George Martin到目前為止為《冰與火之歌》創造了多少個有名字的角色?







  都說了答案多圖+超長了流量黨不要手滑= =為防誤觸提醒兩次。手機客戶端看不清下面的圖。要是點。。。進。。。來。。。了。。。現在關流量還來得及。






















君臨的坦格利安家族(House Targaryen)

箴言:血火同源(Fire and Blood)


臨冬城的史塔克家族(House Stark)

箴言:凜冬將至(Winter Is Coming)


凱岩城的蘭尼斯特家族(House Lannister)

箴言:聽我怒吼!(Hear Me Roar! )


君臨/龍石島/風息堡的拜拉席恩家族(House Baratheon)

箴言:怒火燎原(Ours Is the Fury)


鷹巢城的艾林家族(House Arryn)

箴言:高如榮譽(As High As Honour)


奔流城的徒利家族(House Tully)

箴言:家族,責任,榮譽(Family, Duty, Honour)


高庭的提利爾家族(House Tyrell)

箴言:生生不息(Growing Strong)



陽戟城的奈梅洛斯-馬泰爾家族(House Nymeros-Martell)

箴言:不屈不撓(Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken)


派克城的葛雷喬伊家族(House Greyjoy)

箴言:強取勝於苦耕(We Do Not Sow)






Abelar Hightower, challenger at the tourney at Ashford Meadow.

Addam, a knight.

Addam Frey, a knight at the Whitewalls tourney, cousin to Lady Butterwell.

Addam Marbrand, a knight in the service of House Lannister. Heir to Ashemark.

Addam Osgrey, son of Eustace Osgrey, slain on the Redgrass Field during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Addam Velaryon

Addison Hill, a former member of the Kingsguard.

Aegon Blackfyre, son of Daemon Blackfyre, killed at the Redgrass Field during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Aegon Frey, called Jinglebell. A halfwit fool at the Twins, killed by Catelyn Stark.

Aegon Frey, called Bloodborn. Eldest son of Ser Aenys Frey. Outlaw of the Riverlands.

Aegon I Targaryen, called the Conqueror. First King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aegon II Targaryen, killed in the Dance of the Dragons.

Aegon III Targaryen, called the Dragonslayer and Dragonsbane.

Aegon IV Targaryen, called the Unworthy.

Aegon V Targaryen, called Egg and the Unlikely.

Aegon Targaryen, infant son of Rhaegar. Killed during the Sack of King"s Landing.

Aegon Targaryen, eldest son of King Aenys I Targaryen

Aegon Targaryen, youngest son of Prince Baelon Targaryen

[[Aegon Targaryen (son of Jaehaersys I)|Aegon Targaryen, eldest son of King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne. Died young.

Aegor Rivers, called "Bittersteel". A legitimized bastard of Aegon IV and rebel to the throne.

Aelinor Penrose, queen to Aerys I.

Aemma Arryn, daughter of Lord Arryn and Princess Daella Targaryen, first wife to King Viserys I Targaryen, mother of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.

Aemon Blackfyre, son of Daemon Blackfyre, killed at the Redgrass Field during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Aemon Costayne, a singer.

Aemon Estermont, eldest son and heir to Lord Eldon Estermont, loyal to King Joffrey.

Aemon Rivers, son of "Bastard" Walder Rivers of house Frey.

Aemon Targaryen, called the Dragonknight and member of the Kingsguard.

Aemon Targaryen, a maester in the Night"s Watch.

Aemond Targaryen, the brother of Aegon II.

Aenys Frey, a knight, third son of Lord Walder Frey.

Aenys I Targaryen, Aegon the Conqueror"s son.

Aerion Targaryen, called Brightflame.

Aeron Greyjoy, called Damphair, eighth son of Lord Quellon Greyjoy, and a priest of the Drowned God.

Aerys I Targaryen, second son of King Daeron II, succeeded by his younger brother Maekar.

Aerys II Targaryen, last Targaryen King, also known as "the Mad King".


Aethelmure, a Grand Maester of the Citadel, long dead.


Aggo, a member of Daenerys"s khas, and later her bloodrider.

Aglantine, a septa.

Agrivane, an archmaester.

Aladale Wynch, knight of the Night"s Watch


Alannys Harlaw, wife of Balon Greyjoy.

Alaric of Eysen, a singer.

Alayaya, daughter of Chataya and whore in her upscale King"s Landing brothel.

Albar Royce, a knight and heir to the Gates of the Moon.

Albett, a new-member of the Night"s Watch.

Alebelly, a Winterfell guard.

Alekyne Florent.

Alequo Adarys, known as "Goldentongue".

Alerie Hightower, daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower and wife to Lord Mace Tyrell. Mother of Willas, Garlan, Loras and Margaery Tyrell.

Alesander Frey, a singer.

Alesander Staedmon, Lord of Broad Arch, called the Pennylover.

Alesander Torrent, Lord of Littlesister.

Alester Florent, Lord of House Florent, Hand of the King to Stannis Baratheon.

Alester Norcross.

Alester Oakheart.

Alfyn, called "Crowkiller," a wildling leader.

Alia of Braavos, a singer at King Joffrey"s wedding.

Alicent Hightower, second wife and queen of Viserys I, mother of Aegon II.


Alla Tyrell, daughter of ser Leo Tyrell and far cousin to Margaery.

Allaquo, a mummer.

Allar Deem, a brutal captain of the King"s Landing City Watch.

Allard Seaworth, second son of Ser Davos Seaworth.

Alliser Thorne, knight. Brother of The Night"s Watch and master-at-arms of Castle Black.

Allyria Dayne, sister to Ser Arthur Dayne and to Ashara Dayne. Betrothed to Lord Beric Dondarrion.

Alvyn Sharp


Alyce Graceford, Lady of Godsgrace.

Alyn, a Winterfell guard.

Alyn Ambrose, a squire, betrothed to Alla Tyrell.

Alyn Cockshaw

Alyn Connington

Alyn Estermont, a knight, son of ser Aemon Estermont, loyal to King Joffrey.

Alyn Frey

Alyn Haigh

Alyn Hunt

Alyn Stackspear, a knight of the Westerlands.

Alyn Velaryon, known as the Oakenfist.

Alys Arryn

Alys Karstark, only daughter of Lord Rickard Karstark.

Alysane Mormont, the daughter of Lady Maege Mormont.

Alysanne Bracken, the daughter of Lord Jonos Bracken.

Alysanne Bulwer, lady of Blackcrown.

Alysanne Hightower

Alysanne Lefford, Lady of the Golden Tooth.

Alysanne of Tarth

Alysanne Osgrey

Alysanne Targaryen, sister and wife to King Jaehaerys I Targaryen.

Alys Frey, wife and cousin to Ser Jared Frey. She is long dead.

Alyssa Arryn, long-ago Lady of House Arryn, mythical namesake of the waterfall Alyssa"s Tears.

Alyssa Blackwood

Alyx Frey


Amarei Crakehall


Ambrose Butterwell

Amerei Frey, known as "Gatehouse Ami".

Amory Lorch, a landed knight and vile bannerman of House Lannister.

Andar Royce, a knight and heir to Runestone.

Anders Yronwood, foster father of Prince Quentyn Martell. He is titled Warden of the Boneway and the Bloodroyal.

Andrew Estermont, a knight, son of Ser Lomas Estermont, loyal to King Stannis.

Andrey Charlton, a knight sworn to House Frey, killed by Lannisters.

Andrey Dalt, close companion of Arianne Martell and heir to Lemonwood.

Andrik, called "the Unsmiling". A powerful raider of the Iron Islands.

Andros Brax, Lord of Hornvale, killed during the Battle of the Camps.

Androw Ashford, a knight at the tourney at Ashford Meadow, oldest son of Lord Ashford.

Androw Frey

Anguy, called "the Archer". A skilled archer of the brotherhood without banners.

Annara Farring, the seventh wife of Lord Walder Frey.

Antario Jast, a lord sworn to House Lannister, captured by Stark forces at the Battle of Oxcross.

Anvil Ryn

Anya Waynwood, Lady of Ironoaks Castle, keeps Harrold Hardyng as her ward.

Archibald Yronwood, a knight.

Ardrian Celtigar, Lord of Claw Isle.

Areo Hotah, Captain of the Guards of House Martell.

Argilac, called "the Arrogant". The last Storm King.

Argrave the Defiant

Arianne Martell, daughter of Prince Doran, heir to Sunspear.

Arianne of Tarth

Arlan of Pennytree, a hedge knight, master of Dunk.


Armond Caswell


Arnell, a knight of the Night"s Watch; his mother was a Fossoway.

Arnolf Karstark

Aron Santagar, master-at-arms of the Red Keep.

Arrec, the Storm King who lost the Riverlands to the ironborn led by Harwyn Hoare.

Arron, a Night"s Watch recruit.

Arron Qorgyle, a knight, second son of Lord Quentin Qorgyle and companion of Prince Oberyn Martell at King"s Landing.

Artys Arryn, the Winged Knight.

Arryk, a famous member of the Kingsguard who slew and was slain by his brother Erryk during the Dance of the Dragons.

Arryk, called either "Left" or "Right". One of Olenna Redwyne"s bodyguards.


Arthor Karstark, the second son of Arnolf Karstark.

Arthur Ambrose, Lord of Ambrose and sworn to House Tarly.

Arthur Dayne, called "Sword of the Morning". A hero of the Kingsguard. Slain at the Tower of Joy.

Artos Stark

Arwood Frey

Arwyn Frey, first daughter of Lady Annara Farring and Lord Walder Frey.

Arwyn Oakheart, Lady of Old Oak.

Arya Stark, daughter of Lord Eddard Stark, also called Underfoot, Cat of the Canals, and Arry, among others.

Arys Oakheart, member of the Kingsguard and younger son of Lady Arwyn Oakheart.

Asha Greyjoy, daughter of Lord Balon Greyjoy.

Ashara Dayne, sister to Ser Arthur Dayne. Some say she is the real mother of Jon Snow.

Lord Ashford, arranged the Ashford tourney.

Assadora of Ibben, a prostitute working in Braavos.

Aubrey Ambrose, supporter of Daemon Blackfyre.

Aurane Waters, called "The Bastard of Driftmark".

Axell Florent


Azzak, a child hostage in Meereen, of the Ghazeen family.

Azor Ahai, legendary hero of the R"hllor faith.

Bael, called "Bael the Bard".

Baela Targaryen, daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon

Baelon Targaryen, of Dragonstone

Baelon Targaryen, son of King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Aemma Arryn.

Baelor Blacktyde

Baelor Hightower, called "Brightsmile", heir to Lord Leyton.

