


我大學要學的專業是Computer Programmer Analyst









這一段時間裡,你幾乎沒有任何學業上的壓力(AP不必須),幾乎沒有任何來自長輩的阻力(父母會覺得你拼了這麼久可以放個假了),做任何事情的機會成本都極低(沒有什麼能叫做The best alternative choice),時間成本可以無視(反正也不可能提前去讀書),做任何事情都不影響你畢業時間/就業時間/結婚時間/升職時間等等...



1: 作為Core Member參加一次Startup










雖然題主提到父母不允許單獨出遠門,我還是建議你與幾個小夥伴去遠遊一次。可以選擇江浙/西安/廈門這些城市游為主且比較發達的地區,父母會放心很多。從題主讀計算機的角度來看,說不定以後就長居美國了。這些經歷一方面有助於你增強對國內文化的了解,一方面遊山玩水本身也是非常培養心性的。在日後你能夠這樣遊山玩水的機會會越來愈少,如果你這段時間沒有在國內遠遊一次出國後很可能會非常後悔的T T
























你這個課程似乎不是美帝純CS ……Computer Programmer Analyst 應該是偏向 CS 的吧;

課程難度不大。C++ Intro 的話一般只是介紹基礎語法+一些語言特性;Web 那門課應該是寫 HTML CSS 和 JS,估計最後 Final 的難度是寫一個 Tic Tac Toe。


我自己的 Track 是 Computer Engineering 的,從硬體到 ISA 到彙編,C,然後才是 C++;Computer Science 的 Track 目前大多數米國學校是從 Java 開始的,也有 Python 開始的;

Quora 上有個回答,你可以看看:

What Are the Things a To-be College Freshman Can Do Over Summer to Prepare Himself/herself Better for CS at College?

I think it"s a good idea to show up at college knowing how to do basic* programming. Not just for CS majors, but for anybody. Basic programming isn"t difficult and is readily accessible.

So accessible that... honestly, the zeroth question I would want to ask is "Why do you want to major in CS if you haven"t even had the inspiration to learn any programming at all in high school? Just because you heard it was a lucrative career? Well... honestly, I hate to get all hacker-snobby on you, but really good programmers are the ones who do it because they love doing it, the ones who write code for a company to make enough money to go home and write the programs that they enjoy writing.

It"s not that you can"t learn to be a competent programmer via a university CS degree. Many do. You might even fall in love with it. If, for example, you didn"t have access to computers (apparently, not even enough to ask the question themselves), maybe you"ve got a completely hidden prodigy there. But... well, let"s just say that even before I get to my first question, the zeroth question is something you need to ask yourself. What makes you think that this is worth doing? You should be going out and fiddling around yourself, and that would answer your first question without even having to ask it.

The first question, then, is "What do you want to do?" Games? Web? Server side programming? There are so many opportunities that I can"t even begin to make a recommendation where to start.

In the absence of even the very first bit of information... at this point I"d probably start with a bit of web programming, just because it"s so utterly universal and you have an IDE built right into your web browser. Write some HTML. Write some CSS. And then add some Javascript to it to make it do something. I can"t really recommend one tutorial over another; it"s more about what clicks with you. Google "Javascript tutorial" or "introduction" and you"ll find plenty of places to start.

Run through it. And then say, "What else would I like to see it do? How can I make it do that?" Because that"s the really hard question you need to be asking right now: do you have the curiosity about fiddling with stuff that is absolutely fundamental to being a programmer. This isn"t like any other desk job. It"s creative. Be creative.

In fact, before I read the details, I was going to recommend that they not do anything in particular to prepare for a CS program. Programming isn"t an end in itself. Programming is always done to some end. Don"t be an expert in programming. Be an expert in a thing, and write programs about it. For most incoming CS nerds, who already know how to program, they should be going off to explore what that thing is going to be. It should be anything except programming. (And, to my mind, preferably not any other STEM thing, either.)

If they don"t know any programming at all, then learning to program is going to be the #1 priority because you"re going to be in a class with everybody else who already does.


* Not BASIC. Just "basic"**.

