
I guess there is nothing better than physically going to an English-speaking country if it comes to English learning.

Lack of the real environment where English beginners can really perceive how English words are organized into the really day-to-day conversation, most English novices fail to organize words within strong structures, even though they all spend some time in learning English.

Therefore, I think this question becomes how much would you spend in your English education and why do you want to learn it? From my personal experience, even though almost every Chinese young people shows their great interest to English, only an extremely small number of people can really integrate English as a language into their daily practice.

As I mentioned and discussed in my previous answers in Chinese, two necessary elements in learning English are time and money. If you are rich and you do not really care how much you will spend, you can invite the most expensive teachers and foreigners from English speaking countries to communicate with you every day in English. Believe me, there are numerous agencies and training centers in China which will be fighting for earning your business. However, if your financial situation does not allow you to do your plan, you still need to spend money to learn basic grammar rules----------the most important thing in learning English. Once you master the grammar rules, you may want to make some friends to practice and read English newspapers and/or novels everyday. It just,,,costs you lots of time.

Learning a second language can be extremely time-consuming, you know what I mean? that is why few people can really be proficient in their second language, including those overseas Chinese students in the U.S., Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other English speaking countries. Their English levels will be divergently different, depending on how long they stay in those English speaking countries and how hard they practice for sharpening their languages.

All in all, my best wish to you. Hope my answer can be helpful to you.


下面是以前讀過的一本英文原著《Charlotte"s Web》,從書里摘抄了寫好玩的句子,在原版英文書微信閱讀群里分享過,在這裡也分享一次。


1.It had been a narrow escape.當你差點被車撞了,但是逃過一劫,這時可以這麼說。

2.A rat never knows when something is going to come in handy.

3.He sniffed the air and made a face.

4.what in the world are you talking about?"

5.在早上是in the Morning。加了個形容詞就變On foggy mornings,介詞不一樣了。在下午晚上也類似。

6.Charlotte"s web was truly a thing of beauty.我們一般只會was beautiful.那類似的造個句,Dvd is truly a man of humor.多好的句子啊。

7.tiny beads of water.小水珠啊

8."Do you see what I see?"那你聽到了我聽到的嗎怎麼說?把see換成hear就可以了。

9."Our pig is completely out of the ordinary."翻一下再造個句。


1.the spider called a meeting of all the animals in the barn cellar.召開會議,一個call足以。後面有句"We"re holding a directors" meeting,"意思差不錯。

2."I shall begin by calling the roll. Wilbur?"知道大學老師最愛的點名怎麼說了嗎?

3.The Zuckermans have fallen for it.上當,再一次出現。

4.therefore Wilbur"s destiny and your destiny are closely linked.你們倆的命運是緊密相連的。

5.you"ll grow so thin we can look right through your stomach and see objects on the other side."瘦的另一種新奇說法。能看穿你的腹部並且能看到另一面的東西。

6.I"m just about average for a pig."這句和剛剛分享過的第九句一正一反。

7.Now stop arguing and go get some sleep!"大家千萬別覺得這句話兩個動詞直連是有語法毛病,沒毛病。


1.Far into the night, while the other creatures slept, Charlotte worked on her web.詩意的翻譯一下,已然深夜.....

.2.she began to talk to herself。自己和自己說話是自言自語,那照鏡子呢?I look myself in the mirror,就是自己看著鏡子里的自己。還有第一章有句amuse myself自娛自樂。

3.Go get another word, please, Templeton!"注意啦,沒毛病。在教材書里不會告訴你的。

4."What do you think I am, a messenger boy?"跑龍套跑腿的人。

5."Do a back flip with a half twist in it!" cried Charlotte.這是跳水運動員級別的動作。


1.I can give you my word on that.我可以向你保證。

第十五章1.Summer is over and gone.Summer is dying.一個意思。

2.Ever since the spider had befriended him, he had done his best to live up to his reputation.找出裡面的交朋友、不辜負某人(名聲)怎麼說?

3.I"ll come to the Fair if I possibly can."如果可能的話.....


