



另外按題主要求,Heimskringla /《挪威列王傳》也不作為論據引述。


令人意外的是,現存最早的對金髮哈拉爾的記錄並不是薩迦,而是一篇敘事詩:Hrafnsmál(字面意思是」渡鴉之歌「)。這首長詩作於872年哈夫爾斯峽灣之戰(Battle of Hafrs Fjord)後不久,出自索爾比約恩·霍爾特恩克洛維( Torbj?rn Hornklofi )之手——這位名字很複雜的同志是哈拉爾手下的宮廷詩人;事實證明他也確實勝任這項工作,在詩中借女武神和渡鴉之口吹捧哈拉爾的武功,哈夫爾斯峽灣之戰作為哈拉爾登上人生巔峰(統一挪威)的標誌,自然也得到了大書特書。

這裡skaldic project能看到這首詩,說實話一點也不好看。


薩迦中關於金髮哈拉爾的記述就不那麼客氣了。大約於1200年成書的Orkneyinga saga /《奧克尼薩迦》中就提到了哈拉爾同志在875年派出船隊追殺在哈夫爾斯峽灣一役中敗北併流亡的反對派們,追殺的範圍包括奧克尼群島、設得蘭群島,並在其後的十來年間征服了赫布里底群島與馬恩島。

Grettis saga ásmundarsonar /《克雷提薩迦》和1240年左右的Egils saga /《埃吉爾薩迦》都將哈拉爾同志稱為」亂髮哈拉爾「(Haraldr lúfa,哈拉爾在他的父親過世後立誓要統一挪威,否則就不剪頭髮也不梳頭,很有蓄髮明志的意思),寫到在哈夫爾斯峽灣取勝後的哈拉爾露出了暴君本色,圈佔了許多林地與農莊,並宣布所有曾經反對過他的人都是不法之徒,沒收了這些人的家產。許多挪威小貴族不得不流亡,流亡的諸多目的地包括瑞典,上文提到的奧克尼群島、設得蘭群島、赫布里底群島、馬恩島,以及……冰島。

(註:目前認為《埃吉爾薩迦》與《挪威列王傳》的作者都是Snorri Sturluson,在不採信《挪威列王傳》的前提下,也請題主謹慎對待本段)


如上所述,在哈拉爾的高壓統治下,有許多挪威人流亡到了冰島。12世紀時的冰島史家Ari "hinn fróei" Torgilsson在íslendingabók /《冰島人之書》的第一章就提到了金髮哈拉爾。交代歷史背景應該用不著把神話人物拉出來躺槍吧。

ísland byggeist fyrst ór Norvegi á d?gum Haralds ins hárfagra...

(Iceland was first settled from Norway in the days of Harald Fairhair...)

其後更進一步,《冰島人之書》把這群拓居者到來的時間精確到了公元870年,這一年有個叫Ingólfr Arnarson(英戈爾夫·阿爾特納爾松)的傢伙登上了冰島。那年哈拉爾16歲:

En tat var átta hundrue ok sjau tigum vetra eftir bure Krists, at tví er ritit er í s?gu hans. Ingólfr hét maer nórr?nn, er sannliga er sagt, at f?ri fyrst taean til íslands, tá er Haraldr inn hárfagri var sextán vetra gamall, en í annat sinn fám vetrum síear.

( And that was eight hundred and thirty seven years after the birth of Christ, as it is written in history. A Norseman called Ingolf, it is told for certain, first traveled to Iceland, when Harald Fairhair was sixteen winters old, and for the second time a few winters later.)







最後感謝一下The Vikings: Revised Edition。無他,這本企鵝出版的書對於維京人的歷史描寫太詳細了。


Harald Fairhair (Old Norse: Haraldr Hárfagri, Norwegian: Harald H?rfagre; c. 850 – c. 932) is remembered by medieval historians as the first King of Norway.
According to traditions current in Norway and Iceland in the twelfth
and thirteenth centuries, he reigned from c. 872 to 930. Most of his
life remains uncertain, since the extant accounts of his life in the
sagas were set down in writing around three centuries after his
lifetime. A few remnants of skaldic praise poems attributed to
contemporary court poets exist which seem to refer to Harald"s victories
against opponents in Norway. The information supplied in these poems is
inconsistent with the tales in the sagas in which they are transmitted,
and the sagas themselves often disagree on the details of his
background and biography.


Two of his sons, Eric Bloodaxe and Haakon the Good, succeeded Harald to become kings after his death.

