對於題主做的選擇的正確性或者應該如何權衡, 不去評價. 同時希望題主能盡量詳細的說明送孩子出國讀名校的目的. 是為了移民? 那不需要名校, 跟地區選擇關聯更大.
1. 準備充足的資金. 國外名校雖然有獎學金, 但也不是人人都能拿到的; 在英國甚至對於本科階段的學生基本沒有獎學金, 而海外學生的學費相對高昂, 加上國外生活費用比國內高, 首先要保障基本條件生活.
2. 從初中(最遲初中畢業) 就要開始準備, 如@Raymond Wang所說, 在國內上一所好高中, 能夠大大提高大學進入名校的幾率. 原因不外乎教育資源優於普通高中, 加上環境氛圍的影響.
有條件的話, 送孩子出國讀高中(最好讀私立, 升學率較高); 或者國內一些私立英文學校, 專門為培養出國的那種.
4. 儘早與孩子談論人生規劃. 據我了解, 大部分孩子都是被家長強制送出國的, 自願的並不多, 所以最好提前跟孩子講明; 假期有機會帶他出國遊玩, 了解國外, 消除孩子對陌生環境的恐懼感.
5. 幫孩子樹立正確的三觀, 其中我認為比較重要的兩點, 一是消費觀; 二是自律自控能力: 儘早讓孩子養成獨立的性格, 在國外要能吃的了苦, 耐的住寂寞. 獨立人格和自我思考的培養非常重要, 知乎上就有一個心理年齡跟不上生理年齡的反例: http://www.zhihu.com/question/20427486. 生活不能自理不可怕, 心理不能自理才是主要問題.
6. 多培養孩子的興趣愛好, 體育, 藝術, 音樂特長, 這些都是寫到簡歷里加分的東西, 更何況到了大學後, 只會學習的nerd並不吃香.
(題主說想盡量給孩子一個寬鬆的環境, 我不知道是否誤解了您的意思, 個人認為在這一點需要對孩子作些強迫. 一般小孩子都不會願意周末或者課後時間被興趣班佔用, 此時家長最好能拿出稍微強硬的態度. 我自己是從幼兒園開始, 每周末用一天學畫畫; 小學之後加了編程; 中學後加了物理和化學競賽, 可以說基本沒什麼周末時間, 當時很痛苦, 到了大學之後覺得受益匪淺.)
7. 成績很重要. 不僅是名校的敲門磚, 同時也需要保證孩子能順利畢業;
8. 最後, 請尊重孩子的意願. 如果您的孩子還在讀小學, 可以慢慢引導和培養; 如果您的孩子已經成年, 在國外生活或參觀過, 且非常堅定的表示不想出國, 那您就別逼他了. 強扭的瓜不甜, 更何況名校不代表一切, 孩子的一生不應該僅僅被大學這3~4年決定. 如果您的孩子真的聰明又優秀, 在國內何愁闖不出一片更美好的天地呢?
- 個人:閱讀了什麼書,受什麼電影影響,思考出來了什麼
- 家庭:父母言傳身教,信仰,三觀
- 學校:老師的積極引導,同學的關係,成績影響的自信心
- 社會:風氣,鄰居關係,新聞傳達的價值觀
- 飲食:高鹽的飲食容易導致高血壓,產生易怒性格等等 其實我的父母是個非常糟糕的父母(參考http://www.zhihu.com/question/20311270/answer/14723034),但是這並沒有妨礙我自己爭取到全獎出國的機會你也可以反過來參考這個:作為官二代或富二代的你,如何判定你自己的成功中,自身素質與家庭因素的佔比?http://www.zhihu.com/question/19663055----------------------------------------------
如果你沒有想明白,不妨先看看這篇文章: 《被煽動的留學熱》 留學,是一種在外國念書的簡單行為。可以說簡單到不能再簡單了,在兩個國家中教育水平達到差別的時候,留學熱便有可能興起。但當下的中國居然出現了一種荒唐的現象,「留學熱」。所謂留學熱,是中國每年幾十萬人背上行囊到世界各地留學之後的總稱。在前幾年的輿論中,留學熱自然是一件好事,中國學生走向世界,漸漸成為多元化、國際化人才,並且從世界各地學習先進的知識文化。但這些大空話很快被另外一種現實取代了。澳大利亞留學生車上被打,美國南加州大學兩名學生被殺,加拿大留學生被分屍等噩耗陸續傳來,留學生的形象也翻天覆地地變化著。他們不同於八十年代打黑工的有志青年,也不同於九十年代不學無術的高富帥。他們變成了另外一種人:貧窮、絕望、到處受人欺負。回國之後,他們很多也並沒有多麼強大的競爭力,與百萬學費相比,他們能學到什麼,依然得到質疑。而且他們的生活狀況同樣得到懷疑,很多留學生在中國人堆里混著的事實也漸漸擴大,但依然擁有很多學生夢想著留學,他們抱有那種天真的憧憬。接連發生的各色對留學生的非議也沒有改變他們的想法。這裡面有適合留學的,也有不適合的。裡面有不少人,確實花了錢,受了洋罪。但除了信息不對稱之外,是什麼引起出國熱久久沒有降溫呢?心理學上,在封閉環境中個體都有對外界保密的傾向,這也讓中國留學生沒有向外界說出自己真實的生活方式和學習情況,也讓更多人不知道大洋彼岸到底發生了什麼。如果他們回國成為了海帶或者「白領民工」,他們也很難給社會帶來什麼聲音,弱者永遠沒有言論權,我們眼中出國的優秀典型永遠是那些畢業於HYP的怪物,他們光環加身,是時代的精英。
The Disadvantages of an Elite Education Our best universities have forgotten that the reason they exist is to make minds, not careers By William Deresiewicz
The first disadvantage of an elite education, as I learned in my kitchen that day, is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who aren』t like you. Elite schools pride themselves on their diversity, but that diversity is almost entirely a matter of ethnicity and race. With respect to class, these schools are largely—indeed increasingly—homogeneous. Visit any elite campus in our great nation and you can thrill to the heartwarming spectacle of the children of white businesspeople and professionals studying and playing alongside the children of black, Asian, and Latino businesspeople and professionals. At the same time, because these schools tend to cultivate liberal attitudes, they leave their students in the paradoxical position of wanting to advocate on behalf of the working class while being unable to hold a simple conversation with anyone in it. Witness the last two Democratic presidential nominees, Al Gore and John Kerry: one each from Harvard and Yale, both earnest, decent, intelligent men, both utterly incapable of communicating with the larger electorate.
I also never learned that there are smart people who aren』t 「smart.」 The existence of multiple forms of intelligence has become a commonplace, but however much elite universities like to sprinkle their incoming classes with a few actors or violinists, they select for and develop one form of intelligence: the analytic. While this is broadly true of all universities, elite schools, precisely because their students (and faculty, and administrators) possess this one form of intelligence to such a high degree, are more apt to ignore the value of others. One naturally prizes what one most possesses and what most makes for one』s advantages. But social intelligence and emotional intelligence and creative ability, to name just three other forms, are not distributed preferentially among the educational elite. The 「best」 are the brightest only in one narrow sense. One needs to wander away from the educational elite to begin to discover this.
