and Africa and other parts of the world where many of you come from.

I knew I would enjoy that, and I have—I』ve been doing it ever since. I』m the doctor that students get sent to see if they have a writing problem that their professor thinks I can fix. As a bonus, I』ve made many friends—from Uganda, Uzbekhistan, India, Ethiopia, Thailand, Iraq, Nigeria, Poland, China, Colombia and many other countries. Several young Asian women, when they went back home, sent me invitations to their weddings. I never made it to Bhutan or Korea, but I did see the wedding pictures. Such beautiful brides!

I can』t imagine how hard it must be to learn to write comfortably in a second—or third or fourth—language. I don』t think _I _could do it, and I admire your grace in taking on that difficult task. Much of the anxiety that I see in foreign students could be avoided if certain principles of writing good English—which nobody ever told them—were explained in advance. So I asked if I could talk to all of you during orientation week and tell you some of the things my students have found helpful.

So that』s why we』re here today.

I』ll start with a question: What is good writing?

It depends on what country you』re from. We all know what』s considered 「good writing」 in our own country. We grow up immersed in the cadences and sentence structure of the language we were born into, so we think, 「That』s probably what every country considers good writing; they just use different words.」 If only! I once asked a student from Cairo, 「What kind of language is Arabic?」 I was trying to put myself into her mental process of switching from Arabic to English. She said, 「It』s all adjectives.」

Well, of course it』s not all adjectives, but I knew what she meant: it』s decorative, it』s ornate, it』s intentionally pleasing. Another Egyptian student, when I asked him about Arabic, said, 「It』s all proverbs. We talk in proverbs. People say things like 『What you are seeking is also seeking you.』」 He also told me that Arabic is full of courtesy and deference, some of which is rooted in fear of the government. 「You never know who』s listening,」 he said, so it doesn』t hurt to be polite. That』s when I realized that when foreign students come to me with a linguistic problem it may also be a cultural or a political problem.

Now I think it』s lovely that such a decorative language as Arabic exists. I wish _I_could walk around New York and hear people talking in proverbs. But all those adjectives and all that decoration would be the ruin of any journalist trying to write good English. No proverbs, please.

Spanish also comes with a heavy load of beautiful baggage that will smother any journalist writing in English. The Spanish language is a national treasure, justly prized by Spanish-speaking people. But what makes it a national treasure is its long sentences and melodious long nouns that express a general idea. Those nouns are rich in feeling, but they have no action in them—no people doing something we can picture. My Spanish-speaking students must be given the bad news that those long sentences will have to be cruelly chopped up into short sentences with short nouns and short active verbs that drive the story forward. What』s considered 「good writing」 in Spanish is not 「good writing」 in English.

So what is good English—the language we』re here today to wrestle with? It』s not as musical as Spanish, or Italian, or French, or as ornamental as Arabic, or as vibrant as some of your native languages. But I』m hopelessly in love with English because it』s plain and it』s strong. It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning; there』s no subject, however technical or complex, that can』t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it』s used right. Unfortunately, there are many ways of using it wrong. Those are the damaging habits I want to warn you about today.

First, a little history. The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the florid language of ancient Rome. The other is Anglo-Saxon, the plain languages of England and northern Europe. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.

How do those Latin words do their strangling and suffocating? In general they are long, pompous nouns that end in -ion—like implementation and maximization and communication (five syllables long!)—or that end in -ent—like development and fulfillment. Those nouns express a vague concept or an abstract idea, not a specific action that we can picture—somebody doing something. Here』s a typical sentence: 「Prior to the implementation of the financial enhancement.」 That means 「Before we fixed our money problems.」
拉丁詞語又是如何扼殺和阻撓寫作的?總體上,是那些冗長而浮華的以ion結尾的名詞,比如「implementation」和「maxmization」和「communiciation」(竟然有五個音節)。或者以ent結尾的像「development」,「fufillment」這樣的單詞。這些名詞傳遞了一個模糊的概念,或者一種抽象的觀點,並非是我們想像得出的某種動作,好比「somebody doing something」(某人做了某事)。這有一個典型的例句「Prior to the implementation of the financial enhancement」。它的意思是「在我們解決前的問題之前」。

Believe it or not, this is the language that people in authority in America routinely use—officials in government and business and education and social work and health care. They think those long Latin words make them sound important. It no longer rains in America; your TV weatherman will tell that you we』re experiencing a precipitation probability situation.

