謝邀啊,正有 「佳作」 分享。
下面三篇論文告訴我們,數學家詩興大發,其實是一場災難……Descartes" Theorem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descartes_theorem 是迪卡爾和波希米亞公主伊麗莎白的通信中證明的,其內容是四個圓兩兩相切時,他們半徑之間的關係。
1936 年,諾貝爾化學獎得主 F. Soddy 將之推廣到三維球面。定理髮表在 Nature,形式是一首詩,讀著覺得很那啥有木有!
The Kiss Precise (by Frederick Soddy, Nature, 1936)
For pairs of lips to kiss maybeInvolves no trigonometry."Tis not so when four circles kissEach one the other three.To bring this off the four must beAs three in one or one in three.If one in three, beyond a doubtEach gets three kisses from without.If three in one, then is that one
Thrice kissed internally.Four circles to the kissing come.The smaller are the benter.The bend is just the inverse ofThe distance from the center.Though their intrigue left Euclid dumbThere"s now no need for rule of thumb.Since zero bend"s a dead straight lineAnd concave bends have minus sign,
The sum of the squares of all four bendsIs half the square of their sum.To spy out spherical affairsAn oscular surveyorMight find the task laborious,The sphere is much the gayer,And now besides the pair of pairsA fifth sphere in the kissing shares.Yet, signs and zero as before,
For each to kiss the other fourThe square of the sum of all five bendsIs thrice the sum of their squares.
次年 T. Gossett 將定理推廣到 n 維球面,又寫了一首:
The Kiss Precise (Generalized) (by Thorold Gosset, Nature, 1937)
And let us not confine our caresTo simple circles, planes and spheres,But rise to hyper flats and bendsWhere kissing multiple appears,In n-ic space the kissing pairsAre hyperspheres, and Truth declares -
As n + 2 such osculateEach with an n + 1 fold mateThe square of the sum of all the bendsIs n times the sum of their squares.
還是 1936 年,Soddy 還發表了另一首詩,描述了一個很漂亮的幾何構造:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soddy_hexletThe Hexlet (by Fredrick Soddy, Nature, 1936)
Though any necklet of graded beads May fit in general the she-sex,This Hexlet of mine of novel designCaresses not one but three necks.
However it"s worn it alters its grade To suit its tri-spherical prison,Plays kiss-in-the-ring and merry-go-round Whilst hugging three necks with precision.Like bubbles that blow and dwindle and go It holds up to light-hearted derisionThe terrible muddle mathematical fuddle Makes of the pure circumflexAnd its pet aversion is the mental inversionThat will have "It"s 1/x".
All saints and sages throughout the ages From on doxy never have swerved,To hold fast unto what in change changes not And ferret out what is conserved.Now these beads without flaw obey this first law For the aggregate sum of their bends.As each in the tunnel silms through the funnel Its vis-a-vis grossly distends.But the mean of the bends of each opposite pair
Is the sum of the three of the thoroughfare.
1)<初唐宮廷詩風流變考論> 聶永華著 北京:中國社會科學出版社,2002年8月
是我看過的文辭最好的論文,當時看的時候特別喜歡!!以致當時自己寫的論文也有點模仿他文字的那種風格隨便選兩段:「歷史已成為過去,後來者的任務在於撥去歷史的塵埃,發現所以如此的內在原因,尋覓歷史發展的規律。古今學人在嘆惋初唐「竟然沒有出現一位第一流的詩人,缺少異軍突起」[ 4 ]的同時,也在苦苦地探索著初唐詩壇的面貌,思考著初唐詩歌何以躊躇徘徊、發展緩慢的原因以及「初而逗盛」[ 5 ]的詩史規律。
然而由於長期以來所形成的思維定式,研究和導讀的重點常常不約而同地指向了王績、四傑、陳子昂等人身上,對他們某些微妙地預示著詩史未來走向的個人現象給予了高度評價,而對此一時期眾多詩人在特定領域所作的努力缺乏應有的關注,整個初唐詩壇似乎成了少數幾個作家單槍匹馬的孤立奮鬥史,詩史演進與詩風流變的整體面貌和動向反而顯得模糊不清。這種對歷史連續性的有意無意的割裂,是由根深蒂固的印象式、感覺式的鑒賞型批評而輕邏輯的、理論的思維慣性所造成,因而對從正面生成上認識詩史發展深層規律的文學史研究來說不能不說是一種缺憾。筆者認為,僅僅從「知人論世」、「文變染乎世情,興廢系乎時序」的角度關注詩歌寫什麼,必然會模糊詩歌演進的深層的也是本質的因素;對詩史發展規律的把握首先關注的應是怎樣寫的問題,因為它往往集中體現了詩歌內容的、時代審美趣味的變化與發展。從詩歌自身的發展看,某個時代最傑出的詩人、最出色的作品,不一定處處代表著時代的詩美趣味與詩歌未來發展的方向,而某些並非優秀的二三流詩人的詩歌活動往往會在某些方面預示著詩歌未來的走向,這樣的事例在文學史上屢見不鮮。因此,文學史研究視角的調整,將會使我們對文學發展演進的認識獲得突破性的進展。作為人類的審美創造,文學在生生不息的 變化中展示著自己的不同風貌。」....「特定的歷史時期與社會風貌以及由其所營構的時代精神與文化氛圍,必然通過作家的審美創造表現出來。初唐宮廷詩風在近百年的不同流變階段中,呈現出了自己的特色,在它的身後留下了一條依稀可見的歷史軌跡。生活在唐詩高峰狀態的殷璠[ 1 3 ],以其理論家的敏銳,濯足活水來探測流向,對唐初以來的詩風流變與詩史演進做出了精闢的概括。《河嶽英靈集·敘》云:」單段拿出來看不出來感覺,要全文閱讀才有感覺,而且完全可以當成對於初唐詩、歷史,文學的讀物來看,還是挺有可讀性的。
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