I am not sure who wrote this grammar or writing book. But, if "劣" means "bad" and "佳" means "good", I disagree with what it says there:
Grammatically, the second sentence "This is a question which you should pay attention to," is less correct because an English sentence should not end with a preposition. The first sentence, "This is a question to which you should pay attention," is the more correct way of saying it.
Unfortunately, people are paying less attention to this rule, so the second sentence is somehow acceptable. However, saying the second sentence is better than the first is absolutely misleading.
The third and the fourth sentences are both correct, because neither of them end with a preposition.
I hope this is clear and helpful.
栗子的微信公眾號:E-Speller 或者 栗子英文 (只有精彩的原創)
我還覺得把preposition放在relative pronoun之前更舒服呢……
哦 實名反對 栗子的答案:
Ending sentences with prepositions | Oxford Dictionaries
Can you end a sentence with a preposition? | OxfordWords blog
Why shouldn""t we use prepositions to end sentences with?
當然,加拿大是不是比英國更『傳統化』、『拉丁化』我是不知道的。但起碼我英國用的現代英語,preposition (或者使用作adverb particles) 拿來做結尾毫無問題。
I"m surprised how Canadians still apply Latin grammar rule to their English. "An English sentence should not end with a preposition" is a saying that is as obsolete as the Latin language itself. It is true that upper-class in the 19th century stuck to this "rule" because they were told (in school) that the opposite was "how the lower-class talk". However, that was mostly because the upper-class conceited their ability to write in Latin and hence extended the rule from the "superior and prestigious" Latin grammar to its "barbaric and boorish" brother, which only unveiled their excessive obsession with linguistic (or any form of) supremacy .
一個簡單的方法:這一類固定的短語動詞,都不將介詞置於關係代詞之前。(不過 pay attention to 這個確實有把to拿到前面的用法)
完了,我很喜歡說to which you should pay attention耶~我劣了 嗚嗚嗚
好比一些中文詞動詞短語,我們一般不說把覺睡了,把步跑了,把泳遊了;但把舞跳了,把歌唱了,把飯吃了這種動賓結構的就可以。道理很簡單。call on 之所以不能拆成on whom I called,是因為call on 共同組成「拜訪」的含義。沒有on完全不是同一個含義。
pay attention to如果去掉to,它的含義還能維持,還是表示「注意」。
第一張圖裡面他說to which you should pay attention是劣我不是很認同。這種用法應該常用於各種正式場合,下面那種which you should pay attention to是現在已經廣泛接受乃至認可的用法【在正統英語語法裡面不知道還算不算錯誤(沒有查過母語人士編的語法書),但是誰管那個】總之他可以用就是了。
題主比較疑惑的或許是底下那個on whom i called為什麼就算錯還打了個×。這就是傳說中的phrasal verbs……比如說單單看make up你完全不知道為什麼和化妝有關係,call on也明明和拜訪完全沒關係啊。碰到這種情況就不能把介詞拆掉換到which whom前面去了,因為這裡的on和call一起組成了一個動詞意義,拆開會引發誤解。
A preposition is a word you should not end a sentence with. ???
@栗子 @Don Von
OK, let me get back to the question.I totally agree with @Don Von . The so-called "never-end-a-sentence-with-a--preposition-rule" @栗子 mentioned probably is no longer valid and applicable in modern English. I see no problem in the grammer book. In most cases it"s not about right or wrong, but about what is more commonly used/said, and what sounds "better".首先謝邀~
This is the book for which you asked. 這是你所要的書。(關係代詞用作介詞for賓語,介系詞for放在從句的開頭,即which之前)
This is the book which you asked for. 這是你所要的書。(介詞for置於從句之末,which在此可省去)
This is the right book for which I』m looking. ( X )
This is the right book which I』m looking for. (√)
The people who you were talking to are Swedes. 你與之談話的那些人是瑞典人。(關係代詞主格who用作介詞to賓語時,介詞to須置於從句之末,who中口語中可省去)
Here is the car that I told you about. 這兒就是我和你談過的那輛汽車。(關係代詞that用作介詞about賓語,介詞about須置於從句之末)
This is the boy whom he worked with in the office. 那就是與他一道辦公的那個男孩
幾個照片中的說法,除了 how 作定從引導詞時必須省略這條,其他的都沒問題。pay attention to 不是短語詞。
不搞這一套覺得句子以上都對我常喜歡寫 of which 和 for which歡迎指正常寫 … is ...,for which ...is...The distinguish feature of it, in time distribution, is the seasonal variation, for which ...are subjected to seasonal changes
或者 of which 更多 用的時候也很隨意It is because... ,of which...I ....因為…所以我做…由於前面那個因為 大概就是這個結構我一直覺得 of which 我用了肯定錯但我一直用還有就是 表示成分 一般這麼用The main source of pollutants is the water flowing coming from the upstream, on which A,B and C are respectively for ...%, ...% and ...%介詞結尾的 我覺得 跟動作連貫性有關前面的前置更像是一種從屬關係 在…的基礎上與前面有邏輯關係介詞在前通順些The problem is where we are going to
The problem is the place to where we are going我覺得接的很自然The problem is where to go The problem is where we come to The problem is to which place we are going也OK首先
個人感覺pay attention to 跟 call on是不一樣的所以第一第二句他舉的例子,我個人覺得是完全錯誤的, 而且個人是喜歡to which 這種用法
我覺得他也不是說的全錯像call on這種詞一般看作一個整體不怎麼拆開來一般不怎麼見到on which they call這種,現代英語裡面不過總體來說這本語法書給我的感覺真的是超差一般情況下,如果動詞和介詞構成特定意義的短語時,在定從當中,不應把介詞拖到前面。
※Would you like後面用any還是some?