Baelor I Targaryen, called "Baelor the Blessed" or "Baelor the Beloved".

Baelor Targaryen, called "Breakspear". Eldest son and heir of King Daeron II until his death.

Ballabar, maester of the Arbor.

Balman Byrch

Balon Botley, eldest son of Lord Germund Botley.

Balon Greyjoy, Lord Reaver of Pyke.

Balon Swann, a very skilled knight, younger son of Lord Gulian Swann.


Bannen, a skilled ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Barba Bracken

Barbara Bracken, the daugther of Lord Jonos.

Barbrey Dustin, Lady of Barrowton.

Barra, a bastard of King Robert I.

Barre, a septon.

Barristan Selmy, called "the Bold". Lord Commander of the Kingsguard under both Aerys II and Robert I.

Barsena Blackhair, a pit fighter in Meereen.


Barth, a brewer who lives near Winterfell.

Barthogan Stark, known as Barth Blacksword


Bayard Norcross

Bearded Ben, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Beardless Dick, a member of the brotherhood without banners.


Becca the Baker


Bedwyck, called "Giant". A diminutive ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Belandra, a servant.

Belaquo Bonebreaker, a pit fighter in Meereen.



Belis, a pyromancer.

Bella, claims to be a bastard of King Robert I.

Bellegere Otherys, the Black Pearl. Mistress to Aegon IV.

Bellegere Otherys, the current Black Pearl.

Bellena Hawick

Bellonara Otherys, the mother of the current Black Pearl.

Belwas, called "Strong Belwas". A eunuch and former pit-fighter.

Ben, an orphan.

Ben, better known as "Big Belly Ben".

Ben Blackthumb, old blacksmith of Harrenhal.

Ben Bones, kennelmaster at the Dreadfort.

Ben Bushy, known as "Big Ben".

Ben Plumm, known as "Brown Ben Plumm".

Benedar Belmore, the Lord of Strongsong.


Benedict Broom, master-at-arms at Casterly Rock.

Benfred Tallhart, eldest son of Ser Helman Tallhart.

Benfrey Frey, a knight, twentieth son of Lord Walder Frey and husband to Jyanna Frey, his cousin.

Benjen Stark, a man of the Night"s Watch and First Ranger of Castle Black.

Benjen the Bitter, King in the North.

Benjen the Sweet, King in the North.

Bennard Brune, the Knight of Brownhollow.

Bennarion Botley, younger son of Lord Sawane Botley.

Bennet, a septon.

Bennis of the Brown Shield, hedge knight in the service of Eustace Osgrey.

Beqqo, a fishmonger in Braavos.

Beren Tallhart, second son of Leobald Tallhart.

Berena Hornwood, sister of Lord Halys Hornwood and wife to Leobald Tallhart.

Beric Dondarrion, Lord of Blackhaven.

Beron Stark

Beron Blacktyde

Bertram Beesbury

Bess Bracken, the daughter of Lord Jonos.


Bessa, a tavern wench.

Beth Cassel, daughter of Rodrik Cassel.

Bethany (Blushing Bethany)

Bethany Bolton, the second wife of Lord Roose Bolton

Bethany Bracken

Bethany Fair-Fingers

Bethany Redwyne, wife to Lord Mathis Rowan.

Bethany Rosby, sixth wife to Lord Walder Frey.

Betharios of Braavos

Bhakaz zo Loraq, a child hostage in Meereen.

Bharbo, the father of Khal Drogo.

Big Boil

Biter, a cannibal and prisoner in the black cells of King"s Landing.

Black Bernarr, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Black Jack Bulwer, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Blane, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Blind Doss, a wildling leader.

Bloodbeard, commander of the Company of the Cat.

Bluetooth, a longship captain.


Bonifer Hasty, called "the Good". The pious leader of the "Holy Hundred".


Boremund Harlaw

Boros Blount, a knight of the Kingsguard, known to be a coward.

Borroq, a skinchanger.

Bors, a servant.

Bowen Marsh, First Steward of the Night"s Watch.

Boy, an orphan.

Bradamar Frey

Brandon Norrey, the Norrey.

Brandon Stark, Eldest son of Lord Rickard Stark and older brother of Ned.

Brandon Stark, a former Lord of Winterfell.

Brandon Stark, son of Lord Eddard, simply called "Bran".

Bran the Builder, legendary figure who built The Wall.

Brandon the Bad, King in the North.

Brandon the Burner, a legendary King in the North.

Brandon the Daughterless.

Brandon the Shipwright, a legendary King in the North.

Brandon Tallhart

Branston Cuy, Lord of Sunflower Hall.

Brea, daughter of Brusco.



Briar, a skinchanger.

Brienne of Tarth, only living daughter of Lord Selwyn Tarth.

Brogg, a wildling leader.

Bronn, a dangerous mercenary known to be exceptionally shrewd and agile.

Brown Bernarr, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Brusco, a Braavosi fishmonger.

Bryan Frey

Bryan Fossoway, a member of House Fossoway of Cider Hall, the Red Apple Fossoways.

Bryan of Oldtown, a merchant-adventurer.

Bryce Caron, Lord of Nightsong and of the Marches. Bryce the Orange of King Renly"s Rainbow Guard.


Bryen Caron, long dead Lord of Nightsong and of the Marches, father to Lord Bryce Caron and to Ser Rolland Storm.

Bryen Farring, royal squire of King Stannis.

Brynden Rivers, Lord Bloodraven. Bastard son of Aegon IV.

Brynden Tully, called "the Blackfish", younger brother to Lord Hoster Tully.

Buford Bulwer

Bump, a wildling child.

Burton Crakehall, a knight, younger brother to Lord Roland Crakehall.

Butterbumps, fat fool of the Tyrell household.


Byam Flint, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Byan Votyris

Byren Flowers, called "Black Byren". Supporter of Daemon Blackfyre.

Byron, a hedge knight.



Lord Cafferen, Lord of Faunton during Robert"s Rebellion.

Craghas Drahar


Calon, a Winterfell boy, Cayn"s son.

Camarron of the Count, a pit fighter in Meereen.

Canker Jeyne, a dockside prostitute in Braavos.

Carellen Smallwood, daughter of Lord Theomar Smallwood.

Carolei Waynwood

Carrot, a mule-handler.


Cassana Estermont of House Estermont, wife to Lord Steffon Baratheon and mother of King Robert, Lord Stannis and Lord Renly.

Cassella Vaith

Lord Caswell, Lord of Bitterbridge and father of Lorent Caswell.

Castos, an Archmaester.

Catelyn Bracken, the daughter of Lord Jonos Bracken.

Catelyn Tully, a daughter of House Tully and wife to Eddard Stark.

Cayn, a Winterfell guard.

Cedra, a servant.

Cedric Payne

Cedrik Storm

Cellador, a septon and brother of the Night"s Watch.

Cerenna Lannister, daughter of Stafford Lannister.

Cerrick, maester at Coldmoat.

Cersei Frey, called "Little Bee", daughter of Ser Raymund Frey.

Cersei Lannister, daughter of Lord Tywin, wife of King Robert, twin to Ser Jaime.

Cetheres, an Archmaester.

Chataya, mistress of an upscale brothel in King"s Landing.

Chayle, septon of Winterfell.

Chella, a member of the Black Ears.

Chett, a steward of the Night"s Watch.

Cheyk, the father of Chella.

Chiggen, a mercenary.

Chiswyck, a soldier under Ser Gregor Clegane"s command.

Clarence Charlton, a knight at the Whitewalls Tourney.

Clarence Crabb

Clarence Crabb, called "the Short".

Clarent Crakehall, a knight during Dance of the Dragons.

Clayton Suggs, a knight.

Clement, a brother on the Quiet Isle.

Clement Crabb

Clement Piper, Lord of Pinkmaiden.

Cleon, a slave of Grazdan Mo Ullhor, also a butcher and cook.

Cleos Frey, a knight, eldest son of Ser Emmon Frey and cousin to Lannisters.

Cletus Yronwood, the son of Lord Anders Yronwood.

Cley Cerwyn, heir to Cerwyn.

Cleyton Caswell, suitor of Rohanne Webber.

Clifford Conklyn, claimant to Lady Webber"s Leafy Lake.

Clubfoot Karl, a steward of the Night"s Watch.

Clydas, steward of the Night"s Watch.

Cohollo, the oldest of Khal Drogo"s bloodriders.

Coldhands, a mysterious figure from beyond the Wall that can control ravens. This ability suggests he is a skinchanger.

Colemon, maester of the Eyrie.

Colen of Greenpools, a hedge knight at the service of Lord Renly Baratheon.

Colin Florent, brother to Alester Florent.

Collio Quaynis

Colmar Frey


Conwy, a recruiter of the Night"s Watch.

Coratt, the father of Conn.

Corliss Penny, a knight.

Corlys Velaryon

Cortnay Penrose, a knight and castellan of Storm"s End.


Cossomo, a magician in Braavos.

Cotter Pyke, commander at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea.

Courtenay Greenhill, a household knight.

Cragorn, a member of Euron Greyjoy"s crew.

Craster, a brutal wildling friend of the Night"s Watch.


Cregan Karstark, son of Arnolf Karstark.

Cregan Stark, a renowned warrior who once fought the Dragonknight.

Creighton Longbough, a hedge knight.

Creighton Redfort, the son of Lord Horton Redfort.

Cressen, old maester at Dragonstone.

Criston Cole

Cuger, a new member of the Night"s Watch.


Cynthea Frey

Cyrenna Swann

Daario Naharis, the captain of the Stormcrows.

Dacey Mormont, a warrior and heiress of Bear Island.

Dacks, a squire.

Daegon Shepherd

Daella Targaryen, daughter of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Alysanne Targaryen, mother of Aemma Arryn.

Daella Targaryen, daughter of Maekar I Targaryen.

Daemon I Blackfyre, a Targaryen Great Bastard legitimized, leader of the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Daemon II Blackfyre, third son of Daemon Blackfyre.

Daemon Sand, a knight, called "The Bastard of Godsgrace".

Daemon Targaryen, younger brother of King Viserys I Targaryen and husband of Rhaenyra Targaryen.

Daena Targaryen, sister and wife of King Baelor I Targaryen, and the mother of Daemon Blackfyre. She was called "the Defiant".

Daenerys Targaryen, the daughter of Aegon IV.

Daenerys Targaryen, the last known family member of House Targaryen.

Daeron I Targaryen, called the "Young Dragon"

Daeron II Targaryen, called the Good.

Daeron Targaryen, third son of Viserys I by Alicent Hightower.

Daeron Targaryen, eldest son of Maekar I Targaryen. Also known as "the Drunken".