1.he had won all the prizes at the Fair and was covered with blue ribbons and even had a blue ribbon tied to the end of his tail.一頭豬的榮耀時刻,好歡樂。2.Every creature planned to get up early to see Wilbur off on his great adventure.為某人送行,see sb. off

3."I haven"t the slightest interest in fairs."對......一點興趣都沒有。

4.The big truck with Mr. Arable at the wheel backed slowly down toward the barnyard.說明Arable是司機,車還是倒著向barnyard開的。

5.Wilbur, feeling the cold water, came to.最後兩個單詞就有恢復知覺的意思。


1."I"m going to win a doll by spinning a wheel and it will stop at the right number," said Fern.她想玩幸運大轉盤遊戲看來。

2."The Fair only comes once a year."一年才一次,用come很地道。

3."you hang on tight! You hang on very tight. Hear me?""And don"t get lost!" 「And don"t get dirty!" 「Don"t get overheated!" "And don"t cross the race track when the horses are coming!"這些都是父母的命令,她不可以做哪些事呢?

4.「It"s terribly hot," said Mrs. Arable, fanning herself with an advertisement of a deep freeze.想像一下自己在街上接過一份宣傳單不看,然後用來扇風的場景,英文是這麼描述的。


1.Fern met her friend Henry Fussy, and he invited her to ride with him in the Ferris wheel. He even bought a ticket for her, so it didn"t cost her anything.這是撩妹的前奏么?

2.the men sat around the kitchen table eating a dish of canned peaches.一盤罐裝桃子。

3.The rat was swollen to twice his normal size.看來它吃的很撐。

4."It would serve you right if you had an acute attack of indigestion."罪有應得,已經不是第一次出現啦。

5.Wait till he gets hankering (strong desire) for some fresh pork and smoked ham and crisp bacon! He"ll take the knife to you, my boy."小豬的性命不保了,豬肉可以做什麼食物?

6.Lurvy took out an enormous handkerchief and blew his nose very loud.擤鼻字用blow。


1.Will the crowd please make way and let the truck pass. Thank you."這句可以看成是省略主語You.那麼,讓路怎麼說?

2."Tuck your shirt in, Avery!" cried Mrs. Zuckerman. "And tighten your belt. Your pants are coming, down."你褲子要掉了,哈哈。

3.The fame of this unique animal has spread to the far corners of the earth, attracting many valuable tourists to our great State.家喻戶曉、名聲大噪可以這麼說。

http://4.In the words of the spider"s web, ladies and gentlemen, this is some pig."其實,some的其中一個意思是expressing admiration of something notable。比如,He is nobody可以翻譯成他是一個無名小卒,但如果he is somebody就是他挺了不起。

5."Ladeez and gentlemen,I must not take any more of your valuable time. On behalf of the governors of the Fair, I have the honor of awarding a special prize of twenty-five dollars to Mr. Zuckerman, together with a handsome bronze medal suitably engraved, in token of our appreciation of the part played by this pig -this radiant, this terrific, this humble pig -in attracting so many visitors to our great County Fair."奧斯卡頒每個獎項前會對獲獎者進行一定陳述和介紹,就像上面的。

6.His legs collapsed, his mind went blank, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.這表現很掉鏈子。

7.he made faces and danced around and rubbed imaginary soap under his armpits.做鬼臉搓洗腋窩,真能演。

8."Why did you do all this for me?" he asked. "I don"t deserve it. I"ve never done anything for you." "You have been my friend," replied Charlotte. "That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what"s a life, anyway? We"re born, we live a little while, we die. A spider"s life can"t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone"s life can stand a little of that."這段對話看懂了你會發現,很走心啊。

9.Hearing this, Wilbur threw himself down in an agony of pain and sorrow. Great sobs racked his body.悲痛欲絕的趕腳應該就是這樣。

10.There"s not a second to be lost. The people are coming -they"ll be here in no time. Please, please, please, Templeton.有木有鍾十萬火急的趕腳?

11."I promise. I cross my heart."我發誓。

12."Who made trip after trip to the dump?""Who made trip after trip to the dump?"Who bit your tail and got you back on your feet this morning after you had fainted in front of the crowd?老鼠在咄咄逼人,質問豬。

13.Well, home we go!這樣說回家有逼格吧。

14.The last remaining strands of Charlotte"s old web floated away and vanished.逝者尚存人間的最後一點東西都消失殆盡了,悲傷。

15.For several days and several nights they crawled here and there, up and down, around and about.動來動去不停歇的趕腳!

16.It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.是在說我嗎?哈哈。




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