P.S. 本比方只因不容易再找到一個類似場景,並沒有任何性別歧視之意。雖然目前為止我寫的論文,摘要就是論文的最後一段或者緒論的第一段。但是,我要指出它們是有不同的。摘要是文章的精華,是最重要的部分。我的一個老師告訴我,英語論文對摘要的要求相當嚴格,嚴格到摘要一般要包括四類句子:背景句Background Sentence,主題句Main topic Sentence,結果句Result sentence,結論句Conclusion sentence。而緒論則是這四句話的綜述,可以說是詳細對摘要這四句話的更加詳細的解釋。對於論文而言,摘要是讓其他研究者明確論文核心的快捷方式。而緒論則是幫助研究者在深入論文研究主題之前對該論文價值進行一個初步判斷。——————————————————————
Ⅰ. 如果是學位論文,那麼引用武漢某高校的研究生學位論文撰寫規範作為參考吧。「 摘要是學位論文極為重要、不可缺少的組成部分,它是論文的窗口,並頻繁用於國內外資料交流、情報檢索、二次文獻編輯等。其性質和要求如下:1.摘要即摘錄論文要點,是論文要點不加註釋和評論的一篇完整的陳述性短文,具有很強的自含性和獨立性,能獨立使用和被引用。2.應含有學位論文全文的主要信息,碩士學位論文摘要應突出新見解與成果,博士學位論文摘要應突出創造性成果。3.內容範圍應包含以下基本要素:(1)目的:研究、研製、調查等的前提、目的和任務以及所涉及的主題範圍。(2)方法:所用原理、理論、條件、對象、材料、工藝、手段、裝備、程序等。(3)結果:實驗的、研究的、調查的、觀察的結果、數據,被確定的關係,得到的效果、性能等。(4)結論:結果的分析、研究、比較、評價、應用;提出的問題,今後的課題,建議,預測等。
(5)其他:不屬於研究、研製、調查的主要目的,但就其見識和情報價值而言也是重要的信息。4.摘要的詳簡度視論文的內容、性質而定,碩士學位論文摘要一般為500-600漢字,博士學位論文摘要一般為800-1000漢字。5.摘要中一般不用圖、表、化學結構式、計算機程序,不用非公知公用的符號、術語和非法定的計量單位。6.關鍵詞應有3至8個,另起一行置於摘要下方。涉及的內容、領域從大到小排列,便於文獻編目與查詢。7.應有與中文摘要和關鍵詞相對應的英文摘要和關鍵詞。英語摘要用詞應準確,使用本學科通用的辭彙;摘要中主語(作用)常常省略,因而一般使用被動語態;應使用正確的時態,並要注意主、謂語的一致,必要的冠詞不能省略。引言或緒論應簡要說明研究工作的目的、範圍、相關領域的前人工作和知識空白、理論基礎和分析、研究設想、研究方法和實驗設計、預期結果和意義等。 」
Ⅱ. 如果是學術性論文/paper,那麼比較多見的情況是既有摘要/abstract,又有緒論/introduction。在很多綜述/review中,甚至在有abstract和introduction的同時,還有background。
綜上,摘要和緒論是論文中兩個有所區別的部分。雖然在實際寫作中常常將它們寫得類似,但是建議大家還是根據兩者的不同,側重的去寫這兩個部分。摘要 是對文章內容的精鍊描述,是可以獨立存在的微縮版的論文
而緒論 是文章的第一部分,提供基本信息
How to write and publish a scientific paper摘抄兩段如下:An Abstract should be viewed as a miniversion of the paper. The Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections of the paper: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. As Houghton (1975) put it, "An abstract can be defined as a summary of the information in a document."
The purpose of the Introduction should be to supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needing to refer to previous publications on the topic. The Introduction should also provide the rationale for the present study. Above all, you should state briefly and clearly your purpose in writing the paper.
Abstract vs Introduction
The last time you wrote a paper for high school or college, you were told to make sure that the beginning of the paper gave the reader sufficient warning as to the contents therein. Depending on what level you were writing, you probably heard that warning referred to as either an introduction or an abstract. Today, when you are reading papers and books, you may still notice that every well-written paper gives the reader advanced notice about what to expect. Depending on the purpose of the work, this will either be an abstract or an introduction (in fact, you are reading an introduction right now!).
Definition of Abstract and Introduction
Abstract 『「 is a short summary that is written at the beginning of a scholarly article or thesis that states the purpose of the paper and its main conclusion.Introduction 『「 is found at the beginning of any piece of writing that whet the reader』s appetite to read further and give a taste as to what will be in the rest of the pages. In a novel an introduction is naturally more creative than in an academic paper.Where You Will Find Abstracts and Introductions
Abstract 『「 if you are attending a conference, you will get abstracts of all the lectures being presented. A masters and PhD thesis will begin with an abstract, as will any scholarly article that you find in a journal from sociology to medicine.Introduction 『「 is literally the beginning of any body of writing. Non-fiction books have introductions, as do novels. Even newspaper and magazine articles start with an introduction to draw you in. High school and undergraduate research papers have introductions that act as an abstract, but are included in the body of the work.Main Purposes of Abstracts and Introductions
Abstracts 『「 are there in many ways to save the time of their readers. The people who read academic journals generally do a lot of specialized reading and therefore want to make the most of their time. Reading a one page abstract will tell them if it is worth their while to continue to read the rest of the sixty page paper.
Introductions 『「 are meant to excite a general reader and entice him to read on. They may be anecdotal in nature or contain a captivating quote. They can also be factual, but should be presented in such a way that the reader will want to know what happens next. Often they will combine all three elements.Summary:
1.Both abstracts and introductions are found at the beginning of a piece of written work.2.Abstracts and introductions want to prepare the reader for reading further.3.Abstracts accomplish point 2 by stating the purpose of the paper, whereas introductions accomplish it by drawing the reader』s interest.4.Abstracts are generally at the beginning of scholarly work, while you will find introductions at the beginning of any kind of written work. With this in mind, an abstract is a de facto introduction.摘要是你論文的精華,就是你結論的再次總結。二緒論是寫一寫與你論文相關的研究。一般看論文只看你的摘要,緒論沒人看。不過不能不寫!
※村上春樹在寫作風格上有沒有一些細節顯得他更像一個美國作家而非日本作家? 若有,是哪些細節?