I』m sure all of you, newly arrived in America, have already been driven crazy trying to figure out the instructions for ordering a cell phone or connecting your computer, or applying for a bank loan or a health insurance policy, and you assume that those of us who were born here can understand this stuff. I assure you that we don』t understand it either. I often receive some totally unintelligible letter from the telephone company or the cable company or the bank. I try to piece it out like a hieroglyphic, and I ask my wife, 「Can you make any sense of this?」 She says, 「I have no idea what it means.」

Those long Latin usages have so infected everyday language in America that you might well think, 「If that』s how people write who are running the country, that』s how I』m supposed to write.」 It』s not. Let me read you three typical letters I recently received in the mail. (I keep letters like this and save them in a folder that I call 「Bullshit File.」)
那些長拉丁文的用法對美國的日常語言的滲透竟然到了如此地步,你們能夠想像到了吧。難道是那些管理這個國家的官員怎樣描述,我就應該怎樣寫作?豈能這樣。 讓我讀三封最近在郵箱里收到的此類典型信件。(我把這類信件都保留下來了,並放在一個名為「狗屎文件」的文件夾中。)

The first one is from the president of a private club in New York. It says, 「Dear member: The board of governors has spent the past year considering proactive efforts that will continue to professionalize the club and to introduce efficiencies that we will be implementing throughout 2009.」 That means they』re going to try to make the club run better.

Here』s a letter to alumni from the head of the New England boarding school I attended when I was a boy. 「As I walk around the Academy,」 she writes, 「and see so many gifted students interacting with accomplished, dedicated adults」 [that means boys and girls talking to teachers] and consider the opportunities for learning that such interpersonal exchanges will yield…」 Interpersonal exchanges! Pure garbage. Her letter is meant to assure us alumni that the school is in good hands. I』m not assured. One thing I know is that she shouldn』t be allowed near the English department, and I』m not sure she should even be running the school. Remember: how you write is how you define yourself to people who meet you only through your writing. If your writing is pretentious, that』s how you』ll be perceived. The reader has no choice.

Here』s one more—a letter from the man who used to be my broker; now he』s my investment counsel. He says, 「As we previously communicated, we completed a systems conversion in late September. Data conversions involve extra processing and reconciliation steps [translation: it took longer than we thought it would to make our office operate better]. We apologize if you were inconvenienced as we completed the verification process [we hope we』ve got it right now]. 「Further enhancements will be introduced in the next calendar quarter」 [we』re still working on it]. Notice those horrible long Latin words: communicated,conversion, reconciliation, enhancements, verification. There』s not a living person in any one of them.

Well, I think you get the point about bad nouns. (Don』t worry—in a minute I』ll tell you about good nouns.) I bring this up today because most of you will soon be assigned to a beat in one of New York』s neighborhoods. Our city has been greatly enriched in recent years by immigrants from every corner of the world, but their arrival has also brought a multitude of complex urban problems. You』ll be interviewing the men and women who are trying to solve those problems—school principals, social workers, health-care workers, hospital officials, criminal justice officials, union officials, church officials, police officers, judges, clerks in city and state agencies—and when you ask them a question, they will answer you in nouns: Latin noun clusters that are the working vocabulary of their field. They』ll talk about 「facilitation intervention」 and 「affordable housing」 and 「minimum-density zoning,」 and you will dutifully copy those phrases down and write a sentence that says: 「A major immigrant concern is the affordable housing situation.」 But I can』t picture the affordable housing situation. Who exactly are those immigrants? Where do they live? What kind of housing is affordable? To whom? As readers, we want to be able to picture specific people like ourselves, in a specific part of the city, doing things we might also do. We want a sentence that says something like 「New Dominican families on Tremont Avenue in the Bronx can』t pay the rent that landlords ask.」 I can picture that; we』ve all had trouble paying the landlord.
好了,我想你們明白了那些可惡的名詞了吧。(別急,接下來我就要說說優美的名詞)。今天我準備了這些內容,是因為你們中的大多數很快會在紐約的某個居住區經歷一次考驗。近年來在這個城市中,來自世界各個角落的移民們極大的豐富了這裡,同時,他們的到來也引起了大量複雜的市政管理問題。在那些市立機構和州立機構的工作人員,校長,社會服務人員,衛生保健人員,醫院官員,刑事司法官員,工會官員,教會官員,警官,法官,職員等儘力解決這些問題的時候,你們就好像是在面試他們。並且當你問完一個問題,他們就會用名詞回答你,成串的拉丁名詞是他們這些職能的工作語言。他們會談起「facilitation intervention【有益介入】」以及「affordable housing【可承受住宿】」,你們將把這些用語照單全收,並且寫出這樣的句子,「A major immigrant concern is the affordable housing situation【移民的一項主要顧慮是可承受住宿的狀況】」但我想像不出「可承受住宿的狀況」。誰是這些移民?他們又住在哪裡?什麼樣的住宿是可承受的?對誰來說?作為讀者,他們希望能夠想像出像我們這樣的特定的人,在城市的某個地區,做著他們可以想像的出的事情。我們本來預期像這樣的某種說法「新遷入布朗克斯地區蒙特大道的多米尼加住戶支付不起房東要求的房租。」我想像得出來,因為我們在支付房租上都有過麻煩。