Daeron Vaith, Lord of the Red Dunes.

Daeryssa, Princess saved by Serwyn of the Mirror Shield.

Dafyn Vance, a knight of the Riverlands.

Dagmer, called "Dagmer Cleftjaw" and "the Cleftjaw". An infamous raider of the Ironmen.

Dagon Ironmaker, grandson of Erik Ironmaker.

Dagon Greyjoy

Dagos Manwoody, Lord of Kingsgrave.

Dake, a sheep thief.

Dake, a guard.

Dalbridge, a veteran ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Dale Drumm

Dale Seaworth, eldest son of Ser Davos Seaworth and his heir.


Dalla, a servant on Dragonstone.

Damion Lannister, appointed castellan of Casterly Rock.

Damon, called "Damon Dance-for-Me", one of Ramsay Bolton"s Bastard"s Boys.

Daemon Lannister, the Grey Lion

Damon Lannister, eldest son of Ser Jason Lannister (son of Gerold)

Damon Paege, a knight.

Damon Shett, the Knight of Gull Tower.

Damon Vypren, a knight and heir to Lord Lucias Vypern.

Dan, called Hempen Dan. A wildling raider.

Dancy, a whore at Chataya"s brothel.

Danelle Lothston

Danny Flint

Danos Slynt, son of Janos Slynt.

Danwell Frey, a knight, tenth son of Lord Walder Frey and husband to Lady Wynafrei Whent.

Dareon, an apprentice singer made to join the Night"s Watch.

Darla Deddings

Darlessa Marbrand, mother of Tyrek Lannister.

Daryn Hornwood, heir to Hornwood.

Daughter of the Dusk, a courtesan.

Daven Lannister, a valiant knight, son of Ser Stafford Lannister.

Davos Seaworth, the "Onion Knight". A landed knight loyal to Stannis Baratheon.

Deana Hardyng

Del, a wildling raider.

Delena Florent, mother of King Robert"s bastard Edric Storm.

Della Frey

Delonne Allyrion

Delp, a guard of Riverrun.


Dennet, a knight of the brotherhood without banners.

Dennis Plumm

Denyo Terys

Denys Arryn, "the Darling of the Vale", a knight, heir to his cousin Lord Jon Arryn.

Denys Darklyn

Denys Drumm

Denys Mallister, an old and valorous knight, commander at the Shadow Tower.

Denys Redwyne, a squire.

Denyse Hightower

Dermot of the Rainwood, a knight.

Desmond, a guard of Winterfell.

Desmond Grell, a knight and master-at-arms of Riverrun.

Desmond Redwyne

Devan Seaworth, a squire of Stannis Baratheon.

Devyn Sealskinner, a wildling leader.

Deziel Dalt, the Knight of Lemonwood.

Dhazzar, called "the Dancer", a child hostage in Meereen.

Dick, known as Fletcher Dick, the most skilled archer of Kingswood Brotherhood.

Dick Crabb

Dick Follard, a member of the Night"s Watch known as "Deaf Dick"

Dickon Frey

Dickon Manwoody, second son of Lord Dagos Manwoody.

Dickon Tarly, son of Lord Randyll Tarly and heir of Horn Hill.

Dirk, a member of the Night"s Watch.


Dolf son of Holger, Shagga"s father.

Domeric Bolton, dead son of Lord Roose Bolton and heir.

Donal Noye, one-armed blacksmith of the Night"s Watch at Castle Black, formerly of Storm"s End.

Donel Greyjoy

Donella Hornwood, Lady of Hornwood.

Donnel Drumm

Donnel Haigh, knight of the Riverlands, at the service of House Frey.

Donnel Hill, called "Sweet Donnell Hill" of the Night"s Watch.

Donnel Locke, a knight, heir of Oldcastle.

Donnel of Duskendale, a knight in Daeron II Targaryen"s Kingsguard.

Donnel Waynwood, knight of the Bloody Gate and second son of Lady Anya Waynwood.


Donnor Stark

Dontos Hollard, called "the Red". A drunkard knight, the last of his House.

Donyse, a septa in King"s Landing.

Doran Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne.

Dorcas, a handmaiden of Cersei Lannister.

Dorea Sand, seventh of the Sand Snakes, illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand.

Doreah, a handmaiden of Daenerys Targaryen and former pleasure slave.

Dormund, one of many Tormund Giantsbane"s sons.

Dornish Dilly, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Dorren Stark

Draqaz, a child hostage in Meereen.


Drogo, an undefeated Dothraki khal.

Dryn, a son of Tormund Giants-bane.


Dunaver, a knight at Harrenhal in Tywin"s service.

Duncan, called "Ser Duncan the Tall". The Hedge Knight. Later Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

Duncan Targaryen, called Duncan the Small and the Prince of Dragonflies. Son of Aegon V.

Dunsen, called "Shitmouth". A soldier under Gregor Clegane.

Dunstan Drumm

Duram Bar Emmon, Lord of Sharp Point.

Durran, called "Durran Godsgrief". The semi-legendary first Storm King.


Dykk Harlaw, an Ironborn raider placed under Theon"s authority.

Dywen, a veteran ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Easy, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Ebben, one of Qhorin"s rangers in the Night"s Watch.

Ebrose, an Archmaester at the Citadel.

Eddara Tallhart

Eddard Karstark, third son of Rickard Karstark.

Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Lord Protector of the North.

Edderion Stark

Eddison Tollett, a squire of the Night"s Watch, called "Dolorous Edd".

Eden Risley

Edgerran Oakheart

Edmund Ambrose

Edmure Tully, a knight, only son and heir of Lord Hoster Tully.

Edmyn Tully, first Lord Tully of Riverrun.

Edric Dayne, the young Lord of Starfall, squire to Lord Beric Dondarrion.

Edric Storm, a bastard of Robert Baratheon and Delena Florent, fostered at Dragonstone.

Edrick Stark

Edwyd Fossoway, a knight of the Red Apple Fossoways.

Edwyle Stark, long dead Lord of Winterfell, father of Lord Rickard and grandfather of Lord Eddard.

Edwyn Frey, son of ser Ryman Frey and husband to Janyce Hunter.

Edwyn Osgrey, son of Eustace Osgrey, slain on the Redgrass Field.

Edwyn Stark

Eggon, a soldier under Ser Gregor Clegane.

Eglantine, a septa.

Egon Emeros

Elaena Targaryen

Elbert Arryn, Jon Arryn"s nephew, killed by King Aerys II Targaryen.

Elder Brother, the Elder Brother on the Quiet Isle.


Eldon Estermont, the old Lord of Greenstone.

Eldred Codd

Eleanor Mooton, the heir of House Mooton.

Eleyna Westerling, daughter of Lord Gawen Westerling.

Elia Sand, fifth of the Sand Snakes, illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand.

Elia Martell, sister to Prince Doran Martell and wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

Elinor Tyrell, daughter of Ser Theodore Tyrell and betrothed to Alyn Ambrose. Cousin to Margaery.

Ellaria Sand, paramour of Oberyn Martell and mother of the four youngest Sand Snakes. Bastard daughter of Lord Harman Uller.

Ellery Vance

Ellyn Tarbeck, Lady wife of Lord Tarbeck, killed in the extermination of Houses Tarbeck and Reyne.

Elmar Frey, twenty-eighth son of Lord Walder Frey.



Elwood Meadows, Lord of Grassy Vale.

Elyana Vypren

Elyas Willum, Lord Willum"s second son.

Elyn Norridge

Elys Waynwood

Elys Westerling, a knight of House Westerling during the War of the Usurper.

Elza, or Ella, a deceased weaver slave once owned by Grazdan zo Galare, whose name he has forgotten.

Emberlei Frey


Emmon Cuy, a knight called "the Yellow". One of Renly"s Rainbow Guard.

Emmon Frey, second son of Lord Walder Frey, husband to Genna Lannister.

Emmond, a Drowned Man.

Emphyria Vance

Emrick, a Night"s Watch recruit.

Endehar, an ironborn raider placed under Theon"s authority.

Endrew Tarth, a knight of the Night"s Watch.


Eon Hunter, old Lord of Longbow Hall.

Erena Glover.

Erik Ironmaker, an old ironborn raider.

Ermesande Hayford, the infant Lady of Hayford.

Eroeh, a Lhazareen.



Erren Florent, a knight, son of Ser Ryam Florent.


Erryk, a famous member of the Kingsguard who slew and was slain by his brother Arryk during the Dance of the Dragons.

Erryk, called either "Left" or "Right". One of Olenna Redwyne"s bodyguards.

Esgred, mother of Sigrin.

Ethan Glover, former squire to Brandon Stark.

Euron Greyjoy, called "Crow"s Eye", fifth son of Lord Quellon Greyjoy.

Eustace, a disgraced septon in Braavos.

Eustace, a septon at the Red Keep during the reign of Viserys I.

Eustace Brune

Eustace Hunter, the son of Lord Eon Hunter.

Eustace Osgrey, a landed knight.

Eyron Stark

Ezzara, a Blue Grace of Meereen.

Ezzelyno, a red priest of R"hllor.

Falena Stokeworth

Falia Flowers, the bastard daughter of Lord Hewett.

Falyse Stokeworth, heiress of Stokeworth and wife to Ser Balman Byrch.

Farlen, kennelmaster of Winterfell.

Lord Farman of Fair Isle, raided by Dagon Greyjoy"s Ironmen.

Fearless Ithoke, a pit fighter in Meereen.

Lord Fell of Felwood



Ferrego Antaryon, Sealord of Braavos.


Flement Brax, a knight of the Westerlands, third son of Lord Andros Brax.


Forley Prester, a knight, cousin to Lord Garrison Prester of Feastfires.


Franklyn Fowler, Lord of Skyreach.

Franklyn Frey


Frenken, maester of Stokeworth.

Frenya, a wildling spearwife.

Frynne, the daughter of a smith.

Gage, head cook at Winterfell.

Galazza Galare, the Green Grace.

Galbart Glover, Master of Deepwood Motte.

Galladon, better known as Ser Galladon of Morne.

Galladon of Tarth

Gallard, an Archmaester of the Citadel.

Galt, a Stone Crow.

Galtry the Green

Galyeon of Cuy, a singer.

Gared, an earless veteran ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Gareth Clifton, a knight and husband to Lady Jeyne Farman.

Gareth the Grey

Garigus, a Pyromancer.

Garin, an orphan of the Greenblood and old friend of Princess Arianne Martell.

Garin, a Prince of the Rhoynar.

Gariss, a guard of Winterfell.

Garizon, an Archmaester of the Citadel.

Garlan Tyrell, called "the Gallant", knight and second son of Lord Mace Tyrell.

