剛貫通一個隧道 屬於大長隧道 貫通誤差兩三厘米簡單來說就是控制測量1.複測靜態 然後加密靜態網 用gps
2.導線測量 使用的是靜態的結果 通過導線測量控制方向
https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-make-sure-the-two-drills-of-a-tunnel-meetHelen Bach
3k ViewsHorizontal probe holes are often used to make adjustments to the final alignment of long tunnels.If multiple bores are being dug, the least critical alignment-wise (eg a service tunnel) will probably be the first to hole through, so the alignment-critical bores (eg running tunnels for high-speed rail, which are demanding in terms of accuracy) are finished after an accurate unified survey has been made. Their design alignment may also change, based on the information gathered during excavation of the first tunnel. The last section of tunnel may be hand-dug initially to allow for adjustments following the survey through the probe hole (because a TBM doesn"t exactly turn on a dime). Then once the tunnel has holed through the last section may be "straightened out" by hand.
Long undersea tunnels are almost never straight (I"m only saying "almost" to acknowledge that I don"t pretend to be aware of the alignment of every single undersea tunnel!). The alignment will be affected by local geology and by drainage requirements (if long, they usually can"t drain all one way, like an under-mountain tunnel can). You can"t just set up a couple of lasers and let the TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) follow them all the way: they have to be advance forwards as the tunnels progress. (Many TBMs have a small "window" from the back to the front that limits the length of curved tunnel that can be dug before the laser target is obstructed by part of the TBM"s trailing backup - which can be over 100 m long.) That means that there is room for slight error with each re-positioning. The temperature and density changes in the tunnel air can be quite significant. A typical TBM might be rejecting 1 MW of heat, much of which will go into the air initially. Furthermore there will be heat produced by the transport system(s). This creates longitudinal variations in the refractive index of the tunnel air, and hence potential surveying inaccuracies. An example of a long high speed rail tunnel: The Channel Tunnel.Length of undersea section, dug from each end, no intermediate shafts: 38 kmLength of longest undersea drive: 22 kmMeasured lateral error at first meeting point: 358 mmMeasured vertical error at first meeting point: 58 mm
Measured chainage (longitudinal) error: 75 mmAccuracy: 10 ppmThe England-France Channel Tunnel was carefully surveyed using very accurate, normal surveying methods during each Christmas shut-down to check the surveys carried out during production. Thermal/atmospheric conditions in the tunnel were allowed to stabilise, and only manual labour was permitted, and only for essential tasks. Locomotives were not allowed to be used. The survey team used student-powered multi-seat rail bikes. (Everyone else walked. During the final survey that meant quite a long walk to the face for those working on the English side. Lucky surveyors.)During production the atmospheric conditions in a very long tunnel may mean that a sufficiently accurate survey is not possible - hence the importance of the careful survey during the shut-down. Furthermore, the survey was carried out by external surveyors, not by Transmanche Link (Translink JV and GIE Transmanche, contractor) or Eurotunnel (client) staff.During production the TBMs were laser guided. Of course the lasers have to be set up carefully.As the first tunnels (the two sides of the Marine Service Tunnel) got close a final check was made by drilling a 50 mm (2 inch) diameter, 50 m long probe hole between the English and French sides when the main tunnel faces were 100 m apart (there was an access tunnel dug beyond the main face to within 50 m). This allowed a final alignment to be made by surveying through the hole. It also permitted the workers to talk to one another, and to pass small gifts through the hole as it shortened thanks to the progressing digs. The last section of service tunnel was hand dug, then later re-aligned by roadheader.