So if those are the bad nouns, what are the good nouns? The good nouns are the thousands of short, simple, infinitely old Anglo-Saxon nouns that express the fundamentals of everyday life: house, home, child, chair, bread, milk, sea, sky,earth, field, grass, road … words that are in our bones, words that resonate with the oldest truths. When you use those words, you make contact—consciously and also _sub_consciously—with the deepest emotions and memories of your readers. Don』t try to find a noun that you think sounds more impressive or 「literary.」 Short Anglo-Saxon nouns are your second- best tools as a journalist writing in English.

What are your best tools? Your best tools are short, plain Anglo-Saxon verbs. I mean active verbs, not passive verbs. If you could write an article using only active verbs, your article would automatically have clarity and warmth and vigor.

Let』s go back to school for a minute and make sure you remember the difference between an active verb and a passive verb. An active verb denotes one specific action: JOHN SAW THE BOYS. The event only happened once, and we always know who did what: it was John who activated the verb SAW. A passive-voice sentence would say: THE BOYS WERE SEEN BY JOHN. It』s longer. It』s weaker: it takes three words (WERE SEEN BY instead of SAW), and it』s not as exact. How often were the boys seen by John? Every day? Once a week? Active verbs give momentum to a sentence and push it forward. If I had put that last sentence in the passive—「momentum is given to a sentence by active verbs and the sentence is pushed forward by them」—there is no momentum, no push.
讓我們稍事回到課堂,檢查一下你是否還記得一個主動動詞與一個被動動詞之間的差異。一個主動動詞表示了某個特定的動作:John Saw Boys【約翰看見了男孩們】。這個事件之發生了一次,並且我們很清楚誰做了什麼:是約翰發出了動詞看見這個動作。被動語氣的句子是這樣:男孩們被約翰看見。這句稍微長一點,表達也弱一點:它用了三個單詞(were seen by 【是看見由】instead of Saw【而非看見】),而且也不夠確切。男孩們就會被約翰看見,要過一次?每天?一周一次?主動動詞為某個句子帶來了更多的份量,並且推動行文。假如我把上個句子換成被動語態---「份量被主動動詞傳給了某個句子,並且行文是被他們所推動」。可見,沒有份量,就不能推動行文。

One of my favorite writers is Henry David Thoreau, who wrote one of the great American books, Walden, in 1854, about the two years he spent living—and thinking—in the woods near Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau』s writing moves with simple strength because he uses one active verb after another to push his meaning along. At every point in his sentences you know what you need to know. Here』s a famous sentence from Walden:
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of nature, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Look at all those wonderful short, active verbs: went, wished, front, see, learn,die, discover. We understand exactly what Thoreau is saying. We also know a lot about him—about his curiosity and his vitality. How alive Thoreau is in that sentence! It』s an autobiography in 44 words—39 of which are words of one syllable. Think about that: only five words in that long, elegant sentence have more than one syllable. Short is always better than long.
瞧瞧所有這些漂亮又簡短的主動動詞:went【前往】,wished【想要】,front【直面】,see【試一試】 ,learn【學會】,die【死去】,discover【發現】。我們清晰的理解梭羅在說什麼。而且我們也了解到了不少他的為人---好奇心與活力。在句中,梭羅是如此的鮮活!那就是一部44個單詞的自傳,其中的39個單詞是單音節的。想想這一點:在這個長而簡練的句子中,只有五個單詞超過了一個音節。簡短大多勝於冗長。

Now let me turn that sentence into the passive:
A decision was made to go to the woods because of a desire for a deliberate existence and for exposure to only the essential facts of life, and for possible instruction in its educational elements, and because of a concern that at the time of my death the absence of a meaningful prior experience would be apprehended.

All the life has been taken out of the sentence. But what』s the biggest thing I』ve taken out of that sentence? I』ve taken Thoreau out of that sentence. He』s nowhere to be seen. I』ve done it just by turning all the active verbs into passive verbs. Every time I replaced one of Thoreau』s active verbs with a passive verb I also had to add a noun to make the passive verb work. 「I went to the woods because」 became 「A decision was made.」 I had to add the noun decision. 「To see if I could learn what it had to teach—two terrific verbs, learn and teach; we』ve all learned and we』ve all been taught—became 「for possible instruction.」 Can you hear how dead those Latin nouns are that end in i-o-n? Decision. Instruction. They have no people in them doing something.
句子中的所有的活力都被剝離了。可是,我從句中剝離出來的內容又有什麼大不了的?那是我把活生生的梭羅從句中剝離出去了,再也難覓梭羅的身影。我只是把所有的主動動詞替換成了被動動詞,就成這樣了。每一次我把梭羅用的某一個主動動詞替換成一個被動動詞,我還不得不添加一個名詞,從而確保被動動詞與原意匹配。「I went to the woods because【我前往了樹林,因為】」變成了「A decision was made.【(我)做了個決定】」 我不得不添加了名詞」decision【決定】」。「To see if I could learn what it had to teach」---兩個醒目的動詞,學會和教給;我們都學過並且我們都被教過---變成了「For possible instruction.「你能感覺到那些以ion結尾的拉丁名詞有多麼的死氣沉沉了吧?Decision. Instruction.句子里根本就沒有做事的人。