Garrett Flowers, bastard son of Garth Tyrell.

Garrett Paege, a squire.

Garrison Prester, Lord of Feastfires.

Garse Flowers, bastard son of Garth Tyrell.

Garse Goodbrook, husband of Kyra Frey.

Garth of Greenaway, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Garth Greenhand, legendary first king of the Reach.

Garth XII Gardener, King in the Reach.

Garth Greenfield

Garth Greyfeather a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Garth Hightower, a knight and fourth son of Lord Leyton Hightower.

Garth of Oldtown, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Garth Tyrell, called "the Gross", uncle to Lord Mace Tyrell.

Gascoyne of the Greenblood, a knight and sworn shield to Prince Trystane Martell.

Gavin the Trader, a wildling leader.

Gawen Glover

Gawen Swann

Gawen Westerling, Lord of the Crag.

Gawen Wylde, formerly master-at-arms of Storm"s End during the War of the Usurper.

Gelmarr the Grim, an ironborn raider in Theon"s crew.

Gendel, King-Beyond-the-Wall.

Gendry, apprentice blacksmith and bastard son of Robert Baratheon.

Genna Lannister, wife to Ser Emmon Frey and sister to Lord Tywin Lannister.

Gerald Gower, a knight at the service of King Stannis Baratheon.

Gerardys, former Grand Maester.


Gerion Lannister, youngest son of Lord Tytos Lannister.

Gerold Dayne, called the "Darkstar".

Gerold Grafton, the Lord of Gulltown.

Gerold Hightower, called "The White Bull". Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

Gerold Lannister


Gerrick Kingsblood, a wildling raider.

Gerris Drinkwater, a knight.

Gevin Harlaw, member of House Harlaw and of Theon"s crew.


Ghost of High Heart, an old sage.

Gilbert Farring, a knight loyal to Stannis.

Gillam, a brother on the Quiet Isle.

Gilly, a Wildling girl.

Gilwood Hunter

Gladden Wylde, a knight of Rain House.

Glendon Flowers

Glendon Hewett


Godric Borrell, Lord of Sweetsister.

Godry Farring, called the Giantslayer.


Goghor the Giant, a pit fighter in Meereen.


Gorghan of Old Ghis, a scholar.

Gormon Peake, a supporter of Daemon Blackfyre.

Gormon Tyrell

Gormond Drumm

Gormond Goodbrother

Gorne, King-Beyond-the-Wall.

Gorold Goodbrother

Gowen Baratheon

Gran Goodbrother

Grance Morrigen, a knight who attended the Ashford Tourney.


Grazdan, founder of the ancient Ghiscari Empire.

Grazdan mo Eraz, an envoy and nobleman.

Grazdan mo Ullhor, a rich slave trader.

Grazdan zo Galare, a Meereenese noble.

Grazdar zo Galare, a child hostage in Meereen.

The Great Walrus, a wildling leader from the Frozen Shore.

Greenbeard, a member of the brotherhood without banners. His true name is Pello of Tyrosh.

Gregor Clegane, the Mountain that Rides.

Grenn, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.


Grey King, legendary first king of the Isles.

Grey Worm, captain of Daenerys"s Unsullied.

Greydon Goodbrother

Griffin King

Grigg, better known as Grigg the Goat, a Wildling raider.


Grisella, a skinchanger.

Groleo, captain of Saduleon.

Grubbs, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Grunt, one of Ramsay Bolton"s Bastard"s Boys.

Gueren, a recruiter of the Night"s Watch.

Gulian, a maester.

Gulian Qorgyle

Gulian Swann, Lord of Stonehelm and father of Ser Donnel and Ser Balon Swann.

Guncer Sunglass, Lord of Sweetport Sound.

Gunthor, a clansmen from the Mountains of the Moon.

Gunthor Hightower

Gurn, father of Gunthor.

Guthor Grimm, Lord of Greyshield.

Guyard Morrigen, a knight, the Green of the Rainbow Guard.

Guyne, an Archmaester of the Citadel.

Gwayne Corbray, Kingsguard of Daeron II.

Gwayne Gaunt

Gwayne Hightower, younger brother of Queen Alicent.

Gwin Goodbrother

Gwynesse Harlaw

Gylbert Farwynd, Lord of the Lonely Light.

Gyldayn, an Archmaester at the Citadel who wrote a history of the Dance of the Dragons.

Gyleno Dothare

Gyles, known as "Gyles Greycloak".

Gyles Farwynd, heir of the Lonely Light.

Gyles III Gardener, King in the Reach.

Gyles Grafton, the son of Lord Gerold Grafton.

Gyles Rosby, Lord of Rosby.

Gyloro Dothare


Gysella Goodbrother

Haegon Blackfyre

Haggo, Khal Drogo"s bloodrider.

Haggon, a skinchanger.

Hairy Hal, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Hake, a steward of the Night"s Watch.

Hal, known as Hal the Hog.

Halder, a new member of the Night"s Watch.

Haldon, called Halfmaester.


Hallis Mollen, commander of the Guard of Winterfell after Jory Cassel.

Hallyne, a pyromancer and Wisdom of the Guild of Alchemists in King"s Landing.

Halmon Paege

Halys Hornwood, Lord of Hornwood.

Hamish the Harper

Harbert, old uncle to Lord Steffon Baratheon and castellan at Storm"s End.

Harbert Paege

Hareth, a Grand Maester.

Hareth, a stablehand from Mole"s Town.

Harghaz, an animal handler in the fighting pits of Meereen, and attempted dragonslayer.

Harlan Grandison, knight of Aerys"s Kingsguard, replaced by Ser Jaime Lannister.

Harlan Hunter

Harle the Handsome

Harle the Huntsman

Harlen Tyrell

Harlon Botley, a younger son of Lord Sawane Botley.

Harlon Greyjoy

Harma, called "Dogshead", a captain in Mance Rayder"s army.

Harmen Uller, Lord of Hellholt.

Harmond Umber, former Lord of the Last Hearth.

Harmund Sharp


Harodon, an archmaester of the Citadel.


Harrag Hoare

Harrag Sharp, also known as "Sheepstealer", a member of Prince Theon Greyjoy"s crew.

Harras Harlaw

Harren Botley

Harren Half-Hoare, an ironborn raider.

Harren Hoare, known as "Black Harren", the builder of Harrenhal.

Harrion Karstark, eldest son and heir of Lord Rickard Karstark.

Harrold Hardyng, called "Harry the Heir".

Harrold Osgrey, son of Eustace Osgrey, slain on the Redgrass Field.

Harrold Westerling, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard

Harry Sawyer

Harry Strickland, captain of the Golden Company.


Harwin, a Winterfell guard.

Harwin Strong

Harwood Fell, Lord of Felwood.

Harwood Stout

Harwyn Hoare, grandfather to Harren Hoare, he conquered the riverlands by defeating the Storm King, Arrec.

Harwyn Plumm

Harys Haigh

Harys Swyft, Hand of King Tommen. "Good-father" (father-in-law) of Kevan Lannister via Kevan"s marriage to Harys" daughter Dorna.


Hazrak zo Loraq, called "the Handsome", a famous ancestor of the House of Loraq.

Hazzea, a Ghiscari child, apparently killed by Drogon.

Helaena Targaryen

Helicent Uffering, Roland Uffering"s sister, at Coldmoat.

Helliweg, a maester.


Helman Tallhart, the Knight of Torrhen"s Square.


Hendry Bracken, a knight, nephew and heir to Lord Jonos Bracken.

Henk the Helm, a wildling raider.

Henly, a maester.

Henly, a stableman in Ashford.

Herbert Bolling


Hibald, a fearful and niggardly merchant.

High Sparrow, the High Septon.

Hilmar Drumm

Hizdahr zo Loraq, King of Meereen.

Lord Commander Hoare, a leader of the Night"s Watch.

Hoarfrost Umber, former Lord of the Last Hearth.

Hobb, "Three Fingers", cook of the Night"s Watch.

Hobber Redwyne, called "Slobber". A knight. Son of Lord Paxter Redwyne, twin to Horas.


Hodor, a giant, lackwit stableboy at Winterfell. His true name is Walder.


Holger, grandfather of Shagga.

Holly, a wildling spearwife.

Hop-Robin, a Night"s Watch recruit.

Horas Redwyne, called "Horror". A knight. Son of Lord Paxter Redwyne, twin to Hobber.

Horton Redfort

Hosman Norcross.

Hosteen Frey, a knight of House Frey.

Hoster Frey

Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun.

Hot Pie, friend to Arya Stark.

Hother Umber, called "Whoresbane". An uncle to the Greatjon.

Hotho Harlaw

Howd Wanderer, a wildling leader.

Howland Reed, Lord of Greywater Watch and old friend to Lord Eddard Stark.

Hubard Rambton, a knight of the Crownlands.

Hugh, Ser Hugh of the Vale.

Hugh Beesbury

Hugh Hammer

Hugo Vance

Hugo Wull, the Wull.

Hugor of the Hill, the King of the Andals.

Hullen, Harwin"s father.

Humfrey Beesbury

Humfrey Clifton

Humfrey Hardyng

Humfrey Hewett

Humfrey Swyft

Humfrey Wagstaff

Husband, owner of the Inn near the Ruby Ford.

Hyle Hunt

Iggo, a Brave Companion.

Igon Vyrwel, Captain of the Guards at Highgarden.

Illifer, known as the Penniless.

Illyrio Mopatis, a magister of the Free City of Pentos.

Ilyn Payne, a knight and King"s Justice, the royal executioner.

Imry Florent, a knight, son of ser Ryam Florent.

Iron Emmett, master-at-arms of the Night"s Watch.


Irri, a handmaiden of Daenerys Targaryen.

Jacelyn Bywater, called "Ironhand", a knight.


Jacks, a Winterfell guard.

Jaehaera Targaryen

Jaehaerys I Targaryen, called The Old King and The Conciliator.

Jaehaerys Targaryen, son of King Aegon II Targaryen

Jaehaerys II Targaryen, father of Aerys II.

Jafer Flowers, a ranger of Night"s Watch.


Jaime Frey, a newborn babe.

Jaime Lannister, called "the Kingslayer".

Jalabhar Xho, exiled prince of the Red Flower Vale on the Summer Islands.

Jammos Frey

Janei Lannister

Janna Tyrell

Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch in King"s Landing.

Jaqen H"ghar

Jared Frey

Jaremy Rykker, second ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Jarl, a wildling.

Jarmen Buckwell, ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagard.

Jason Lannister

Jasper Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie.

Jasper Wylde, called "Ironrod", master of laws during the reign of Viserys I.

Jasper Redfort, the son of Lord Horton Redfort.

