中國開發者在 App Store 的收入是否需要交稅?

原題:App Store中國區裡面購買軟體的時候政府會單筆收稅嗎?還是說對蘋果中國整個公司的利潤收稅?還有,對於開發者的收入,政府會徵稅嗎?



根據網上找到的iOS Developer Program License Agreement 及其 Schedule 2,軟體的銷售者(開發者)實際是指定Apple或者Apple的子公司(這裡會提到一家叫做iTunes SARL的盧森堡公司,其也是中國消費者登錄使用app store的授權方)作為agent / commissionaire:

Schedule 2

1. Appointment of Agent and Commissionaire

1.1 You hereby appoint Apple and Apple Subsidiaries (collectively 「Apple」) as: (i) Your agent for themarketing and delivery of the Licensed Applications to end-users located in those countries listed on Exhibit A,Section 1 to this Schedule 2, subject to change; and (ii) Your commissionaire for the marketing and delivery of the Licensed Applications to end-users located in those countries listed on Exhibit A, Section 2 to this Schedule2, subject to change, during the Delivery Period. The most current list of App Store countries among which youmay select shall be set forth in the iTunes Connect site and may be updated by Apple from time to time. Youhereby acknowledge that Apple will market and make the Licensed Applications available for download by endusers through one or more App Stores, for You and on Your behalf. For purposes of this Schedule 2, the term"Licensed Application" includes any additional permitted functionality, content or services sold by You fromwithin a Licensed Application using the In App Purchase API, and "end-user" includes actual end-users of Licensed Applications as well as authorized institutional customers, such as educational institutions approvedby Apple, which may acquire the Licensed Applications for the end-users.

Schedule 2全文:





原題:App Store中國區裡面購買軟體的時候政府會單筆收稅嗎?還是說對蘋果中國整個公司的利潤收稅?還有,對於開發者的收入,政府會徵稅嗎?

法理上說,蘋果開發者交給蘋果中國的 30% 分成算是蘋果公司的收入,而剩下 70% 是歸開發者所有的收入。但是國家並不會對蘋果公司的單筆交易收稅。首先是操作性太差,第二也沒什麼必要。對國家來說,對一個公司的整體利益收稅即可。


補充一個例外案例:某些情況下開發者註冊的區域可能和自己的工作地不同。比如,其開發者帳號和相關銀行信息可能註冊於美國,而實際工作地點則在中國。這時就可能引入一個複雜的問題:開發者的收入顯然是美國蘋果負責分發,而真正對個人徵稅的卻不該是美國國稅局(IRS),而是中國政府。這時的一個微妙處是美國銀行會根據銀行帳戶信息提出報稅資料,而且美國國稅局也可能查到這個帳戶。為了防止被兩頭課稅,開發者需要向 IRS 提供證據(印象中的主要文檔應該是 W8-BEN),證明自己確實並不在美國工作。而不同的國家對收稅的基準定義不同,所以有時候未必總能避免兩頭繳稅的問題。



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TAG:蘋果公司AppleInc | AppStore | 稅收 |