The second disadvantage, implicit in what I』ve been saying, is that an elite education inculcates a false sense of self-worth. Getting to an elite college, being at an elite college, and going on from an elite college—all involve numerical rankings: SAT, GPA, GRE. You learn to think of yourself in terms of those numbers. They come to signify not only your fate, but your identity; not only your identity, but your value. It』s been said that what those tests really measure is your ability to take tests, but even if they measure something real, it is only a small slice of the real. The problem begins when students are encouraged to forget this truth, when academic excellence becomes excellence in some absolute sense, when 「better at X」 becomes simply 「better.」
At Yale, and no doubt at other places, the message is reinforced in embarrassingly literal terms. The physical form of the university—its quads and residential colleges, with their Gothic stone fa?ades and wrought-iron portals—is constituted by the locked gate set into the encircling wall. Everyone carries around an ID card that determines which gates they can enter. The gate, in other words, is a kind of governing metaphor—because the social form of the university, as is true of every elite school, is constituted the same way. Elite colleges are walled domains guarded by locked gates, with admission granted only to the elect.
One of the great errors of an elite education, then, is that it teaches you to think that measures of intelligence and academic achievement are measures of value in some moral or metaphysical sense. But they』re not. Graduates of elite schools are not more valuable than stupid people, or talentless people, or even lazy people. Their pain does not hurt more. Their souls do not weigh more. If I were religious, I would say, God does not love them more. The political implications should be clear. As John Ruskin told an older elite, grabbing what you can get isn』t any less wicked when you grab it with the power of your brains than with the power of your fists. 「Work must always be,」 Ruskin says, 「and captains of work must always be….[But] there is a wide difference between being captains…of work, and taking the profits of it.」
In short, the way students are treated in college trains them for the social position they will occupy once they get out. At schools like Cleveland State, they』re being trained for positions somewhere in the middle of the class system, in the depths of one bureaucracy or another. They』re being conditioned for lives with few second chances, no extensions, little support, narrow opportunity—lives of subordination, supervision, and control, lives of deadlines, not guidelines. At places like Yale, of course, it』s the reverse. The elite like to think of themselves as belonging to a meritocracy, but that』s true only up to a point. Getting through the gate is very difficult, but once you』re in, there』s almost nothing you can do to get kicked out. Not the most abject academic failure, not the most heinous act of plagiarism, not even threatening a fellow student with bodily harm—I』ve heard of all three—will get you expelled. The feeling is that, by gosh, it just wouldn』t be fair—in other words, the self-protectiveness of the old-boy network, even if it now includes girls. Elite schools nurture excellence, but they also nurture what a former Yale graduate student I know calls 「entitled mediocrity.」 A is the mark of excellence; A- is the mark of entitled mediocrity. It』s another one of those metaphors, not so much a grade as a promise. It means, don』t worry, we』ll take care of you. You may not be all that good, but you』re good enough.