Jasper Waynwood


Jate Blackberry


Jayne Bracken, the daughter of Lord Jonos Bracken.

Jeffory Mallister, companion of Brandon Stark, executed by King Aerys.

Jeffory Norcross, called "Neveryield".

Jenny of Oldstones.

Jeor Mormont, the "Old Bear", Lord Commander of the Night"s Watch.

Jeren, a new member of the Night"s Watch.

Jeyne, known as "Squinty Jeyne".

Jeyne Arryn

Jeyne Beesbury

Jeyne Darry

Jeyne Fossoway, of the green-apple Fossoways.

Jeyne Goodbrook

Jeyne Heddle, the niece of Masha Heddle.

Jeyne Lothston

Jeyne Lydden

Jeyne Poole, Vayon Poole"s daughter and a friend to Sansa Stark.

Jeyne Rivers

Jeyne Swann

Jeyne Waters

Jeyne Westerling, wife of Maegor I.

Jeyne Westerling, wife of Robb Stark.

Jhaqo, a Dothraki khal.

Jhezane, a child hostage in Meereen.

Jhiqui, a handmaiden of Daenerys Targaryen.

Jhogo, Daenerys" bloodrider.

Joanna Lannister, late wife of Tywin Lannister.

Joanna Swyft

Jocelyn Swyft


Joffrey Baratheon, eldest son of King Robert I and heir to the Iron Throne.

Joffrey Caswell, Lord of Bitterbridge during the reign of Aerys I.

Joffrey Lonmouth

Johanna Swann

Jojen Reed, son of Howland Reed, Lord of Greywater Watch.


Jommy, in service to House Baratheon.

Jon, known as Jon O"Nutten.

Jon Arryn, Hand of the King.

Jon Bettley

Jon Brax

Jon Bulwer

Jon Connington, Hand of the King under Aerys II.

Jon Cupps

Jon Fossoway, a knight of the Green Apple Fossoways.

Jon Heddle, known as Long Jon Heddle.

Jon Hollard

Jon Lynderly, the Lord of the Snakewood.

Jon Myre

Jon Penny, a child at the Crossroads Inn.

Jon Penrose

Jon Pox

Jon Redfort, the son of Lord Horton Redfort.

Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark.

Jon Umber, called the Greatjon. Lord of the Last Hearth.

Jon Umber, called the Smalljon. Heir to the Last Hearth.

Jon Vance, a Maester.

Jon Waters

Jon Wylde

Jonella Cerwyn, daughter of Lord Medger Cerwyn.

Jonnel Stark

Jonos Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge.

Jonos Frey

Jonos Stark

Jonothor Darry, knight of Aerys"s Kingsguard, brother to Ser Willem Darry.

Jorah Mormont, son of Jeor Mormont, knight in exile, once Lord of Bear Island.

Jorah Stark


Jorelle Mormont, the daughter of Lady Maege Mormont.

Jorgen, a peasant of Coldmoat.


Jory Cassel, Captain of the Guard at Winterfell, nephew of Ser Rodrik Cassel.



Joseth Mallister

Josmyn Peckledon, a squire.


Joss Stilwood, squire to Ser Gregor Clegane.

Joss the Gloom, a mummer.

Josua Willum, Lord Willum"s eldest son.

Joth Quickbow

Jothos Slynt

Joy Hill, bastard daughter of Gerion Lannister.

Joyeuse Erenford, the eighth wife of Lord Walder Frey.


Justin Massey, a knight.

Jyana, the wife of Howland Reed.

Jyanna Frey


Jynessa Blackmont


Kaeth, author of Lives of Four Kings.

Karlon Stark, founder of House Karstark.

Karyl Vance, Lord of Wayfarer"s Rest.

Kedge Whiteye, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Kedry, a maester.



Kemmett Pyke


Kennos of Kayce, a knight entrusted with the Horn of Herrock.


Kevan Lannister, brother of Lord Tywin.

Kezmya, a child hostage in Meereen, of the Pahl family.

Khorane Sathmantes

Khrazz, a pit fighter in Meereen, later made bodyguard to Hizdahr zo Loraq.

the Kindly Man, a Faceless Man of Braavos.

Kirby Pimm

Kirth Vance

Knight of Ninestars, slain by Daemon Blackfyre on the Redgrass Field.

Kojja Mo, a member of the crew of the Cinnamon Wind.


Kraznys mo Nakloz

Krazz, a pit fighter.


Kurleket, a Bracken man-at-arms who accompanies Catelyn and Tyrion through the Mountains of the Moon.



Kyle, a member of the brotherhood without banners.

Kyle Condon

Kyle Royce

Kyleg of the Wooden Ear, a wildling leader.


Kyra, a young woman of Winterfell.

Kyra Frey

Lady of the Leaves

Laena Velaryon

Laenor Velaryon

Lambert Turnberry

Lamprey, gaoler at Dragonstone.

Lancel V Lannister, a King of the Rock, killed by Wilbert Osgrey.

Lancel Lannister, son of Kevan Lannister. A squire to King Robert Baratheon.

Lann the Clever, a legendary trickster.


Lanna, a young prostitute working at the Happy Port in Braavos.

Lanna Lannister

Larence Snow, called "the Bastard of Hornwood".

Lark the Sisterman

Larra Blackmont

Larraq, called "the Lash", a former slave now in training as a squire to Ser Barristan Selmy.

Larys Strong, also called "Larys Clubfoot", Lord of Harrenhal and master of whisperers during the reign of Viserys I.


Leana Frey, an infant.

Leathers, a wildling who joins the Night"s Watch.

Left Hand Lew, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Lem, called "Lemoncloak". A member of the brotherhood without banners.

Lem, one of Standfast"s peasants.



Lenwood Tawney


Leo Blackbar

Leo Lefford, Lord of the Golden Tooth.

Leo Tyrell, called Lazy Leo, a novice of the Citadel.

Leo Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden. Called Leo Longthorn.

Leo Tyrell, the son of Victor Tyrell.

Leobald Tallhart, castellan of Torrhen"s Square.

Leona Tyrell

Leona Woolfield, wife of Ser Wylis Manderly.

Leonella Lefford

Leonette Fossoway, wife of Ser Garlan Tyrell.

Leslyn Haigh

Lester, a Lannister guardsman.

Lester Morrigen, Lord of Crows Nest.

Lew, a guard at Winterfell.

Lew, known as Long Lew.

Lewis Lanster, a sellsword archer with the Windblown.

Lewyn Martell, member of the Kingsguard.


Lewys Lydden

Lewys Piper, a squire.

Leyla Hightower

Leyton Hightower, Voice of Oldtown, Lord of the Port, Lord of the Hightower, Defender of the Citadel and Beacon of the South.


Lia Serry

Liane Vance

Likely Luke, a member of the brotherhood without banners.


Lollys Stokeworth, dim-witted younger daughter of Tanda Stokeworth.

Lomas Estermont

Lommy Greenhands, a boy on his way to join the Night"s Watch.

Lomys, a maester.

Loras Tyrell, Knight of Flowers.

Lorcas, an acolyte.

Loren Lannister, last King of the Rock, knelt to Aegon I the Dragon.

Lorent Lorch

Lorent Marbrand, a member of the Kingsguard during the reign of Viserys I.

Lorent Tyrell

Loreza Sand, eighth of the Sand Snakes. Illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand.



Lorren, called "Black Lorren". An infamous ironborn raider.


Lothar Frey, called "Lame Lothar".

Lothar Mallery

Lotho Lornel, a book dealer in Braavos.

Lothor Brune, a freerider.

Lucamore Strong


Lucantine Woodwright, a household knight.

Lucas Blackwood, heir to Raventree Hall.

Lucas Codd

Lucas Corbray

Lucas Inchfield, called "The Longinch."

Lucas Lothston

Lucas Nayland

Lucas Roote

Lucas Tyrell

Luceon Frey, a septon, one of the Most Devout.

Lucias Vypren

Lucifer Hardy

Lucimore Botley

Lucion Lannister

Luco Prestayn

Lucos, a septon.

Lucos Chyttering

Luke of Longtown, a member of the Night"s Watch.


Luthor Tyrell, the previous Lord of Highgarden.

Luthor Tyrell, the son of Ser Moryn Tyrell.

Luthor Tyrell, the son of Ser Theodore Tyrell.

Luton, a man-at-arms sworn to House Bolton.

Luwin, maester at Winterfell.

Lyanna Mormont, the youngest of Maege Mormont"s daughters. Named after Lyanna Stark.

Lyanna Stark, late sister of Eddard Stark.

Lyessa Flint, Lady of Widow"s Watch.

Lyle Crakehall, called the "Strongboar". Famed knight and battle commander.

Lyman Beesbury, master of coin during the reigns of Jaeharys I and Viserys I.

Lyman Darry

Lymond Goodbrook

Lymond Lychester

Lymond Mallister

Lymond Vikary

Lyn Corbray, master swordsman and suitor to Lysa Tully.


Lynesse Hightower, estranged second wife of Ser Jorah.

Lyonel, a knight.

Lyonel Baratheon, called 「The Laughing Storm」.

Lyonel Bentley

Lyonel Corbray

Lyonel Frey

Lyonel Selmy

Lyonel Strong

Lyonel Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden.

Lyonel Tyrell, son of Leo Tyrell.

Lyra Mormont, the daughter of Lady Maege Mormont.

Lysa Meadows

Lysa Tully, widow of Jon Arryn.

Lysono Maar, a sellsword and spymaster of the Golden Company.

Lythene Frey

Mace Tyrell

Mad Huntsman, a brutal member of the brotherhood without banners.


Maege Mormont, Lady of Bear Island.

Maegelle Frey

Maegor I Targaryen, called the Cruel.

Maekar Targaryen

Maelor Targaryen

Maelys Blackfyre, known as Maelys the Monstrous.

Maerie, kwown as Goodwife Maerie.

Maerie, known as Maerie the Whore.

Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg, called "Mag the Mighty", King of the Giants.

Maggy the Frog, a seer.



Mallador Locke



Mallor, a knight.

Mallor, called Mallor the Dornishman.

Malwyn Frey

Mance Rayder, The King beyond the Wall.

Mandon Moore, a knight of King Robert"s Kingsguard.

Manfred Dondarrion, Lord of House Dondarrion.

Manfred Lothston

Manfred Swann

Manfrey Martell

Manfryd Lothston, o" the Black Hood.

Manfryd Yew


Margaery Tyrell, daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell.

Marghaz zo Loraq, a cousin of Hizdahr zo Loraq, later made commander of the Brazen Beasts.

