2014 年,蘋果公司會有什麼大動作?

譬如說 2013 年重新設計,並發布了激動人心的 Mac Pro,2014 年會不會有類似的事情?

我們已經開始為12inch iPad設計accessory.

昨天和Investment Club的夥計們討論的就是類似的話題,因為Q1財報還沒出,主要的預測和想法都基於去年Q4和2014年的預算支出。


● Apple TV

● iWatch (特指手錶,至於可穿戴設備,見後)

● Macbook Air Retina



- Apple會推出更大屏的新一代iPhone,all new design with iOS 8; iPhone 4S將退出生產線;iPhone 5C將會繼續保留,代替4S在細分市場末端的角色;iPhone 5S有可能降價保留,也有可能被新的中端機器代替。(這有一個很好玩的點就是,我們非常相信,Apple將在明年推出高、中、低三檔的iPhone細分,。特別是2014年預算中對新建生產線和改進裝配線的加大投入從側面might證明這一點。)

- Apple歷年的生產線和定價是最讓專家的頭疼的。接上面,我們認為最可能的定價是以下兩種: A,iPhone 6? $649 — iPhone 5S $549 — iPhone 5C $449

B,iPhone 6? $749 — iPhone 5S的改進版 $649 — iPhone 5C $449

Personally prefer the second one.

- Apple 新iPhone具體的長相,現在的情況下根本無法預測,肯定還沒沒設計好。我們也試圖從Apple設計哲學的角度和幾個供貨商的專利預測。我個人傾向於, 4.5及以下屏幕, 更好的製造工藝(100億刀的製造能力的投資,ipad air和火鍋Mac的製造經驗)


- Apple會推出13寸的新一代iPad; iPad和iPad mini會有小幅升級,類似加入指紋識別功能,新的CPU;iPad 2很有可能不退市,繼續光榮地為企業用戶活著。

- Apple目前最睿智的決定就是把Laptop市場和Tablet市場明顯的劃分。但大屏iPad的出現應該是歷史的選擇,是趨勢所在,當Tablet出現讓大家意識到手是最好的交互介質的時候,這就是必然會出現的。不過我們預測在最初大屏iPad主要還是以企業用戶、服務業業主為主,因為人這種動物一旦陷入某種適應的模式,即便能讓你better off也不願意嘗試改變。

- Apple對於iPad和Mini更新的慾望應該和消費者的期待一樣低。只能期望同市場的對手給點力了。

- Apple,企業用戶和教育用戶 put iPad 2 in a weird situation. iPad 2的高利潤率和非常成熟的生產線,以公司的角度是供應鏈的亮點,而相同地,對於一次需求很大的企業用戶和學校來說,$200-300區間的iPad平板也同樣具有 誘惑。但諷刺地是,「根本不會考慮蘋果中檔產品」的普通消費者和預測專家卻並不買賬,理由就不列舉了。我個人認為Apple會讓iPad 2再活一年,待現在的產品周期成熟之後,被iPad Air replace掉。

●iWearable device

- Apple 會推出一部可穿戴設備;但並不是大家希望的手錶,更有可能是腕帶或者iPod之類的配件;也很有可能是與Nike合作的iFuel Band;可穿戴設備的定價不會低於$200.

- Apple從2012年底開始的人員變動和收購,iPhone里的雙晶元設計和Tim Cook在NIKE board里的身份,種種跡象都顯示可穿戴設備正在被設計和即將被release。但我們認為產品以手錶的形式出現的可能性不大。

* Apple "s strategy"s is "if this product can not brings over 100B dollars, we won"t do that." 更有可能作為配件出現

* 手錶屬於實用價值比較低的裝飾品,被賦予的意義更多。類似身份、地位之類的。我們都木有錢玩表,最多戴個壯壯氣勢,所以這方面也沒什麼說的。

* 可能的「Apple生態圈遙控器」的作用,因為Apple生態圈並不成熟,所以目前來說並不現實。


- Apple會在iOS 7的經驗上推出iOS 8,但並不會有非常明顯的改動;Apple地圖的繼續升級;與可穿戴設備的互聯;OS設備的生態圈會更加緊密;OS X不會完全採用移動端的Flat UI;車載OS會有 新的突破,更多廠家達成同標準協議。軟硬不同,不展開說了。


● 因為處在產品鏈交接的狀態,利潤率可能會有下降。

● 股票的表現,因為大家對Tim"s Apple熟悉程度的增加以及年末新品的發布,會有大的增幅空間。個人認為可能有些像2011年的狀況,2015年年初年中達到一個不錯的水平(800?)。總而言之,市場的信心相比於2013有很大的復甦。

● Apple的營銷模式會有明顯的改變,蘋果挖來英國奢侈品公司 Burberry 的 CEO Angela Ahrendts,該如何分析此事? 吳老師的答案分析的很清楚。

● 出貨能力相比於13年有較大進步,但還是無法解決初期供不應求的局面(廢話)

● Apple在企業用戶及PC市場的份額都進一步增加。特別是Macbook Air開始發力。(五年了容易么...)

● 我的Macbook今年要換一次鍵盤套,我的iPod touch在6年之後終於被玩壞。








The latest fodder comes from the Apple Insider blog, which found an Apple patent filing pointing to a smart watch with a flexible touchscreen display.