So fall in love with active verbs. They are your best friends.

I have four principles of writing good English. They are Clarity, Simplicity, Brevity, and Humanity.

First, Clarity. If it』s not clear you might as well not write it. You might as well stay in bed.

Two: Simplicity. Simple is good. Most students from other countries don』t know that. When I read them a sentence that I admire, a simple sentence with short words, they think I』m joking. 「Oh, Mr. Zinsser, you』re so funny,」 a bright young woman from Nigeria told me. 「If I wrote sentences like that, people would think I』m stupid.」 Stupid like Thoreau, I want to say. Or stupid like E. B. White. Or like the King James Bible. Listen to this passage from the book of Ecclesiastes:
I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all. [Look at all those wonderful plain nouns: race, battle, bread, riches, favor, time, chance.]
第二條,簡單。簡單的就是好的。大多數來自其他國家的學生並不了解這一點。當我讀給他們自己欽佩的一個句子的時候,只有幾個單詞的簡單句子,他們覺得我在開玩笑。」哦,Zinsser先生,你真搞笑「,一位年輕而聰明的奈及利亞女學生這麼告訴我。」假如我寫出那樣的句子,人們會認為我是個蠢貨。「 和梭羅一樣蠢?我本來想說,或者像E.B.White一樣蠢?還是像欽定版聖經一樣?聽聽傳道書中的這一段:

Or stupid like Abraham Lincoln, whom I consider our greatest American writer. Here』s Lincoln addressing the nation in his Second Inaugural Address as president, in 1865, at the end of the long, terrible, exhausting Civil War:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right [eleven straight one-syllable words], let us strive on [active verb] to finish the work we are in, to bind up [active verb] the nation』s wounds, to care [active verb] for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan [specific nouns],—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

Here』s another American President, Barack Obama, also a wonderful writer, who modeled his own style on Lincoln』s. In his memoir, Dreams from My Father. a beautifully written book, Obama recalls how, as a boy,
At night, lying in bed, I would let the slogans drift away, to be replaced with a series of images, romantic images, of a past I had never known. They were of the civil rights movement, mostly, the grainy black-and-white footage that appears every February during Black History Month. . . . A pair of college students . . . placing their orders at a lunch counter teetering on the edge of riot. . . . A county jail bursting with children, their hands clasped together, singing freedom songs. Such images became a form of prayer for me [beautiful phrase], bolstering my spirits, channeling my emotions in a way that words never could. They told me [active verb] . . . that I wasn』t alone in my particular struggles, and that communities . . . had to be created, fought for, tended like gardens [specific detail]. They expanded or contracted [active verbs] with the dreams of men. . . . In the sit-ins, the marches, the jailhouse songs [specific detail], I saw [active verb] the African-American community becoming more than just the place where you』d been born or the house where you』d been raised [simple nouns: place, house]. . . . Because this community I imagined was still in the making, built on the promise that the larger American community, black, white, and brown, could somehow redefine itself—I believed [active verb] that it might, over time, admit the uniqueness of my own life.

So remember: Simple is good. Writing is not something you have to embroider with fancy stitches to make yourself look smart.

Principle number 3. Brevity. Short is always better than long. Short sentences are better than long sentences. Short words are better than long words. Don』t say_currently_ if you can say now. Don』t say assistance if you can say help. Don』t say_numerous_ if you can say many. Don』t say facilitate if you can say ease. Don』t call someone an individual [five syllables!]; that』s a person, or a man or a woman. Don』t implement or prioritize. Don』t say anything in writing that you wouldn』t comfortably say in conversation. Writing is talking to someone else on paper or on a screen.

Which brings me to my fourth principle: Humanity. Be yourself. Never try in your writing to be someone you』re not. Your product, finally, is you. Don』t lose that person by putting on airs, trying to sound superior.