Margot Lannister

Marianne Vance

Maric Seaworth

Marillion, a singer


Marissa Frey

Mariya Darry

Mark Mullendore

Mark Ryswell

Marlon Manderly

Maron Botley

Maron Greyjoy, killed during the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Maron Martell

Maron Volmark

Marq Grafton, Targaryen loyalist in Gulltown.

Marq Piper, heir to Pinkmaiden.

Marq Rankenfell

Marsella Waynwood

Matarys Targaryen

Martyn Cassel

Martyn Lannister

Martyn Mullendore, Lord of Uplands.

Martyn Rivers

Marwyn, an archmaester of the Citadel.

Marwyn Belmore

Marya Seaworth, a cobbler"s daughter before her marriage to Lord Davos.

Masha Heddle


Matarys Targaryen

Mathis Frey

Mathis Rowan, Lord of Goldengrove.

Mathos Mallarawan




Matthos Seaworth, son of Davos Seaworth.


Maynard, a knight held at the bridge.

Maynard Plumm

Mazdhan zo Loraq, called "the Magnificent", a famous ancestor of the House of Loraq.


Medgar Tully

Medger Cerwyn

Medwick Tyrell, a Maester.

Meera Reed, daughter of Howland Reed.

Meg, called Swampy Meg.

Megga Tyrell


Meizo Mahr



Melara Crane, wife of Lord Alester Florent, Lady of Brightwater Keep.

Melara Hetherspoon, childhood friend of Cersei Lannister.

Meldred Merlyn, Lord of Pebbleton.

Melesa Crakehall

Melessa Florent


Melicent, a septa.

Melisandre of Asshai, called "The Red Woman".

Melissa Blackwood, mistress of King Aegon IV Targaryen and mother of Bloodraven.

Mellara Rivers

Mellei, a servant.



Melwyn Sarsfield

Melwys Rivers

Meralyn, owner of the Happy Port.

Meredyth Crane

Merianne Frey

Meribald, a wandering septon.

Merling Queen, a courtesan.

Merlon Crakehall

Mern Gardener

Mero, the Titan"s Bastard, leader of the Second Sons.

Merrell Florent

Merrett Frey, called Muttonhead.


Merry Meg

Meryn Trant, a knight of Robert"s Kingsguard.

Mezzara, a child hostage in Meereen, of the Merreq family.

Michael Mertyns, known as the "White Owl".

Mikken, blacksmith of Winterfell.

Miklaz, a child hostage in Meereen.

Mina Tyrell

Minisa Whent, late wife of Lord Hoster Tully, mother to Catelyn, Lysa, and Edmure.

Mirri Maz Duur, a maegi, or witch-woman.

Missandei, a slave girl.

Moelle, a septa.




Monford Velaryon

Monster, the nickname of Gilly"s unnamed infant son.

Monterys Velaryon

Moon Boy, a fool at King"s Landing.

Moonshadow, a courtesan.

Moqorro, a red priest.

Mord, a gaoler in the Eyrie.

Mordane, a septa at Winterfell.

Moredo Prestayn, captain of the Vixen.

Moreo Tumitis

Morgarth, a hedge knight.

Morgil, called "the Evil"

Moribald Chester, Lord of Greenshield.

Morna White Mask, a wildling warrior witch and raider.

Moro, a Dothraki khal that appears in A Game of Thrones.

Moro, a Dothraki khal that aided in the destruction of the Sarnori.

Morosh the Myrman, a sellsail admiral.

Morra, a servant.


Morros Slynt

Mors Manwoody

Mors Martell

Mors Martell, a younger brother of Doran Martell, died in infancy.

Mors Umber, called Crowsfood, the Greatjon"s uncle.

Mortimer Boggs

Morton Waynwood

Morya Frey

Moryn Tyrell

Mother Mole, a wildling woods witch.


Mudge, miller"s son.





Murch, a Night"s Watch recruit.

Murch, a skilled huntsman in service to House Stark.



Mushroom, a dwarf, court fool of King Viserys I Targaryen

Muttering Bill, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Mya Stone, bastard daughter of King Robert.

Mycah, a butcher"s boy at Winterfell

Mychel Redfort

Mylenda Caron


Myles, the squire of Ser Desmond Grell.

Myles Manwoody

Myles Mooton, squire to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

Myles Smallwood

Myranda Royce, the widowed young daughter of Lord Nestor Royce.

Myrcella Baratheon, daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister.

Myria Jordayne, heir to the Tor.

Myriah Martell

Myrielle Lannister, a daughter of Ser Stafford Lannister.

Myrtle, a wildling spearwife.

Mysaria, a Lynesi dancing girl from a whorehouse in King"s Landing

Naerys Targaryen


Nail, an apprentice blacksmith and armorer.

Nan, called "Old Nan". Longtime servant at Winterfell.

Narbert, a brother on the Quiet Isle.

Narbo, a cutpurse.

Ned, a ferryman.

Ned Woods, called "Noseless Ned".


Nestor Royce, High Steward of the Vale.

Nettles, a dragonseed and rider of Sheepstealer during the Dance of the Dragons.

Nightingale, a courtesan.

Nissa Nissa, wife of Azor Ahai in legend.

Noho Dimittis


Norbert Vance


Normund Tyrell

Norne Goodbrother

Norren, an archmaester.


Nute the Barber

Nymella Toland

Nymeria, legendary warrior woman.

Nymeria Sand, second of the Sand Snakes, illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell.

Nymos, an archmaester of the Citadel.


Obara Sand, eldest of the Sand Snakes, illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell

Obella Sand, sixth of the Sand Snakes, daughter of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand.

Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper.

Ocley, an archmaester of the Citadel.


Old Crackbones

Old Grey Gull

Old Henly, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Old Tattersalt, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Olene Tyrell

Olenna Redwyne, known as the "Queen of Thorns", mother of Lord Mace Tyrell.

Ollidor, a septon.

Ollo Lophand

Olymer Tyrell

Olyvar Frey, squire of King Robb Stark.

Olyvar Oakheart.

Omer Blackberry, one of Stannis Baratheon"s sworn swords.

Omer Florent, a Maester of The Citadel, in service at Old Oak. Son of Ser Colin Florent.

Ondrew Locke

Orbelo, a bravo.

Orbert Caswell, a former Lord Commander of the Night"s Watch.

Ordello, magister of Pentos.

Orell, called "the Eagle", a wildling skinchanger.

Orivel, called "Orivel the Open-Handed".

Orland of Oldtown, a singer.

Ormond, a knight.

Ormond Osgrey

Ormond Westerling

Ormond Yronwood

Ormund Wylde

Oro Tendyris

Orwyle, Grand Maester during the reign of Viserys I.

Orphan Oss

Orton Merryweather, a Tyrell bannerman and husband of Taena Merryweather.

Orys Baratheon, founder of House Baratheon, bastard half-brother of Aegon the Conquerer.

Osbert Serry, Lord of Southshield.

Osfryd Kettleblack, a sellsword and brother to Osmund and Osney.

Osha, wildling warrior captured by Robb Stark.

Osmund Frey

Osmund Kettleblack, a sellsword knight and brother to Osfryd and Osney.


Osney Kettleblack, a sellsword and brother to Osfryd and Osmund.

Ossifer Plumm

Ossy, a mule-handller.

Oswell Kettleblack, a sellsword and father of Ser Osmund, Osfryd, and Osney.

Oswell Whent


Othell Yarwyck

Otho Bracken, called "the Brute of Bracken".


Otter Gimpknee

Otto Hightower

Ottomore, a maester.

Ottyn Wythers

Owen, better known as Owen the Oaf.

Owen, the brother of Septon Meribald.

Owen Inchfield

Owen Norrey

Oznak zo Pahl


Parmen Crane, the Purple knight of the Rainbow Guard.

Patchface, lackwit fool at Dragonstone.

Pate, a novice at the Citadel.

Pate, Prince Tommen"s whipping boy.

Pate, better known as Pate of Lancewood.

Pate, better known as Pate of Mory.

Pate of the Blue Fork

Pate, called Old Pate.

Pate, called Pinchbottom Pate.

Pate of the Night"s Watch

Pate, better known as Pate of Shermer"s Grove.

Pate, one of Standfast"s smallfolk.

Patrek Mallister, heir to Seagard.

Patrek Vance

Paxter Redwyne, Lord of the Arbor.

Pearse Caron

Penny, a dwarf.

Penny Jenny, a whore.

Perra Frey

Perriane Frey

Perros Blackmont

Perwyn Frey, a knight.

Perwyn Osgrey, called "the Proud". Founder of House Osgrey.

Peter Plumm

Petyr Baelish, called Littlefinger, master of coin.

Petyr Frey, called "Petyr Pimple".

Philip Foote, a knight.

Philip Plumm

Pia, called "Pretty Pia".


Podrick Payne, a timid squire of a lesser branch of House Payne.

Poetess, a courtesan.


Polliver, captain of Gregor Clegane"s men.


Porridge, a gaoler at Dragonstone.


Portifer Woodwright, a household knight.

Poul Pemford

Poxy Tym, a guardsman at Winterfell.


Prendahl na Ghezn, a captain of the Stormcrows.

Preston Greenfield, a knight of the Kingsguard.




Pyat Pree, one of Qarth"s warlocks.

Pycelle, the Grand Maester.

Pyg, a member of the Brave Companions.

Pylos, the maester of Dragonstone.

Pypar, a man of the Night"s Watch.


Qarl the Maid, an ironman.

Qarl the Thrall, an ironman.

Qarl Correy, a household knight.

Qarl Kenning, an ironman.

Qarl Quickaxe, an ironman.

Qarl Shepherd, an ironman.

Qarlton Chelsted, a Hand of the King.

Qarro Volentin, First Sword of Braavos.

Qezza, a child hostage in Meereen, of the Galare family.

Qhorin Halfhand, called "Halfhand", an experienced ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Lord Commander Qorgyle, a leader of the Night"s Watch.



Quaithe of the Shadow, a shadowbinder from Asshai.

Quaro, one of Khal Drogo"s bloodriders.

Quellon Botley, second son of Lord Germund Botley.

Quellon Greyjoy

Quellon Humble

Quence, a mummer.


Quenten Banefort

Quentin Tyrell

Quenton Greyjoy

Quenton Hightower

Quentyn Ball, called "Fireball" .

Quentyn Blackwood

Quentyn Martell, oldest son of Prince Doran Martell.

Quentyn Qorgyle, Lord of Sandstone.

Quhuru Mo

Quickfinger, a failed assassin during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Quill, a playwright in Braavos.

Quincy Cox, the Knight of Saltpans.


Qyburn, a Maester stripped of his chain.


Racallio Ryndoon


Rafford, called "Raff the Sweetling" or "Raff". A soldier under Ser Gregor Clegane.