So it seems Apple is throwing the traditional watch look out the window and bringing back the slap bracelet.

Apple filed an application for a "Bi-stable spring with flexible display" with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in August 2011.

The application describes a design that has a flexible display with a strap made of a bi-stable spring made of thin steel. When worn, the watch"s "on-board sensors, like gyroscopes and accelerometers, would aid in orienting the screen"s information toward the user," Apple Insider noted.




2,更早些時候,2008年12月,蘋果申請了另一個專利:head-tracking display

這個專利是為了移動觀影體驗設計出來的,戴上這個神器,能讓人感覺到真實的3D體驗,專利解釋說,個人顯示設備可以連接到iphone和ipod以及電腦和其他更傳統的設備。如果說真的能用穿戴式設備改變人們的觀影體驗,那非這個莫屬了,這個頭戴式設備可不是100寸4K屏可以比擬的,屆時的身臨其境的感覺,應該會引發比Googl Glass更強的風暴。

he US Patent Office today published two Apple patent filings that reveal the company having researched a unique head-tracking display technology designed to replicate the theater experience. Noting that watching a fixed view on a screen may be tiring, the company says it has developed a system that would let users mimic an auditorium, a baseball park, a movie theater or other environment by giving them a virtual position in the theater and panning, skewing or stretching the picture to reflect the view.


Who wants their smartphone screen on just one side when they can have it on both? A new Apple patent application published today by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office details a device that ditches a flat design and instead goes for a flexible, wraparound AMOLED display. This could have huge implications for future iPhone.

Instead of sharp edges, the curved, wraparound design would allow for a wider selection of items on display, so users could hypothetically view 10 apps on their screen instead of, say, 5, and view photos, videos and text on their screen from all 360 degrees around. Plus, going for a wraparound display would abandon physical buttons, so users would be fully reliant on touch gestures to use their device.



It seems like gesture-based control is the in thing now thanks to a recent patent filed by Apple. The recently published patent revealed that Apple had plans to implement a system that would allow users to interact with their Mac computers via gestures, a system that we guess could be comparable to Microsoft』s Xbox Kinect system. The reasoning behind this patent was because Apple felt that controllers such as the mouse could only be operated in two dimensions – X and Y. This they said could become cumbersome when interacting and manipulating objects in three dimensions. Their solution is to create a system which was not only 「economical, small, portable and versatile」, but would be uncomplicated and highly effective. For example the system could provide visual cues to help the user with their gestures and manipulation, such as a virtual representation of the user』s hand on the screen. Apart from controlling the computer, this system could also allow presence detection, letting users log into their computers via face detection, or even putting the computer into sleep mode or shutting down when the user walks away. Once again with most patents, as cool as they might sound, it』s pretty hard to say if and when Apple will actually put these patents into effect and turn them into future products, but for now we can only dream of the possibilities.



我唯一能想到的就是在更新apple TV的時候,將這個方塊一樣的小東西用到apple TV上,再配合一下體感,大有趕超Wii的趨勢。

恩,大家別等apple TV了

The wand, which was revealed in a patent filing published for the first time this week, would control the movement of a cursor displayed on a TV screen by the position and orientation at which it is held by the user. As the user moves the wand, the on-screen cursor would follow.





macbook air retina;





iGlass/iWatch這麼無聊的東西。我真心不明白iGlass/iWatch能應用到哪些領域,雖然Google glass剛出來的時候我也振奮了一下,但現在再去想想,Google glass 還是技術不成熟的基礎上的產物,有很多局限,待機時間短、顯示的內容還很局限,操作上還是有很多局限,Google glass充其量只是技術驗證而已,這樣的產品蘋果是不會去做的。至於iWatch我就更看不懂了。。。。



3、MacBook air 出retina

有什麼必要呢??那MacBook Pro retina怎麼辦?




12寸的iPad pro


Apple Has An iPad Pro In The Works That Could Be A Hybrid Tablet-Laptop

預測能有A8處理器,並且是一款混合本,『will change laptop forever』

Arriving in fall 『14, Apple goes Enterprise with an 12」 iPad. Powered by the A8 chip (perhaps 4C), this expands ARM』s reach and, once again, transforms the traditional notebook market as we know it. Expect a 2-1 hybrid – think iPad + MBA – similar to how most iPads are used in the workplace and in the same spirit of MSFT』s Surface. We discussed A7 in detail, the benefits of 64b, and why it makes sense in our note. Two obstacles: (1) Microsoft Office not just Office 365 and (2) local storage. This would hit Intel in an area of strength – enterprise NBs – and open up the monopoly to price competition, a common theme for Intel in 2014.

相關新聞: Apple Is Working On A 12-Inch MacBook That Will "Redefine Laptop Computing"



macbook air retina;







17號蘋果發布的iPad air2與Google16號發布的Nexus9哪個更值得買,為什麼,他們各自的亮點優勢是什麼?
為什麼2015年秋季蘋果發布會選擇了 OneRepublic 來獻唱?
蘋果 2017 年 3 月 21 日新款 iPad 的實際體驗如何?
在 Apple 中國工作是怎樣一種體驗?

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