



Thanks for inviting. I can only think of some minor reasons rather than a specific major one.

Generally both the corporation and investors want it post-earning rather than pre.

Corporation wants it coz issuing debt raises leverage, and companies don"t really want that in their earnings.

Investors want it too coz they want to make sure the fundamentals of the company seem reasonable. And investors can generally get a feel of what the purpose of this fundraising.

Of course sometimes when a company doesn"t have good earnings, conceptually it would want to issue before the earning release, but instead this would just look super suspicious and would raise a huge red flag. So I think they would still prefer to spin the story and explain why this quarter was bad in their earnings calls, rather than keeping investors in the dark before the issuance.

And there are also special occasions that a company issue debt for a specific goal. If everyone already knows the company well and understands the occasion, it doesn"t really matter when the earning is. VZ"s big deal was last Sept, and their earning was one month later in Oct.

So I guess in a way, it can be viewed as a "潛規則".





為什麼債券發行期限一般都是 3、5、7 年,而不是 2、4、6 年?
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