There are many modern journalists I admire for their strong, simple style, whom I could recommend to you as models. Two who come to mind are Gay Talese and Joan Didion. Here』s a passage by Talese, from his book of collected magazine pieces, The Gay Talese Reader, about the great Yankee baseball star, Joe DiMaggio, who at one point was married to Marilyn Monroe:
_Joe DiMaggio lives with his widowed sister, Marie, in a tan stone house on a quiet residential street near Fisherman』s Wharf. He bought the house almost thirty years ago for his parents, and after their death he lived there with Marilyn Monroe. . . . There are some baseball trophies and plaques in a small room off DiMaggio』s bedroom, and on his dresser are photographs of Marilyn Monroe, and in the living room downstairs is a small painting of her that DiMaggio likes very much [___how nice that sentence is—how simple and direct___]: It reveals only her face and shoulders, and she is wearing a very wide-brimmed sun hat, and there is a soft sweet smile on her lips, an innocent curiosity about her that is the way he saw her and the way he wanted her to be seen by others.
我知道不少以強烈而簡潔著稱的現代作家,我欽佩他們的風格,在此我打算推薦給你們作為典範。嘴邊的兩個是Gay Talese和Joan Didion。這裡是Talese的一段文字,來自於發表在雜誌上的文章的合集,《致Gay Talese的讀者們》,都是關於偉大的「Yankee」棒球隊明星Joe DiMaggio,也就是與Marilyn Monroe有過一段婚姻的那位。

[Notice all those one-syllable words: 「the way he saw her and the way he wanted her to be seen.」 The sentence is absolutely clean—there』s not one word in it that』s not necessary and not one extra word. Get rid of every element in your writing that』s not doing useful work. It』s all clutter.]_
瞧瞧所有這些單音節單詞:「the way he saw her and the way he wanted her to be seen.【他看她的方式,】」句子絕對的簡明,每個單詞都用的恰如其分,更沒有多餘的詞。在寫作中,去掉那些沒用的詞藻,這就是所有的秘密。

And here』s Joan Didion, who grew up in California and wrote brilliant magazine pieces about its trashy lifestyle in the 1960s. No anthropologist caught it better. This passage is from her collection of early magazine pieces, Slouching Toward Bethlehem.
There are always little girls around rock groups—the same little girls who used to hang around saxophone players, girls who lived on the celebrity and power and sex a band projects when it plays—and there are three of them out here this afternoon in Sausalito where the Grateful Dead rehearse. They are all pretty and two of them still have baby fat and one of them dances by herself with her eyes closed [perfect simple image]. . . . Somebody said that if I was going to meet some runaways I better pick up some hamburgers and Cokes on the way, so I did, and we are eating them in the Park together, me, Debbie who is fifteen, and Jeff who is sixteen. Debbie and Jeff ran away twelve days ago, walked out of school with $100 between them [active verbs: ran away, walked out of school]. . . . Debbie is buffing her fingernails with the belt to her suède jacket. She is annoyed because she chipped a nail and because I do not have any polish remover in the car. I promise to get her to a friend』s apartment so that she can redo her manicure, but something has been bothering me and as I fiddle with the ignition I finally ask it. I ask them to think back to when they were children, to tell me what they had wanted to be when they were grown up, how they had seen the future then. Jeff throws a Coca-Cola bottle out the car window. 「I can』t remember I ever thought about it,」 he says. 「I remember I wanted to be a veterinarian once,」 Debbie says. 「But now I』m more or less working in the vein of being an artist or a model or a cosmetologist. Or something.」
這還有Joan Didion,在加利福尼亞長大並寫出了膾炙人口的雜誌社論,大多關於她在1960年垃圾般的生活方式。沒有其他人類學家,比她做的更好。以下的片段來自於她早期的報刊文章合集,《Slouching Toward Bethlehem》。

Here』s the first paragraph of an article of mine that originally ran in The New Yorker. (It』s now in my book Mitchell Ruff.)
Jazz came to China for the first time on the afternoon of June 2, 1981, when the American bassist and French-horn player Willie Ruff introduced himself and his partner, the pianist Dwike Mitchell, to several hundred students and professors who were crowded into a large room at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. The students and the professors were all expectant, without quite knowing what to expect. They only knew that they were about to hear the first American jazz concert ever presented to the Chinese. Probably they were not surprised to find that the two musicians were black, though black Americans are a rarity in the People』s Republic. What they undoubtedly didn』t expect was that Ruff would talk to them in Chinese, and when he began they murmured with delight.
這裡是我的一篇文章的第一段,起初發表在《紐約人》之上。(現在收錄到了我的《Mitchell Ruff》書中。)

Five plain declarative sentences that get the story started at full speed—WHAP! You』re right in that room at the Shanghai Conservatory on that June afternoon in 1981.

I』ve given you these examples because writing is learned by imitation. We all need models. Bach needed a model; Picasso needed a model. Make a point of reading writers who are doing the kind of writing you want to do. (Many of them write for_The New Yorker_.) Study their articles clinically. Try to figure out how they put their words and sentences together. That』s how I learned to write, not from a writing course.