Here, too, college reflects the way things work in the adult world (unless it』s the other way around). For the elite, there』s always another extension—a bailout, a pardon, a stint in rehab—always plenty of contacts and special stipends—the country club, the conference, the year-end bonus, the dividend. If Al Gore and John Kerry represent one of the characteristic products of an elite education, George W. Bush represents another. It』s no coincidence that our current president, the apotheosis of entitled mediocrity, went to Yale. Entitled mediocrity is indeed the operating principle of his administration, but as Enron and WorldCom and the other scandals of the dot-com meltdown demonstrated, it』s also the operating principle of corporate America. The fat salaries paid to underperforming CEOs are an adult version of the A-. Anyone who remembers the injured sanctimony with which Kenneth Lay greeted the notion that he should be held accountable for his actions will understand the mentality in question—the belief that once you』re in the club, you』ve got a God-given right to stay in the club. But you don』t need to remember Ken Lay, because the whole dynamic played out again last year in the case of Scooter Libby, another Yale man.
If one of the disadvantages of an elite education is the temptation it offers to mediocrity, another is the temptation it offers to security. When parents explain why they work so hard to give their children the best possible education, they invariably say it is because of the opportunities it opens up. But what of the opportunities it shuts down? An elite education gives you the chance to be rich—which is, after all, what we』re talking about—but it takes away the chance not to be. Yet the opportunity not to be rich is one of the greatest opportunities with which young Americans have been blessed. We live in a society that is itself so wealthy that it can afford to provide a decent living to whole classes of people who in other countries exist (or in earlier times existed) on the brink of poverty or, at least, of indignity. You can live comfortably in the United States as a schoolteacher, or a community organizer, or a civil rights lawyer, or an artist—that is, by any reasonable definition of comfort. You have to live in an ordinary house instead of an apartment in Manhattan or a mansion in L.A.; you have to drive a Honda instead of a BMW or a Hummer; you have to vacation in Florida instead of Barbados or Paris, but what are such losses when set against the opportunity to do work you believe in, work you』re suited for, work you love, every day of your life?
William Deresiewicz taught English at Yale University from 1998 to 2008.
第五,如果你把上面都認真看明白了那麼我給你幾個建議(聲明:方法很多,人成才的模式各種各樣,沒有哪個方法是絕對實用適用於特定某個人的) 把你的孩子培養成為一個具有- 獨立人格
- 批判性思維
- 崇尚科學精神
- 邏輯嚴密
- 人文素養的人
- 什麼考SAT/Toefl/雅思/ A-level/GRE
- 什麼績點(GPA)
- 什麼推薦信
- 什麼課外活動(Extra-curriculum)
- 什麼自我陳述 (Personal statement)
第六, 推薦閱讀- 「考」上劍橋大學的90後潮女
- http://blog.renren.com/share/235669225/1419895836
- 周成剛:破譯世界名校申請(7)——http://blog.renren.com/share/271639102/5681898344
- 美國耶魯大學前高級招生官—揭秘頂尖名校招生內幕:為什麼優秀生總被拒http://blog.renren.com/share/318032717/4549657848
- 中國父母的教育比殲—20更可怕http://blog.renren.com/share/221713231/5917569423
謝謝大家支持,我會努力的。不知道樓主是否願意走這條路。獨立技術移民。不要把壓力都堆到孩子身上,這是不負責任的逃避。從自己做起。如果你不能吃苦或者不能掙很多錢。那麼你可以學好英語,在家裡給孩子創造一個英語環境,孩子可能會輕鬆點。如果題主「自身還沒有能力移民」,我想題主是沒有能力以「世界級名校」的標準從求學這一方面培養孩子的。例如送進@Raymond Wang 等幾位提到的國際學校、超級高中,或者隨名師發展某類特長。
當然,從小注意培養孩子的語言和邏輯能力是不會錯的,這有很多方法,而且不少都很便宜。1. 培養孩子健康的心態,比如不一定非要名校出身決定論;2. 培養孩子多方面的興趣,比如音樂,體育,或者其他領域;3. 讓孩子進入一個好的小學和中學;4. 讓孩子早點開始學習英語,並提供廣泛的訓練,非應試;5. 最重要的:多讀書。
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