在 Apple 中國工作是怎樣一種體驗?

蘋果公司是指 Apple Corporate的中國公司,而非 Retail Store 業務的 Apple Store。工作地點在國內,最好是一些技術相關的工作。請前輩指教

在Apple總部工作體驗:在蘋果公司 (Apple) 總部工作是怎樣一番體驗? - 知乎用戶的回答


作為App Store的前中國區 Store Manager,我的回答是:......


問一下富士康的人吧,比如鄭州富士康就有駐廠的SQA(Supplier Quality Assurance)、TPM(Technical Program Manager)的人,雖然有的SQA也是第三方而非蘋果的員工,比如恩立(他們連檢驗員都提供:【Apple檢驗員,恩立經濟諮詢(深圳)有限公司】前程無憂官方招聘網站)。中國方面管製造方面的居多,研發主要是在美國,在Linkedin上一搜工作你就明白了,像是SQE的工作崗位,很多後面就加一個China APO Only(一些做本地化的崗位除外,比如Apple的ITranslate團隊,像是Writer和Linguist這樣的崗位也是有在中國工作的)。

我以前也就跟SQE和PGM的人打過交道。TPM的人一般都很屌,一般由經驗人士組成了(比如我打過交道的這位:Xin Luo | LinkedIn)他們也就在產品NPI的的時候來現場,量產之後就不來了。TPM無論是在代工廠還是在自家團隊里都是很有面子的,基本上工藝有問題都會諮詢他,或者代工廠的工程師將思路彙報給他,等他批准。項目量產之後就見不到了,平日做些什麼我也無從得知……

SQE基本上隔三差五就能見到,只要有重大投訴或問題,他們就必須來現場了解,由於代工廠很多,下面的供應商全國各地否有,導致他們大半時間都在坐飛機,具體工作內容可以參考這則招聘信息:Supplier Quality Engineer at Apple in Shenzhen2 (China APO Only) -China。好在他們的職責是按負責元器件分工的(聲學模組、光學模組等等),工作量稍微減輕一點……

他們在Apple的地位聽說也挺高(畢竟庫克本人就是管供應鏈出身,應該就是GSM),在供應商看來更是高,他們跟供應商的訂單量、line audit、能否參與下一個項目等等息息相關。出了大問題,你們會不會被Disqualified也就是一句話的事情,他們覺得問題被解決了就是解決了。所以他們來了以後,都是各部門領導陪著,要是級別稍微高一點的,我們的副總經理也要出面陪著。即便如此,要是讓他們在產線發現什麼不足,還是會對供應商厲聲斥責,就像宮廷劇里的娘娘罵太監那樣(不誇張,他們對車間5S有時候也會挑刺,比如你們物料這樣放不合理),我原來的一個高級部長就是在罵聲中成長的……

Apple工作的人說話基本都是4A腔,經常會聽到他們這麼說:「我跟你講,這個issue,非常的serious,快點搞定「、」你們的今天的Daily Report有些數字跟你們的forecast對不上,breakdown裡面的這個item需要改進一下「等等。原來還覺得刺耳,現在我說話也這個味兒了……



What is it like to work at Apple?

Been there several years:

- There is very little turnover

- It"s an older demographic working there, not the 24-year old MBAs, most seem to be late 30"s to 40"s, super smart but with real life experience, too. There aren"t any Nerf guns or any of that crap, just people past all that and at the top of their game. It"s not the place for children.

- No slackers. None, haven"t met any. Everyone works their rear off.

- Apple comes first. Not to say you can"t have some personal life or even a pretty normal one, but when stuff gets crazy, work comes first ahead of all else. I"ve been in meetings at 4pm where a dozen people decide we are going to all work all night that night in the office on a problem. No discussion about "hey, I have to pick up my kids" or "let me call home first" - everyone nods and agrees, no hesitation.

- No free food but pay is above the other tech companies, especially when you consider stock grants. I"ll buy my own food, thank you.

- It"s like an ivy-league school in a way. Everyone there is A-List material and they assume you are just as good so I don"t find that there is a lot of ego. They assume that if you are full-time there, you can deliver.

- Everyone wants the absolute best product and nobody does a 70% job, you see it to the end even if it means pulling the long hours to make it happen. I"ve never seen a situation where people won"t step up to help you if you are struggling. There are no cowboys, everyone knows it may be them tomorrow that needs help. Weekend, middle of the night, etc - you team has your back to knock a problem out.

- Politics exist here as they do every company, people up the chain are pretty polished - super smart, super good at the game, but deliver the goods too.

- Serious veil of secrecy everywhere. I work on projects that I can"t tell my management about, only in vague terms and they know not to ask details.

- Liberal travel expenses. You work hard on the road but you are well cared-for too. Still not fun, but at least you feel they recognize it.

- It"s hard to get hired. Its seems like 70% of the population are contractors and very few ever get FTE.

- It"s a huge company. You tend to work in your own project groups and it feels like a startup even through they are bringing in about a billion dollars every two or so days. Crazy. It can feel understaffed for the workload but it beats feeling bored because you have a narrow focus job.

- No work from home. The company culture wants everyone face to face every day and they are very up-front and clear about it. You are in the office every day unless you are sick or dead. Nobody watches what time you are in every day but telecommute is something they very vocally say is not and will not be part of the culture. Bummer if you don"t live in the soulless south bay.

- Major street cred. Everyone in the world knows Apple and I mean everyone in every corner and people are in awe when they find out and pretty much every other job pales in comparison in conversation. It"s a marquee name to have on your resume.




不過以上不是重點,重點是這一兩年進來的絕對虧了,基本是按最高40%漲幅給你掐死的, 這和我普通跳槽又有什麼太大的區別呢?








去面試了沒面上, 惋惜中。。。





整體工作 強度大 責任大 時間長 天天出差 工資高 希望你喜歡


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