Two final thoughts. Some of you, hearing me talk to you so urgently about the need to write plain English, perhaps found yourself thinking: 「That』s so yesterday. Journalism has gone digital, and I』ve come to Columbia to learn the new electronic media. I no longer need to write well.」 I think you need to write even more clearly and simply for the new media than for the old media. You』ll be making and editing videos and photographs and audio recordings to accompany your articles. Somebody—that』s you—will still have to write all those video scripts and audio scripts, and your writing will need to be lean and tight and coherent: plain nouns and verbs pushing your story forward so that the rest of us always know what』s happening. This principle applies—and will apply—to every digital format; nobody wants to consult a Web site that isn』t instantly clear. Clarity, brevity, and sequential order will be crucial to your success.

I emphasize this because the biggest problem that paralyzes students is not how to write; it』s how to organize what they are writing. They go out on a story, and they gather a million notes and a million quotes, and when they come back they have no idea what the story is about—what is its proper narrative shape? Their first paragraph contains facts that should be on page five; facts are on page five that should be in the first paragraph. The stories exist nowhere in time or space; the people could be in Brooklyn or Bogotá.

The epidemic I』m most worried about isn』t swine flu. It』s the death of logical thinking. The cause, I assume, is that most people now get their information from random images on a screen—pop-ups, windows, and sidebars—or from scraps of talk on a digital phone. But writing is linear and sequential; Sentence B must follow Sentence A, and Sentence C must follow Sentence B, and eventually you get to Sentence Z. The hard part of writing isn』t the writing; it』s the thinking. You can solve most of your writing problems if you stop after every sentence and ask: What does the reader need to know next?」

One maxim that my students find helpful is: One thought per sentence. Readers only process one thought at a time. So give them time to digest the first set of facts you want them to know. Then give them the next piece of information they need to know, which further explains the first fact. Be grateful for the period. Writing is so hard that all of us, once launched, tend to ramble. Instead of a period we use a comma, followed by a transitional word (and, while), and soon we have strayed into a wilderness that seems to have no road back out. Let the humble period be your savior. There』s no sentence too short to be acceptable in the eyes of God.

As you start your journey here at Columbia this week, you may tell yourself that you』re doing 「communications,」 or 「new media,」 or 「digital media」 or some other fashionable new form. But ultimately you』re in the storytelling business. We all are. It』s the oldest of narrative forms, going back to the caveman and the crib, endlessly riveting. What happened? Then what happened? Please remember, in moments of despair, whatever journalistic assignment you』ve been given, all you have to do is tell a story, using the simple tools of the English language and never losing your own humanity.

_Repeat after me:
Short is better than long.
Simple is good. (Louder)
Long Latin nouns are the enemy.
Anglo-Saxon active verbs are your best friend.
One thought per sentence._
Good luck to you all.


來了,書不白讀的啊,終於有在學校外派一本正經的用場的地方了,英語文學學的吐血了,老師要求高一學生賞析莎士比亞的sonnet還要寫anlysis essay背誦劇本台詞自己製作道具表演簡直喪心病狂,有木有啊,



既然你說修辭手法啊,figurative language,有好多要說的呢,

whenever u describe sth. by comparing it with something else, u r using f.l.

any language that goes beyond the literal meaning go words in order to an idea or a subject.

the most common figures of speech r smile, metaphor, alliteration, imagery, onomatopoeia, personification,idioms, symbolism, irony


language that appeal to the 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing)

descriptions of people or objects stated in terms of our senses.

The entire silence was shattered by her scream.
she was like a breath of are*sh air infusing life back
The shampoo smelled like lemons.


a figure of speech that involves a direct comparison between two unlike things, usually with the words like or as.

I turned as white as a ghost when you jumped put at me.
My father is as busy as a bee.
She was as cute as a kitten.
My brother runs like the wind.


a figure of speech which involves an implied comparison between 2 relatively unlike things using a form of be. the comparison is not announced by like or as.

The road was ribbon of moonlight.
The snow is a white blanket.


-same word

-first letter

-sound the same

Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words.

Alliteration is used to create melody, establish mood, call attention to important words, and point out similarities and contrasts.

Wide-eyed and wondering while we wait for others to waken.


The use of words that mimic sounds.

They appealed to our sense of hearing and they help bring a description to life.

A string of syllables the author has made up to represent the way a sound really sounds.



A figure of speech which gives the qualities of a person to an animal an object 2 idea.

It is a comparison which the author uses 2 show something in an entirely new light 2 communicate a certain feeling attitude towards it.

The wind howled in the night.
The car complained as the key was turned.
The birds are singing.
The insects are dancing.


