
審慎監管(prudential regulation)來源於巴塞爾銀行監管委員會於1997年推出的《有效銀行監管的核心原則》(Core Principles for effective Banking Supervision),其中主要列出了二十二條原則。第六至第十五條原則為審慎監管和要求(Prudential Regulations and Requirements)。

原文在Core principles for effective banking supervision

Prudential Regulations and Requirements

6. Banking supervisors must set prudent and appropriate minimum capital adequacy requirements for all banks. Such requirements should reflect the risks that the banks undertake, and must define the components of capital, bearing in mind their ability to absorb losses. At least for internationally active banks, these requirements must not be less than those established in the Basle Capital Accord and its amendments.

7. An essential part of any supervisory system is the evaluation of a bank"s policies, practices and procedures related to the granting of loans and making of investments and the ongoing management of the loan and investment portfolios.

8. Banking supervisors must be satisfied that banks establish and adhere to adequate policies, practices and procedures for evaluating the quality of assets and the adequacy of loan loss provisions and loan loss reserves.

9. Banking supervisors must be satisfied that banks have management information systems that enable management to identify concentrations within the portfolio and supervisors must set prudential limits to restrict bank exposures to single borrowers or groups of related borrowers.

10. In order to prevent abuses arising from connected lending, banking supervisors must have in place requirements that banks lend to related companies and individuals on an arm"s-length basis, that such extensions of credit are effectively monitored, and that other appropriate steps are taken to control or mitigate the risks.

11. Banking supervisors must be satisfied that banks have adequate policies and procedures for identifying, monitoring and controlling country risk and transfer risk in their international lending and investment activities, and for maintaining appropriate reserves against such risks.

12. Banking supervisors must be satisfied that banks have in place systems that accurately measure, monitor and adequately control market risks; supervisors should have powers to impose specific limits and/or a specific capital charge on market risk exposures, if warranted.

13. Banking supervisors must be satisfied that banks have in place a comprehensive risk management process (including appropriate board and senior management oversight) to identify, measure, monitor and control all other material risks and, where appropriate, to hold capital against these risks.

14. Banking supervisors must determine that banks have in place internal controls that are adequate for the nature and scale of their business. These should include clear arrangements for delegating authority and responsibility; separation of the functions that involve committing the bank, paying away its funds, and accounting for its assets and liabilities; reconciliation of these processes; safeguarding its assets; and appropriate independent internal or external audit and compliance functions to test adherence to these controls as well as applicable laws and regulations.

15. Banking supervisors must determine that banks have adequate policies, practices and procedures in place, including strict "know-your-customer" rules, that promote high ethical and professional standards in the financial sector and prevent the bank being used, intentionally or unintentionally, by criminal elements.

彼時,我國尚未成立銀監會,銀行業還是由中國人民銀行監管的,因此1997年版的《核心原則》以人行翻譯版為準:1997年14期 有效銀行監管的核心原則












以上只是最初版(1997年),巴塞爾銀行監管委員會分別於2006年和2011年兩次更新了《核心原則》,英文原版可在其官網Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision和Core principles for effective banking supervision找到;2006年的中文版推薦看銀監會的翻譯版本巴塞爾委員會《有效銀行監管核心原則》,2011年版銀監會未在網上公布中文翻譯,但出版了書籍,如有需要,可供參考有效銀行監管核心原則 (豆瓣)。




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