The 370 mm positional discrepancy discovered by the probe hole would not have been acceptable for one of the running tunnels.Probe holes have been used for final alignment in mining and tunneling for a very long time.One of the hardest things then (late 1980s) was obtaining an accurate height correlation between England and France. There was, of course, no land connection and there had been no reason before then to have the two vertical datums correlated as accurately as was necessary for the Channel Tunnel.Historically, taking a horizontal transit down a long vertical shaft was a potential source of inaccuracy.Updated Feb 26, 2012
首先 按照題主給的條件答題。
以前沒有高科技的情況下,城市地下隧道的開挖以open cut(明挖)和cut cover (蓋挖)為主,當然現在,如果條件允許,這兩種工法也是會採用的。這兩種方法的糾偏相對簡單易操作,畢竟在地表可直接觀測。以各類基本測量儀器進行測量。對接也選在直線段較多,容錯率相對大。也不可能存在特別大的誤差。真的有較小誤差,只好側向多挖一點了。
要說現在,第一個地鐵隧道與隧道之間其實是有車站施工的,也不需要完全對準。再一個,現在的糾偏技術確實厲害,國內TBM常用的一般是激光靶糾偏,精度高,成本也高。還有一種方法叫稜鏡法,國內不太愛用,覺得不夠高科技。香港這邊我知道法國dragages之前自己的NFM TBM 用的是稜鏡的。 如果是鑽爆這些方法的話,會用稜鏡加全站儀的方式對坐標進行糾偏。多說一句,稜鏡在施工環境下,極易受到灰塵的影響,所以是種耗材。。。真的有打偏了沒對上的隧道啊,這種現象叫穿袖。當然在現在這樣的設備水平上再如果出現穿袖,只能說明測量的人員太低級了。隧道如果兩頭打的話,之前就先要在兩邊都進行測量,而且隧道的兩端之間要有很多很多的高精度測量控制點把兩邊的洞口通過測量連成一個體系,誤差是無法避免的啦,每次貫通的時候多多少少都會有一點偏差,但是在現在的條件水平下,已經可以控制的很小了,當然就是錯台20公分也依然有處理的辦法。這樣測量員就比較辛苦了,為了保證隧道的順直,他們要每一個斷面都去測量放線,每一百米甚至更短的距離要設測量控制點——因為隧道里大部分能見度都很差空氣都不好。
再有就是,隧道不一定都是兩頭打的。除了兩頭打的以外,還有把隧道分成幾段,然後在兩頭和中間一個或幾個點同時開始,中間的就要通過測量先將支洞打到主洞中間的位置,然後往一頭或是兩頭同時施工,這樣就可以把很長的隧道分成幾段相對較短的隧道,也能把誤差均攤一點。現在好多的測量儀器都是坐標和角度,以前的話,應該坐標不太好控制,那應該就是死命抓住角度測量了。因為有測量技術。具體的說地球處於三維空間,如果建立一個立體幾何坐標系,那麼地球上的每一個點都可以通過三個坐標來具體定位。實際上這個坐標系是有的。所謂的經緯度和海拔就是坐標。 為了方便,工程上使用的是坐標系,中國就是以位於陝西涇陽的大地原點為平面±000,以黃海多年平均海平面位置為高度上的±000,建立大地坐標系,那麼中國的每一個位置都可以在這個坐標系裡通過三個數字定位。為了使用方便,中國在每個地方都有已經測量好的坐標點,這些點合在一起就構成測量控制網。這是第一點。 第二點就是隧道是由一系列的曲線組成,比如圓弧,直線,緩和曲線等等,這些都曲線的長度、圓心、半徑、七點、終點位置一旦確定,那麼整個隧道的具體位置就是確定的。隧道在設計階段把這些都已經明確了,也就是說所有修建的隧道,在地球上都是已知的點。 這樣一來,修建隧道的每個位置都可以通過三個數字定位,那麼在修建的過程中每向前挖1米(舉例,也可以是1厘米)就測一下坐標,和設計給的進行對比,很容易就發現隧道是不是偏了,偏了多少,然後就調整回來就好。原理就這樣。所以不管你從哪個方向打,或者分幾段打,只要設計的點能對上,通過測量控制,就能保證最後隧道能對上。 至於具體怎麼測?這就是大家都說的測量,理論上講從前面說的測量控制網取兩個已知點,通過最基本的平面幾何,三角函數就能解決問題,算出所有點的位置。實際操作中當然要先根據已知點建立本工程的測量控制網,然後把控制網引到隧道開挖面附近,這樣才具有可操作性。人工測量和自動測量都是這個原理。 當然,施工中肯定有偏差,只要是在允許範圍內,都是可接受多,一般地鐵隧道偏差不超過50mm,就算不錯,不超過100mm,就算合格。因為隧道設計的時候已經留的有限界,沒超過限界就基本不出大問題。和你42碼的腳,買44碼的一樣,肯定能套進去。