
感覺整句釋義有個很不好的地方就是,它是在解釋單詞表示那個意思時的典型用法,而並沒有解釋單詞的意思(只有部分解釋典型用法也同時解釋了單詞的意思,就是根據整句釋義可以變形成n is xxxxx,或adj x is xxxxx x,或x v is x v。x表示某)


N-VAR┊If you make or raise an 【objection to】 something, you say that you do not like it or agree with it.

Despite objections by the White House, the Senate voted today to cut off aid.

在這個整句釋義中,解釋的是make or raise an objection to something的意思,而並沒有解釋objection的意思,所以如果你之前不知道objection的中文大意,那objection的意思是什麼並不知道,這個用法下的例句Despite objection by……中的objection也就會看不懂。

而相反現在看牛津詞典發現牛津的是解釋的單詞的意思,也就是說它所有的釋義可以像公式一樣代進例句中例句仍然是完整的句子。如objection:a reason why you do not like or are opposed to sth; a statement about this




VERB┊If you 【are obliged to】 do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.


This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.


to force sb to do sth, by law, because it is a duty, etc




If you make or raise an 【objection to】 something, you say that you do not like it or agree with it.


另外,我倒覺得collins的解釋有個好處,因為它不但解釋了意思,連最常用的collocation都寫在解釋里了:make or raise objection to sth。


1. 減少學習型英語詞典釋義中的括弧

2. 創造一個真實語境

題主所說的「柯林斯」應是名字裡帶 COBUILD 的學習型詞典。

1987 年, The Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary 第 1 版出版,當時市面上同類型的學習型英語詞典是 1978 年出版的 LDOCE1 ( 1987 LDOCE2 )以及 1974 年的 OALD3 ( 1989 OALD4)。


藍本為 OALD4 的《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》(第 4 版)

藍本為 LDOCE2 衍生版本 Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture 的朗文當代英語大辭典(英英·英漢雙解)(2004)

學習型詞典為了照顧學習者,需要給出主語、賓語、搭配等信息,老版本的 OALD、LDOCE 在釋義中都用了大量的括弧,(to) (sb) (sth) 等等,而採用整句釋義的 COBUILD 詞典,一個括弧都沒用,用整句就把這些信息直接給出來了。當然,帶來的副作用是篇幅增加,在幾大主流高階學習型詞典中,COBUILD 詞典的收詞量是最小的。

順便,這裡 OALD4、LDOCE2 的 objection 條,都給了跟 against 的情況,但是新版(OALD6、7、9、9 LDOCE4、5、6)都刪除了,為什麼呢?因為真實語境中,幾乎沒人這麼用。去 Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) 搜,objection to 出現了 827 次,objection against 出現了5 次而已!這裡也提醒大家,詞典盡量用新一點的主流英英詞典。

COBUILD 詞典是第一部基於語料庫的詞典,雖然我沒見過 1987 年的第 1 版,但是我想,那一版應該就沒收 objection 後面跟 against 的例子。

COBUILD 系列詞典採用的都是整句釋義,不過,牛津、朗文等學習型詞典,後來也有借鑒,某些條目的釋義也是整句的。如:

OALD9 bounce 條

bounce verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes

if something bounces or you bounce it, it moves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this

LDOCE4 expressly 條

expressly - Definition from Longman English Dictionary Online

if you say something expressly, you say it very clearly and firmly



Student: What"s the meaning of objection and how should I use it?

Teacher COBUILD: If you make or raise an objection to something, you say that you do not like it or agree with it.

Teacher Oxford: a reason why you do not like or are opposed to sth; a statement about this

Student: What"s the meaning of oblige and how should I use it?

Teacher COBUILD: If you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.

Teacher Oxford: to force sb to do sth, by law, because it is a duty, etc


是不是覺得面帶笑臉的、用整句的 COBUILD 「老師」更親切?

用參考文獻 1 里的最後一句話做結。

In the words of Dwight Bolinger (1965:572), "Dictionaries do not exist to define, but to help people grasp meanings." Cobuild exists, additionally, to help people grasp the ways in which English words are used.


1. Hanks, Patrick. "Definitions and explanations." Lexicography: Critical concepts III. London/New York: Routledge (2003): 191-206.

2. Simpson, James. The Routledge handbook of applied linguistics. Taylor Francis, 2011.


意義非常大 既解釋又有用法和搭配 我覺得比牛津的風格好



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