The only early sources mentioning him are the two skaldic poems Haraldskv?ei and Glymdrápa, which have been attributed to Torbj?rn Hornklofi or alternatively (in the case of the first poem) to Tjóeólfr of Hvinir. The first poem has only been preserved in fragments in 13th century Kings" sagas. It describes life at Harald"s court, mentions that he took a Danish wife, and that he won a battle at Hafrsfjord. The second relates a series of battles Harald won.


His life is described in several of the Kings" sagas, none of them
older than 12th century. Their accounts of Harald and his life differ on
many points, and some of the content may be uncertain but it is clear
that in the 12th and 13th centuries Harald was regarded as having
unified Norway into one kingdom. Some modern historians have assumed
that his rule was limited to the coastal areas of southern Norway though
there is no contemporary evidence to support their claim nor any other
concerning the life of Harald.

Saga descriptions

In the Saga of Harald Fairhair in Heimskringla,
which is the most elaborate although not the oldest or most reliable
source to the life of Harald, it is written that Harald succeeded, on
the death of his father Halfdan the Black Gudr?darson, to the sovereignty of several small, and somewhat scattered kingdoms in Vestfold,
which had come into his father"s hands through conquest and
inheritance. His protector-regent was his mother"s brother Guthorm.

The unification of Norway is something of a love story. It begins with a marriage proposal that resulted in rejection and scorn from Gyda, the daughter of Eirik, king of Hordaland. She said she refused to marry Harald "before he was king over all of Norway". Harald was therefore induced to take a vow
not to cut nor comb his hair until he was sole king of Norway, and when
he was justified in trimming it ten years later, he exchanged the
epithet "Shockhead" or "Tanglehair" for the one by which he is usually

In 866, Harald made the first of a series of conquests over the many petty kingdoms which would compose all of Norway, including V?rmland in Sweden, which had sworn allegiance to the Swedish king Erik Eymundsson. In 872, after a great victory at Hafrsfjord near Stavanger,
Harald found himself king over the whole country. His realm was,
however, threatened by dangers from without, as large numbers of his
opponents had taken refuge, not only in Iceland, then recently discovered; but also in the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, Hebrides Islands, Faroe Islands
and the northern European mainland. However, his opponents" leaving was
not entirely voluntary. Many Norwegian chieftains who were wealthy and
respected posed a threat to Harald; therefore, they were subjected to
much harassment from Harald, prompting them to vacate the land. At last,
Harald was forced to make an expedition to the West, to clear the
islands and the Scottish mainland of some Vikings who tried to hide there.


The earliest narrative source which mentions Harald, the 12th century íslendingabók
notes that Iceland was settled during his lifetime. Harald is thus
depicted as the prime cause of the Norse settlement of Iceland and
beyond. Iceland was settled by "malcontents" from Norway, who resented
Harald"s claim of rights of taxation over lands, which the possessors
appear to have previously held in absolute ownership.

There are several accounts of large feasting mead halls constructed for important feasts when Scandinavian royalty was invited. According to a legend recorded by Snorri Sturluson, in the Heimskringla, the late 9th-century V?rmlandish chieftain áki invited both the Norwegian king Harald Fairhair and the Swedish king Erik Eymundsson,
but had the Norwegian king stay in the newly constructed and sumptuous
one, because he was the youngest one of the kings and the one who had
the greatest prospects. The older Swedish king, on the other hand, had
to stay in the old feasting hall. The Swedish king was so humiliated
that he killed áki.

Later life

Harald I"s division of Norway c. 930 CE.

Red - the domain of the High King of Norway.

Yellow areas are petty kingdoms assigned to Harald"s kinsmen.

Purple - the domain of the jarls of Hlaeir.

Orange - the domain of the jarls of M?re.


According to the saga sources, the latter part of Harald"s reign was
disturbed by the strife of his many sons. The number of sons he left
varies in the different saga accounts, from 11 to 20. Twelve of his sons
are named as kings, two of them over the whole country. He gave them
all the royal title and assigned lands to them, which they were to
govern as his representatives; but this arrangement did not put an end
to the discord, which continued into the next reign. When he grew old,
Harald handed over the supreme power to his favourite son Eirik Bloodaxe,
whom he intended to be his successor. Eirik I ruled side-by-side with
his father when Harald was 80 years old. Harald died three years later
due to age in approximately 933.

Harald Harfager was commonly stated to have been buried under a mound
at Haugar by the Strait of Karmsund near the church in Haugesund, an
area that later would be named the town and municipal Haugesund.
The area near Karmsund was the traditional burial site for several
early Norwegian rulers. The national monument of Haraldshaugen was
raised in 1872, to commemorate the Battle of Hafrsfjord which is traditionally dated to 872.





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