Ragnor Pyke, an ironborn raider.

Ragwyle, a wildling spearwife.

Rainbow Knight, a famous knight.

Rakharo, bloodrider to Daenerys Targaryen.

Ralf, known as "Ralf the Limper".

Ralf, known as "Ralf of Lordsport".

Ralf, known as "Ralf the Shepherd".

Ralf Kenning

Ralf Stonehouse

Ramsay Snow, called "The Bastard of Bolton".


Randyll Tarly, Lord of House Tarly and a Tyrell bannerman.


Rat Cook

Rattleshirt, the self-styled "Lord o" Bones".

Ravella Swann

Rawney, a brother on the Quiet Isle.

Raymar Royce

Raymond Nayland

Raymun, better known as "Raymun Redbeard".

Raymun Darry

Raymun Fossoway

Raymund Frey

Raymund Tyrell

Raynald Westerling

Raynard, a septon.

Raynard Ruttiger

Red Alyn of the Rosewood, a member of the Night"s Watch.

The Red Lamb, a former slave now in training as a squire to Ser Barristan Selmy.

Red Oarsman, an ironborn raider.

Red Rolfe, an ironborn raider.



Reek, a repellent companion to Ramsay Snow.

Regenard Estren

Renfred Rykker, Lord of Duskendale.

Renly Baratheon, King in Highgarden.

Renly Norcross

Rennifer Longwaters

Reynard Webber, Lord of House Webber.


Reznak mo Reznak, seneschal.

Rhae Targaryen, daughter of Maekar I Targaryen.

Rhaegar Frey

Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, heir to King Aerys II.

Rhaegel Targaryen

Rhaego, son of Daenerys Targaryen.

Rhaella Targaryen

Rhaelle Targaryen, sister to Aegon V.

Rhaena Targaryen, daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon

Rhaena Targaryen, daughter of King Aegon III Targaryen

Rhaenys Targaryen, sister and wife to Aegon the Conquerer.

Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was.

Rhaenys Targaryen, the daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen.

Rhea Florent

Rhea Royce, first wife of Prince Daemon Targaryen, Lady of Runestone.

Rhialta Vance


Rhonda Rowan, the wife of Ser Baelor Hightower.


Richard Farrow

Richard Horpe, a knight.

Richard Lonmouth

Rickard Karstark, Lord of Karhold and a Stark bannerman.

Rickard Ryswell

Rickard Stark, King in the North.

Rickard Stark, father of Eddard Stark.

Rickard Thorne, a member of the Kingsguard during the reign of Viserys I.

Rickard Tyrell

Rickard Wylde

Rickon Stark, youngest child of Eddard Stark.



Robar Royce

Robb Reyne

Robb Stark, eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Tully.

Robert Arryn, young Lord of the Eyrie.

Robert Ashford

Robert Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Robert Brax

Robert Brax, the eldest son of Ser Flement Brax.

Robert Flowers, known as "Red Robert Flowers".

Robert Frey, the son of Rhaegar Frey.

Robert Frey, the son of Ser Raymund Frey.

Robert Paege

Robett Glover

Robin, the brother of Septon Meribald.

Robin Flint, an escort for Lady Catelyn Stark. Killed at the Red Wedding.

Robin Greyjoy

Robin Hill

Robin Hollard

Robin Moreland, head of House Moreland.

Robin Potter

Robin Ryger, captain-of-the-guard at Riverrun and friend to Hoster Tully and Edmure Tully.

Robyn Rhysling

Rodrik Cassel, a knight and master-at-arms of Winterfell.

Rodrik Flint

Rodrik Freeborn

Rodrik Greyjoy, eldest son of Balon Greyjoy, killed in the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Rodrik Harlaw, called the Reader, Lord of Harlaw.

Rodrik Ryswell, Lord of the Rills.

Rodrik Stark

Rodrik Stark, known as Wandering Wolf.

Rodwell Stark


Roger of Pennytree, nephew and squire to Ser Arlan of Pennytree, died at the Battle of the Redgrass Field.

Roger Hogg

Roger Ryswell

Roggo, a cutpurse.

Rohanne Webber

Roland Crakehall, Lord of Crakehall.

Roland Crakehall, a knight of King Daeron II"s Kingsguard.

Rolder, a guardsman.

Rolfe, an ironborn raider.

Rollam Westerling

Rolland Darklyn, a knight of the Kingsguard.

Rolland Longthorpe, Lord of Longsister.

Rolland Storm

Rolland Uffering, Lady Rohanne Webber"s fourth husband, died in the Great Spring Sickness.


Rolly Duckfield, a knight.

Rolph Spicer

Romny Weaver

Ronald Connington, cousin of Lord Jon Connington and father of Ser Ronnet Connington.

Ronald Storm, bastard son of Ronnet Connington.

Ronald Vance

Ronel Rivers

Ronnel Arryn

Ronnel Harclay

Ronnel Stout

Ronnet Connington, the Knight of Griffin"s Roost.

Roone, a novice at the Citadel.

Roone, a maester in service to House Lychester.

Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort.

Roose Ryswell

Rorge, noseless prisoner of the black cells at King"s Landing.

Roro Uhoris

Roryn Drumm

Rosamund Lannister, friend of Myrcella Lannister.


Roslin Frey

Rossart, last Hand of Aerys II.

Rowan, a wildling spearwife.

Royce Coldwater, Lord of Coldwater Burn.


Rufus Leek


Runcel Hightower

Runciter, a Grand Maester

Rupert Brax

Rupert Crabb


Rusty Flowers, member of Night"s Watch.

Ryam, an archmaester of the Citadel.

Ryam Florent

Ryam Redwyne, historic Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

Rycherd Crane

Ryella Frey

Ryella Royce

Ryger Rivers

Ryk, known as Longspear, a wildling.

Rylene Florent


Ryman Frey, eldest son of Ser Stevron Frey.


Rymund the Rhymer, a singer.

Ryon Allyrion

S"vrone, a dockside prostitute in Braavos.

Saathos the Wise

Saera Targaryen, daughter of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen.

Sailor"s Wife, a prostitute in Braavos.

Salladhor Saan, a Lyseni pirate.

Sallei Paege

Sallor the Bald, former captain of the Stormcrows.


Sam Stoops, the steward of Standfast.

Samwell Spicer

Samwell Stone, called "Strong Sam Stone".

Samwell Tarly, sometimes called "Sam the Slayer" or "Lord Piggy".

Sandor Clegane, known throughout Westeros as "The Hound". Member of the Kingsguard.

Sandor Frey

Sansa Stark

Sarella Sand, fourth of the Sand Snakes, illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell.

Sargon Botley

Sarra Frey

Sarya Whent, the fifth wife of Lord Walder Frey

Satin, soldier of the Night"s Watch.

Sawane Botley, Lord of Lordsport on Pyke.



Scolera, a septa.

Sebaston Farman, Lord of Fair Isle.


Sefton, a septon.

Selmond Stackspear

Selwyn Tarth, called the Evenstar, Lord of Tarth.

Selyse Florent, of House Florent, wife of Stannis Baratheon.


Serala of Myr.

Serra, the second wife of Illyrio Mopatis.

Serra Frey

Serwyn of the Mirror Shield, a legendary Kingsguard knight.

Shadrick of the Shady Glen, a hedge knight in Hibald"s service.

Shae, 18-year-old whore in the service of Tyrion Lannister during his tenure as King Joffrey"s Hand.

Shagga, son of Dolf. A leader of the Stone Crows clan from the Mountains of the Moon.

Shagwell, called "the Fool". A member of the Brave Companions

Sharna, innkeep at the Inn of the Kneeling Man.

Shella, the famous love of the Rainbow Knight.

Shella Whent, formerly Lady of Harrenhal.


Shiera Crakehall

Shiera Seastar, one of the Great Bastards of King Aegon IV. Frequent paramour of Lord Bloodraven.

Shierle Swyft

Shireen Baratheon, young daughter of Stannis Baratheon who has been deformed by the greyscale disease.

Shirei Frey



Shyra Errol

Sigfry Stonetree

Sigfryd Harlaw

Sigrin, a Lordsport shipwright.

Simon Leygood, suitor of Rohanne Webber.

Simon Staunton, Lady Rohanne Webber"s third husband, choked upon a chicken bone.

Simon Toyne, an infamous outlaw of the Kingswood Brotherhood. Killed by Ser Barristan the Bold.

Skahaz mo Kandaq, the Shavepate.

Skinner, one of Ramsay Bolton"s Bastard"s Boys.


Sky Blue Su


Sleepy Jack, a former Lord Commander of the Night"s Watch.

Sloey, a mummer.

Small Paul, a man of the Night"s Watch.

Smiling Knight, an infamous outlaw of the Kingswood Brotherhood. Killed by Ser Arthur Dayne.

Soren Shieldbreaker, a famed wildling warrior.

Sour Alyn, one of Ramsay Bolton"s Bastard"s Boys.

Spare Boot

Softfoot, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Spotted Cat, a pit fighter in Meereen.

Spotted Pate of Maidenpool, a member of the Night"s Watch.


Squirrel, a wildling spearwife.

Stafford Lannister

Stalwart Shield, an Unsullied.

Stannis Baratheon, brother of King Robert Baratheon.

Stannis Seaworth, son of Davos Seaworth.

Lord Staunton, Lord of Rook"s Rest during the Dance of the Dragons.

Steelskin, a pit fighter in Meereen, later made a guard to Hizdahr zo Loraq.

Steely Pate

Steffarion Sparr

Steffon Baratheon, father of Robert, Stannis, and Renly.

Steffon Fossoway

Steffon Frey

Steffon Hollard

Steffon Seaworth, youngest son of Davos Seaworth.

Steffon Stackspear

Steffon Swyft

Steffon Darklyn, a member of the Kingsguard during the reign of Viserys I.

Steffon Varner

Stevron Frey, heir to The Twins.


Stone Thumbs

Stonehand, an ironborn raider.

Stonesnake, a member of the Night"s Watch.


Styr, called "the Magnar of Thenn". Leader of the Thenn.

Sumner Crakehall

Sybassion, the Eater of Eyes.

Sybell Spicer

Sybelle Glover, wife of Master Robett Glover


Sylas Flatnose

Sylva Santagar, close companion of Princess Arianne Martell.

Sylwa Paege

Symeon Star-Eyes, legendary hero.

Symon Hollard

Symon Santagar, the Knight of Spottswood.

Symon Silver Tongue, a singer.

Symon Stripeback, former slave

Symond Botley, a younger son of Lord Sawane Botley.

Symond Frey

Symond Templeton, the Knight of Ninestars.