** A little computer nerd humor there***.

*** Very little.

Here are some things I would suggest:

  1. Join the cult

    There"s a lot of cult-y things to Computer Science, and if you know you"re going to be a CS major, self-induct yourself early. Here are several things we do. Do them too. Read Hacker News, read xkcd, read reddit, readslashdot. I don"t read all of these, but they"re some good places to great you started. I like to maintain a fairly random, but tech-heavy list of things I like to read/watch here - Reads.

  2. If you can, self-study and take all the APs you need to place out of all the classes you can in the college you plan on attending.

    This is somewhat indirectly related to your situation, but I think it will help. One of the most common regrets I"ve heard from my peers is coming into college with AP credit thinking "Wow my university"s so awesome and Intro Calculus here will be a completely rejuvenating experience than it was in high school". Most intro classes typically end up being too populated and fairly boring. Since you"re already in college, I would suggest going all out and taking any and all AP exams you can self study for. AP Psych might save you on a liberal arts class in college. While many argue against this saying "college is a great place to learn and explore", placing out of classes is pretty hard to debate against. Whether you want to graduate early, have a more flexible schedule to drop hard classes, take a light semester in the middle or be able to take graduate classes towards the end of your college career, I think attempting to place out of as many classes as I possibly could was a great decision in hindsight.
  3. Try your best to become comfortable in a Unix-based shell environment, git, and Latex. It"s a few of those things that they seem to unfortunately get left out of every college curriculum. They tell you "you don"t need it now - you can learn it later", and before you know it they"re telling you "you shouldn"t learnt this before, we can"t teach you this". You will inevitably require expertise in all 3 of these things to have a successful time studying CS at college.
  4. Make a website for yourself.

    I personally think every Computer Science student should have a website for several reasons -

    • It gives you a chance to learn basic web technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, and become familiar with how domains and hosting works. These prove useful in the future for hackathons and internships.
    • You will struggle to find time to do something this in the next 4 years, and I"ll bet you will at some point hope you"d done it before.
    • Given that you will (hopefully) take part in hackathons or build projects for class or on your own, this will give you a great place to show them off.
    • It gives you a reason to purchase &&.com so others don"t steal it from you in the next 4 years.
    • Many/most colleges don"t provide practical web development classes (feel free to counter me here). Most of them are "in theory", or tedious, impose too many library/framework restrictions and restrict itself to a certain subset of web development.
    • It"s free, so why not. Who knows how long it"ll be free for? - Debarghya Das" answer to What are some good uses for the GitHub Student Developer Pack?

  5. Figure out what things in Computer Science interest you

    It"s just some light googling, really. It"s something I"d wish I"d done in hindsight. I went in thinking - "I hardly know anything about the academic domains of Computer Science, what can I possibly learn?. I"ll cross that bridge when I reach it". What ended up happening was a mad rush to finish problem sets and study for prelims in college, suddenly interjected by one week where your peers start talking about pre-enroll for next semester. I ended up making major future choices by looking through the course offerings for next semester for a few hours, thinking to myself "hmm, this seems cool", and adding it. By the time break would come around, I"d be too busy de-stressing and not thinking too much about it. Next semester, when I"d take the class, I"d think to myself "wtf was I thinking when I added this class - I do not like this content at all", at best. At worst, I end up thinking "hmm this is pretty cool", and then taking a follow up advanced class the semester, and then realizing "This is not what I thought this part of CS was all about. If only I knew this, I wouldn"t have taken the hard classes leading up to this.

    I think Computer Science officially has 11 sub-branches [ I remember reading it somewhere]. You"re not going to be able to try out all 11 in college, and you don"t want to be making a hasty decision in the heat of a semester. Casually keep googling recursively what the different fields are all about, what you end up studying in them. Scroll through some public lecture slides from offerings of classes in the field in other colleges. What are the current papers/developments in the field? Is it something that"s dead/slow or growing rapidly? Is it programming-based? Theoretical? Is it a lot of mathematics and statistics? What do people who do research in this subfield do? Do you find that interesting? And feed of popular opinion of people who know more than you. What are experts in Computer Science saying about the growth and decline of these fields?

