Visual Studio 2017 如何編譯 Visual Studio 2015 的項目?
有一個項目使用了第三方庫,然而這些庫的無法和 Visual Studio 2017 編譯的目標文件鏈接(因為是用 Visual Studio 2015 編譯的),唯一的解決方法是使用 VS 2015 構建嗎?
裝2015 standalone工具鏈和相應的運行時和庫,然後用2017打開項目,不選擇升級解決方案就行了
然而,就visual studio 20150和2017的toolset來說,混用並不影響你的編譯鏈接,因為微軟個坑比讓他們兼容了。
vs2015的toolset編譯好的庫,無論是靜態庫還是動態庫,都可以被使用vs2017 toolset的項目信用並且正常編譯鏈接,因為他們是ABI兼容的。只要保證運行時匹配就行了。
上周我們老大(一個微軟出來的俄羅斯胖老頭)讓我把公司所有CPP項目全部升級VS2017 的toolset,因為我們要精簡Buils agent機器上的vs簡單說就是刪除2015toolset。我說這麼一來我們所有依賴的第三方庫都要自己編譯啊,boost,cpprest,openssl什麼鬼的一大堆啊。
except for 2015 and 2017, which are binary compatible
C++ does not have a stable application binary interface (ABI). Visual C++ maintains a stable ABI for all minor versions of a release. For example, Visual Studio 2017 and all its updates are binary compatible. But the ABI is not necessarily compatible across major versions of Visual C++ (except for 2015 and 2017, which are binary compatible). That is, we may make breaking changes to C++ type layout, name decoration, exception handling, and other parts of the C++ ABI. Thus, if you have an object file that has external symbols with C++ linkage, that object file may not link correctly with object files produced with a different major version of the Visual C++ toolset. Note that here, 「may not work」 has many possible outcomes: the link may fail entirely (e.g. if name decoration changed), the link may succeed and things may not work at runtime (e.g. if type layout changed), or things may happen to work in many cases and nothing will go wrong. Note also that while the C++ ABI is not stable, the C ABI and the subset of the C++ ABI required for COM are stable.
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