An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect

It is used 2 mislead the reader, but 2 emphasize a point.

I am so hungry that I can eat an elephant.
She"s said so on several millions occasions.
It was 1000 degrees yesterday.
I was so cold my face nearly froze.


Language specific expression, figures of speech

hit a brick wall
( If u hit the wall when u r trying 2 achieve sth. u reach a situation where u can not make any more progress )


A character, an action, a setting, or an object representing something else can be a symbol.

Most often, the symbol in a story is an object that represent its owner"s character to situation, or both.

a seclude, near-empty apartment might represent the alienation and emotion emptiness of the person living there.

symbols r usually recognizable by the amount of emphasis they receive.

Objects intended 2 be viewed as symbolic may be described in detail, be included in the title, be referred to frequently, or emphasized at the beginning or ending of the story .

When we recognize a symbol and understand its meaning we see more clearly what the writer choose to emphasize.


3 main types of irony

-verbal irony

-dramatic irony

-situational irony

Verbal irony

the contrast between what is said and what is meant.

in other words, sarcasm

She is as smart as a brick.
The water was as clear as mud.
I got in a cat accident, lucky me.
That was as pleasant as surgery.

Dramatic irony

contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what we know to be true.

The reader knows more than the characters.

Because we know sth. the character dose not, we read to discover how the character will react when he or she learns the truth of the situation.

2 people in a story r engaged to be married but we know through the narration that the man is planning on running away before the wedd

Situational irony

contrast between what happens and what was expected or what would seem appropriate

A fire station burns down.
The police station gets robbed.
The teacher failed the test they created.




1. Rhythm/metre; 節奏感。

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It was/ the best/ of times,/ it was/ the worst/ of times./


It was/ the best/ of times/ it was/ the worst/ of times.
Each foot has an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. These are called iambs 抑揚.
London/ bridge is/ falling/ down.
Here the feet are made up of stressed syllables followed by unstressed syllables. These are called trochees 揚抑.

在英文詩歌里,有不同的feet(我翻譯成韻腳吧),比如 iamb (rising),trochee (falling), spondee,pyrrhic,anapaest (rising),dactyl (falling),對應不同的側重。也就是 Iambic抑揚格,Trochaic揚抑格,Spondaic揚揚格,Pyrrhic抑抑格,Anapestic抑抑揚格,dactylic揚抑抑格。翻譯也有說長短格/短長格的。

對於這個feet的數量,有 monometer,dimeter,trimeter, tetrameter,pentameter, hexameter, heptameter,octameter (一二三四五六七八,步)。。


Shall I/ compare/ thee to/ a sum/mer』s day?
Iambic pentameter 抑揚,五音步
Double,/ Double,/ Toil and/ Trouble;
Fire/ burn and/ cauldron/ bubble.
Trochaic tetrameter 揚抑,四音步

不同的音重表達不同的情緒,比如iamb(抑揚)就非常自然,據說四分之三的英文詩歌都是抑揚的。揚抑就比較快一些,比如London/ bridge is/ falling/ down

2. 押韻/重複


「People praise prophetic poetry.」


「That solitude which suits abstruser musings.」


「She tipped her loyal big dog a big hug」


『And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain.』
- Edgar Allen Poe, 『The Raven.』

栗子很多,再比如Wilfred Owen』s 『Anthem for Doomed Youth.』 大家可以關注一下加粗體的部分。

What pass/ing-bells/ for these/ who die/ as cattle?

Only /the mon/strous an/ger of/ the guns.

Only /the stut/tering/ rifles『/ rapid/ rattle

Can pat/ter out/ their ha/sty or/isons.

No mock/eries/ now for/ them; no /prayers/ nor bells;

Nor an/y voice/ of mourn/ing save/ the choirs, –

The shrill/, demen/ted choirs/ of wail/ing shells;

And bu/gles call/ing for/ them from/ sad shires.

What can/dles may/ be held/ to speed/ them all?

Not in/ the hands/ of boys/ but in/ their eyes

Shall shine/ the ho/ly glimm/ers of/ goodbyes.

The pall/or of/ girls" brows/ shall be/ their pall;

Their flowers/ the ten/derness/ of pat/ient minds,

And each/ slow dusk/ a draw/ing-down/ of blinds.

關於音韻,這個英韻淺談:Alliteration, Consonance amp; Assonance 講的很清楚~

但是,對於韻而言,不同人也有不同的觀點,諸如有人說,rhyme only sounds nice。聽上去好沒多大意義對不對,(讓人想起了一些駢文和古風……);也有人說all poems need rhyme,其實也不必。

所以後來也有blank verse這種東西存在啦,比如 "In the Back of the Real"( Allen Ginsberg)

Yellow, yellow flower, and

flower of industry,

tough spiky ugly flower,

flower nonetheless,

with the form of the great yellow

Rose in your brain!