Syrio Forel, former First Sword of Braavos.

Taena of Myr, Myrish beauty. Wife of Orton Merryweather and Lady of the House. Confidante and pillow-friend to Queen Cersei.

Tagganaro, a cutpurse.

Tal Toraq, a Summer Islander and former slave, freed by Daenerys Targaryen, later named commander of the Stalwart Shields.

Talea, the daughter of Brusco.

Talla Tarly

Tallad, called Tallad the Tall, a knight.

Tanda Stokeworth, Lady of House Stokeworth.

Tanselle, called "Tanselle Too-Tall", a Dornish puppeteer accosted by Aerion Brightflame and rescued by Ser Duncan the Tall.

Tansy, a serving wench.

Tansy, an orphan.

Tanton Fossoway


Tarle, the Thrice-Drowned.


Ternesio Terys

Terrance Lynderly, the heir to the Snakewood.

Terrence Kenning

Terrence Toyne

Terro, a bravo.

Theo Frey

Theo Wull

Theobald, an archmaester.

Theodan Wells, a pious knight.

Theodore Tyrell

Theomar Smallwood, Lord of Acorn Hall.

Theomore, a maester in service at White Harbor.

Theomore Harlaw

Theon Greyjoy, only living son of Balon Greyjoy and heir to the Iron Islands.

Theon Stark

Thistle, a wildling.

Thoren Smallwood

Thormor Ironmaker

Thoros of Myr, a red priest of R"hllor in King"s Landing.

Three Toes, a Brave Companion.


The Tickler, a soldier and expert torturer serving Gregor Clegane.

Tim Stone, a ranger and Sworn Brother of the Night"s Watch.

Tim Tangletongue, a steward at Castle Black.

Timeon of Dorne, a Brave Companion.

Timett, son of Timett. Leader of the Burned Men clan of the Mountains of the Moon.

Timett, father of Timett.

Timon the Scrapesword, a famed knight.

Timoth, a servant.

Tion Frey, son of Emmon Frey and Genna Lannister.

Titus Peake


Tobho Mott, a master armorer in King"s Landing.




Togg Joth, a Brave Companion. Originally from Ibben.

Tom Costayne, known as "Long Tom Costayne".

Tom of Sevenstreams, a singer. Also called Tom O"Sevens.

TomToo, son of Tomard

Tomard, called "Fat Tom". A guardsman at King"s Landing.

Tommard Heddle

Tommen Baratheon, youngest child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister.

Tommen Costayne


Toregg the Tall, eldest son of Tormund Giantsbane.

Tormund, known as "Giantsbane" among other titles.


Torren Liddle, the Liddle.

Torrhen Karstark

Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt.

Torwold Browntooth



Trebor Jordayne, Lord of the Tor.


Tregar Ormollen

Tremond Gargalen, Lord of Salt Shore.

Tristan Mudd, a Lord Commander of the Night"s Watch

Tristan Ryger

Tristifer Botley

Tristifer IV Mudd

Tristifer V Mudd


Triston of Tally Hill, a knight.

Triston Farwynd, Lord of Sealskin Point.

Triston Sunderland, Lord of the Three Sisters.

Trystane Martell, youngest child of Prince Doran Martell.



Tumco Lho, a Basilisk Islander and former pit fighting slave, now in training as a squire to Ser Barristan Selmy.



Tya Lannister

Tyana Wylde

Tybero Istarion, called "Inkpots", paymaster of the sellsword company the Second Sons.

Tybolt Crakehall

Tybolt Hetherspoon

Tybolt Lannister

Tycho Nestoris, envoy of the Iron Bank.

Tyene Sand, third of the Sand Snakes, illegitimate daughter of Oberyn Martell.

Tygett Lannister

Tyland Lannister, master of ships during the reign of Viserys I.


Tyrek Lannister

Tyrion Lannister, called "The Imp".

Tyrion Tanner

Tysane Frey, eldest daughter of Lothar Frey.

Tysha, Tyrion Lannister"s first wife

Tyta Frey

Tytos Blackwood, Lord of House Blackwood.

Tytos Brax

Tytos Frey

Tytos Lannister

Tywin Frey, son of Ser Cleos Frey.

Tywin Frey, the son of Ser Raymund Frey,

Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, father of Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion Lannister.

Ulf son of Umar, of the Moon Brothers.

Ulf the Ill, an ironborn raider placed under Theon"s authority.

Ulf the White



Ulrick Dayne, a past Sword of the Morning.

Ulwyck Uller

Umar, the father of Ulf.


Umma, a cook.

Unella, a septa.


Urek Ironmaker, grandson of Erik Ironmaker.

Urras Ironfoot

Urrathon Night-Walker

Urrigon Greyjoy

Urron Greyiron

Urswyck, called "Faithful Urswyck". A member of the Brave Companions mercenary company.


Utherydes Wayn, steward of Riverrun and House Tully.

Uthor Tollett, the Lord of the Grey Glen.

Uthor Underleaf

Utt, a septon and member of the Brave Companions mercenary company.

Vaellyn, an Archamester.

Vaemond Velaryon


Valaena Velaryon, mother of Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys.

Valarr Targaryen

Varamyr, called "Varamyr Sixskins". A wildling skinchanger.

Vardis Egen, knight and Captain-of-guards at the Eyrie.

Vargo Hoat, captain of the Brave Companions, a sellsword company. A Qohorik. Known for hacking limbs (typically hands and feet) off captives.


Varys, the Spider. Lord of Whispers.

Vayon Poole, steward to Winterfell and House Stark.

Veiled Lady, a courtesan.

Vickon Botley, a younger son of Lord Sawane.

Vickon Greyjoy

Victaria Tyrell

Victarion Greyjoy, brother of Lord Balon, Captain of the Iron Fleet.

Victor Tyrell


Visenya Targaryen, sister and wife to Aegon the Conquerer.

Viserys Plumm

Viserys Targaryen, exiled son of Aerys II, calling himself King Viserys III.

Viserys I Targaryen

Viserys II Targaryen

Vortimer Crane

Vulture King



The Waif

Walda Frey, the daughter of Edwyn Frey.

Walda Frey, the daughter of Lothar Frey.

Walda Frey, called "Fair Walda".

Walda Frey, called "Fat Walda".

Walda Frey, called "White Walda".

Walda Rivers, the daughter of Ser Walder Rivers.

Walda Rivers, the young daughter of Ser Aemon Rivers.

Walder Brax

Walder Frey, called "Big Walder". A ward of Winterfell.

Walder Frey, called "Black Walder".

Walder Frey, called "Little Walder". A ward of Winterfell.

Walder Frey, called "Red Walder".

Walder Frey, called "The Late Lord Frey". Lord of the Crossing.

Walder Goodbrook

Walder Haigh

Walder Rivers, called "Bastard Walder".

Walder Vance.

Waldon Wynch, Lord of Iron Holt.


Wallace Waynwood, the youngest son of Lady Anya Waynwood.


Walton Frey

Walton Stark

Walton, called "Steelshanks." Captain of Roose Bolton"s guards.

Waltyr Frey

Walys Flowers


Warryn Beesbury, Lord of Honeyholt.

Wat, member of the Night"s Watch.

Wat, known as Wat Barleycorn.

Wat the Blue Bard, a singer.

Wat, an orphan.

Wat, a member of the crew of the Brazen Monkey.

Wat, in service at Standfast.

Wat, known as Wet Wat.

Wat, better known as "Whitesmile Wat". A singer.




Waymar Royce.

Wayn, a guard of House Stark.


The Weeper, an infamous wildling raider.

Weese, servant overseer at Harrenhal. A soldier in the service of Ser Gregor Clegane.


Wendamyr, a Maester in service on Pyke.

Wendel Frey

Wendel Manderly, second son of Lord Wyman Manderly.

Wendell Webber

Wendello Qar Deeth


Wex Pyke, squire to Prince Theon Greyjoy.

Whalen Frey

Wilbert, the Knight of Stoney Sept.

Wilbert Osgrey, the "Little Lion".

Will, a ranger of the Night"s Watch.

Will, called Fletcher Will.

Will, called "Hookface". a guard at Dragonstone.

Will, an orphan.

Will, the squire of Ser Uthor Underleaf.

Will, in service at Standfast.

Will, a knight known as "Will the Stork".

Will, nicknamed Treb.

Will Humble

Willamen Frey, a maester.

Willam, the brother of Septon Meribald.

Willam Dustin, slain fighting the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy.

Willam Stark

Willam Wells, a knight.

Willam Wythers, captain of the guard.

Willas Tyrell, heir to Highgarden. A cripple.

Willem Darry, master-at-arms for the Red Keep.

Willem Frey, son of Ser Cleos Frey.

Willem Lannister, son of Ser Kevan Lannister.

Willem Wylde, a knight of the Kingsguard during the reign of Daeron II.

William Mooton, the Lord of Maidenpool.

Willifer, an archmaester of the Citadel.

Willis Fell, a member of the Kingsguard during the reign of Viserys I.

Willis Wode


Willow Heddle, sister of Jeyne Heddle.

Willow Witch-eye, a wildling spearwife.

Willum, an old knight.




Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun, a giant, called Wun Wun.

Wyl, a guard of House Stark.

Wyl the Whittler

Wyl Waynwood, slain at the Battle of the Redgrass Field.

Wylis Manderly, a knight and heir to White Harbor.

Wylla, servant of House Dayne.

Wylla Manderly

Wyman Manderly, Lord of White Harbor.

Wynafrei Whent

Wynafryd Manderly, the eldest daughter of Ser Wylis Manderly.

Wynton Stout, an elderly knight of the Night"s Watch.

Xaro Xhoan Daxos, a merchant prince of Qarth.


Yandry, master of the poleboat, Shy Maid.

Yellow Dick, man-at-arms sworn to House Bolton.

Ygon Farwynd

Ygon Oldfather, a wildling clan chief.

Ygritte, a red-haired wildling woman said to be lucky and kissed by fire.

Yna, a prostitute at the Happy Port.

Yohn Farwynd

Yohn Royce, called "Bronze Yohn". Lord of Runestone.

Yoren, senior "Wandering Crow" or recruiter for the Night"s Watch.


Yorko Terys


Young Henly, a member of the Night"s Watch.

Ysilla, the wife of Yandry.

Ysilla Royce

Zachery Frey

Zarabelo, an archmaster of the Citadel.



Zharaq zo Loraq, called "the Liberator", a famous ancestor of the House of Loraq.

Zhoe Blanetree

Zia Frey

Zollo, called "Fat Zollo". A Dothraki sellsword and member of the Brave Companions.

















英劇《黑鏡》的片名為何叫黑鏡 (Black Mirror)?

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