斯科特·福斯托(Scott Forstall)為什麼離職?是因為跟喬納森·艾弗(Jonathan Ive)的關係太差嗎?
蘋果公司公關稿: Apple Announces Changes to Increase Collaboration Across...
評論寫不下,忝列答案。http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4714473 有一條評論很好,作者 wisty,抄錄如下:
I think there"s a few layers to this:
1) Forstall apparently wants to be CEO, and run the company. That puts him at odds with Cook (the CEO), and Ive (who wants to drive Apple"s design decisions).2) He"s divisive. There"s claims that neither Jonny Ive nor Bob Mansfield would talk to him without Tim Cook mediating. There"s also claims that he "managed up" (showed off to the boss) better than he "managed down", and stole credit while deflecting critisism.3) He was the guy in charge of Siri and Maps.
4) He was probably the one driving the post-Jobs war with Google.Siri and Maps are Apple"s way of fighting Google. Siri competes with Google Search, and Maps competes with Google Maps. There are reasons why Apple wants to spite Google, but the whole strategy could also be Scot Forstall"s way of creating his own empire in Apple. Going head to head with Google requires lots of resources, which would all be under Forstall"s command.I don"t think it"s a good gamble for Apple. Google doesn"t really hate Apple. I bet they"ll port everything they can to iOS, as long as they can keep pushing their ads. Nexus might see Apple as a competitor, but Nexus isn"t worth as much as adwords. As Eric Schmidt said in an interview - "It"s their call".If Apple goes down the path Forstall wants, they"ll be going head to head with Google in the things Google is best at. If they stop trying to turn into a data / AI company, they can focus on what they do best - making easy to use devices which sell like hotcakes, and command a fat profit margin.
Android will hurt them, but as long as they focus on their core strengths (hardware, marketing, industrial design, interface design, and integration) they"ll continue to do pretty well. They milked the iPod for a decade, despite there being plenty of better value competitors. They can do the same with the iPhone. They can do the same with whatever the next big thing is. I"d say going to war with Google will be at best a waste of time, and most likely a string of humiliating losses.
1. 小福要當頭,庫克和艾弗肯定不幹;2. 同儕矛盾,欺上壓下,偷功不領過;3. Siri和地圖;4. 要率眾對抗Google,為的是另立山頭,其實Google不想打,而蘋果打下去最好是浪費時間打不好就是自取其辱,兩邊想要的,其實是「和平」。直接的原因是:Scott Forstall 拒絕在蘋果的關於地圖問題的道歉信上簽字。
http://www.theverge.com/2012/10/29/3574022/apple-scott-forstall-ios-6-maps-apology-letter當然更多的原因是,Scott Forstall之前被一直認為是蘋果CEO的接班人。我希望的版本是:Scott Forstall被逐出,然後有一天換一種方式會回來,就像當年Jobs一樣。Scott Forstall 離職的原因主要有這麼幾個方面:
1. iOS 5 時代的 Siri 和 iOS 6 的地圖開發的無法令人滿意。尤其是 Siri,足足給了他近兩年的時間去完善,可是現在的狀況來看,質量和當初發布時基本差別不大,談不上革命性。
2. 另外就是辦公室政治,據說 Scott Forstall 不僅和 Ive 關係差,基本上和其他的 Senior VP 的關係都蠻差的,這個已經被各種IT八卦小報報道過了,不多說了。值得一提的是原蘋果硬體的 SVP Bob Mansfield 在半年前公布了自己的退休計劃,而現在又工作於」硬體創新」部門繼續為蘋果工作兩年。我覺得也和 Scott Forstall 的離開有關。是「有他沒我,有我沒他」的情形,其中有什麼隱情就不得而知了。
3. 其三是防止公司繁榮之後,各團隊各自為政,無法合作。從 Scott Forstall 的眼神、說話的語氣就可以把他性格揣測出三分,有點盛氣凌人,自以為是。所以之前蠻有爭議的蘋果倡導擬物化圖形界面設計,很難說不是他一個人做出決定和堅持的。(當然 Steve Jobs 也是擬物化設計的支持者)而他的繼任者 Craig Federighi 則比較和藹(OS X 10.6 - 10.8 都是他在發布會上介紹的,推薦大家看一下,Craig 這個人真的蠻有魅力的),Jony Ive 也重新負責人性化界面設計團隊。從這個角度來講,我個人認為 Scott Forstall 的離開是對蘋果有益的。
至於繁榮團隊各自為政的範例,那就是微軟的 Windows Team,也有個標誌性人物: Steven Sinofsky。(詳情請移步至 http://www.ifanr.com/177942 Steven Sinofsky:充滿爭議的微軟高管)Scott Forstall 離職也防止了在蘋果公司中出現 Sinofsky 一樣的人物,間接保證了整個蘋果團隊的健康發展。不和,不是那種爭權奪勢,庸人自擾的不和:
1.一定要低調。2.要廣泛結交鐵哥們。3.玩弄權術,兩面三刀。4.大丈夫能屈能伸,善於隨機應變。5.多讀歷史,多照鏡子。我們要敢於鬥爭,善於鬥爭。分析完畢!歡迎大家拍磚!謝謝!人品很差 但設計很好 PS:為什麼jobs那樣就沒人說 呵呵
TAG:蘋果公司AppleInc | 喬納森?艾弗JonathanIve | 斯科特?福斯托ScottForstall | 蘋果2012年10月人事變動 |