    Some cursory knowledge about your maze will let you navigate it in the future.

  6. Relax.

    The next 4 years will change your idea of what hard work is. In high school, 4 hours of sitting with a book. Computer Science majors at all other colleges I know report to have at more than one point sat sleepless for 2-3 days grinding away at code.

    You"re not going to have a lot of free time in the future, and even less with your high school friends. Eventually, they"ll all develop differently and go different ways. Enjoy your time with them. Maybe travel. Spend time with your family.

Things you should not do:

  1. Try to learn how to code

    In about every intro Computer Science lecture I"ve heard of, including the one I"ve been in, the first question on the first day of class is "Who here has programming experience?", with a disclaimer that the class is for people who have "0 programming experience". Often, the professor will follow that up with "Everybody who raised their hand has no idea what they"re talking about."

    As an anecdote, I knew a quite intimidating kid freshman year who claimed to know 19 programming languages. As naive freshmen, we all were awestruck by his knowledge. Now I think all of us realize it"s much much more important to know how to pick up a language and know how different types of languages work than knowing "x" number of languages. This kid also dropped Computer Science as a major because he couldn"t take the heat.

    College will teach you Java/Python, and how to code from scratch, and well. Preparing for it now is completely redundant.

  2. Try to do some fancy project.

    Odds are you will laugh at any project you try to do now within a semester if not earlier, and you won"t make much progress with it anyway. I would argue that you would also learn very little.

    I strongly discourage you to quickly jump the "make an app" bandwagon. Don"t make a dumb app that doesn"t do anything useful just to say "I made an app". Odds are you will never do mobile development again, and you don"t know nearly enough to make anything useful. You will learn very little because mobile development teaches you little about programming and more domain-specific knowledge of Android/iOS.

  3. Launch a startup

    People try. They do. Don"t. Please.


最後,建議你調整一下心態。進 CS 的人如果在暑假說「我想看看關於 CS 的 MOOC 自學」,那麼大學裡基本上是屬於被碾壓的。不是成績被碾壓,而是你在上大一的課程,大神覺得好簡單啊於是跟教授聊聊。教授說好吧你做張卷子,學分給你,不用上了,去上大三的課。



3. 補短。沒幹過什麼就去干。談戀愛約炮作死直接上,積累人生經驗。一般人的境界水平取決於短板。

4. 社交。多跟二代玩,開開眼界。多打扮化妝穿衣,活的精緻,不然女屌絲一輩子無誤。

5. 考ap也不錯,省錢。




1. 練習開車到純熟(如果你的學校在大農場的話,比如斯坦福,這邊就是大農村呀,沒有車幹啥都不行)

2. 練習英語到純熟(我猜你的語言一定已經很不錯很不錯了,只是FYI吧,這邊與人交流交朋友的場景非常多,如果將來想實習或者工作的話,基本也是靠networking,如果能說一口流利的美國英語,還是在交流過程中非常加分的)

3. 練習寫代碼到純熟(如果你喜歡CS,不妨寫寫App,做做開源等,防止被碾壓,找到屬於自己的支撐)

4. 鍛煉身體,找個愛好(這邊的人們運動習慣非常好,這對任何人都是好習慣,有時間的時候就應該多運動)








2.學門語言,年紀越大越不好學 …當然學一門語言的意義因人而異。





健身 旅遊 看電影 學化妝 學編程





我覺得可以利用這段時間拿下一項表演方面的特長!比如:吉他 ,或者尤克里里(就是那種夏威夷小吉他),基本的聲樂學習,舞蹈,鋼琴入門,笛子,,,等等吧!



題主我和你一樣啊 求同行啊 我現在廈門旅遊呢 家在杭州 求私信啊 終於遇到一樣的人了 激動的早上4點就留言









建議每天做操 鍛煉,要是略顯豐腴就減重,要是胖瘦適中就練形體。學化妝,整飭一下外貌,方便以後讀書突然有活動妝扮上手熟練一些。準備幾套正裝之類的;








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