The definition of logo phobia: there is undoubtedly in our society, and I would not be surprised to see it in others, though taking different forms and modes, a profound logo phobia." 完全沒概念。。大神們請指教!!!
這段話出自福柯的「The Discourse on Language」,而此書可謂符號學的基石。這段話講的是「話語恐懼」,我試著用中英文具體回答你的問題。 (渣中文,看看就行,你也可以去Quora提這個問,有些學術探討還是要在英文環境中進行才可以。)
The apparent supremacy given discourse in our culture masks a fear; all our forms of discourse serve to control it, to relieve its richness of its most dangerous elements; to organize its disorder. Logophobia refers to the fear of the mass of spoken things, the possibility of errant, unrestrained discourse(Foucault, 1992).
Put it in a non-academic way, we use words every day of our lives, without which we are unable to communicate. But there are some people who have an irrational fear of words and this is called logophobia.
This fear usually originates from childhood. Experiences where at a young age there were high demands to learn new words. Phobic individuals have extreme emotions to these events, and subsequently get heightened fears. The fear of words may also be caused by illiteracy. Most of the people who fear words are those who do not know how to read and when confronted with words, they shut down immediately and refuse to try to read the words in front of them. Some might have also had a bad experience in a spelling bee for instance wherein they misspelled a word and was subject to humiliation.
The fear of words can bring about many physical symptoms, such as breathlessness, excessive sweating, shaking, inability to think, feeling nauseated, panic attacks, paranoia and even a fear of death.
當前,我們的文化賦予「話語」極大的優勢,以至於這些「話語」帶給人的恐懼被掩蓋了;我們所有的話語形式都是為了控制這種恐懼,以減輕其最危險的因素,同時也降低了它外延的豐富性。 Logo-phobia指的是大眾對言語的恐懼,恐懼它「出格」和「不受控」的可能性 (福柯,1992)。推薦閱讀:
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