This is the flower of the World.


Since the siege and assault had ceased at Troy,

The city left broken and burned to brands and ashes,

The knight who wove the trammel nets of treason there

Was tried for his treachery, the truest on earth.


A rhyme ending on a single stressed syllable is called a "masculine rhyme."

Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,

And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

A rhyme using two or more syllables and ending on an unstressed syllable is called a "feminine rhyme."

This is a job – I get paid to sling some raps,

What you made last year was less than my income tax.

Big Daddy Kane, "One Day."

先寫這些啦~ 希望有所幫助


舉個栗子,霉霉的blank space里有一句「I"m a nightmare dressed like a day dream」 用夢魘和白日夢進行對比,挺值得玩味的。

還有我很喜歡的viva la vida的歌詞,描寫的是沒落的路易十四世臨刑前的內心活動,借用對比,比喻,典故等手法寫出了一種蒼涼感。歌詞如下:

I used to rule the world


Seas would rise when I gave the word


Now in the morning I sleep alone


Sweep the streets I used to own


I used to roll the dice


Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes


Listen as the crowd would sing:


"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"


One minute I held the key


Next the walls were closed on me


And I discovered that my castles stand


Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand


I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing


Roman Cavalry choirs are singing


Be my mirror my sword and shield


My missionaries in a foreign field


For some reason I can"t explain


Once you go there was never, never an honest word


That was when I ruled the world


It was the wicked and wild wind


Blew down the doors to let me in


Shattered windows and the sound of drums


People couldn"t believe what I"d become


Revolutionaries wait


For my head on a silver plate


Just a puppet on a lonely string


Oh who would ever want to be king?


I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing


Roman Cavalry choirs are singing


Be my mirror my sword and shield


My missionaries in a foreign field


or some reason I can"t explain


I know Saint Peter won"t call my name


Never an honest word


But that was when I ruled the world











我舉一個例子,Stephen King 的 Lisey"s Story有這麼一句話。

Time apparently did nothing but blunt grief"s sharpest edge so that it hacked rather than sliced.


再來一個例子,美國獨立宣言由傑斐遜起草。他寫的第一句話原本是We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable。後來拿給本傑明富蘭克林看。富蘭克林是印刷社當學徒出身的,後來又辦報紙,寫作水平非常高。結果他把sacred and undeniable替換成了self-evident。這樣一來,原本沒有文採的一句話變成了廣泛傳誦的金句。


analogy 類比

personification 擬人

alliteration 頭韻

metaphor 隱喻

similes 明喻



「I wasted time, and now doth time waste me;

For now hath time made me his numbering clock:

My thoughts are minutes; and with sighs they jar

Their watches on unto mine eyes, the outward watch,

Whereto my finger, like a dial"s point,

Is pointing still, in cleansing them from tears.

Now sir, the sound that tells what hour it is

Are clamorous groans, which strike upon my heart,

Which is the bell: so sighs and tears and groans

Show minutes, times, and hours.」


It』s perpetual motion; the thing man wanted to invent but never did. . . . It』s a mystery. . . . Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences . . . clean, quick, sure; nothing to rot later. Antibiotic, aesthetic, practical. 華氏451










說個老梗 r u thinking what i am thinking








The leaves in the cottonwood grove whispered in the breeze high over my head.


我們來看這句話,是一個native speaker寫出來的。


中文有修辭手法英文也有啊!!!用起來!!!什麼比喻擬人誇張等等,用起來!!!(rhetoric )


Her face had turned a milky yellow. The smear of rouge that was still on each cheekbone stood out sharply, almost as though unconnected with the skin beneath.




而native speakers的一個非常突出的寫作習慣就是細節(details)




The recent investigation shows that women spend 40% of their working hours scrubbing the floors, washing the dirty clothes, cooking the nice meals, and taking care of babies.



比如,學生很忙(students are busy)


E.g. Students, attending schools in China, are mandated to study over ten academic subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, and English, simultaneously. Meanwhile, the overwhelming assignments, would take up their sleep hours to a tremendous extent.


第三才是辭彙和句式 ( vocabulary sentence structure)

一篇作文不可能全是簡單的初中詞,也不可能全是I love you這種簡單句。那麼怎樣處理出文採好不做作的句子呢?







比如,significant在很多英漢詞典上都有一個意思是「大的」。然而這個「大的」指的是「意義大」。總不能說"What a significant square!"吧...可以說它意義重大,但不能表示huge。





Walk unsteadily --- totter

Cry loudly --- wail

Make upset --- frustrate

Occupy --- take up

Continue --- see through




《英語聽力入門 》step by step ,這個系列的書怎麼樣?適合什麼聽力水平的人?

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