


簡答:引用肯定是可以 。引來有多少用就很難講。


首先要講一下普通法的判例約束主義(Stare Decisis)概念。普通法認為,上級法院的判例的判決理由(ratio decidendi) 對於所有下級法院的判決有約束力(binding)。約束力的意思是說,如果最高法院說,這件事的原則是這樣的。下級法院不論哪一級,都必須要遵守這個原則。所以下級法院法官有時候會說"My hands are tied"或者」I am bound by xxx"。平行級別的法院,以及本法院的較早的判決,則不會對其他判決造成約束力影響。

然而,除了約束力以外,上級法院判決的附帶意見(obiter dicta)也好,平級法院的判決也好,對於新案件的審判通常都具有說服力(persuasive)。不同的案件中法官對於法律的觀點有著自己的見解,會說不同的道理。這些道理無論律師和法官都會拿來引用作為論據支持自己的觀點。



注意一下英國的樞密院(privy council)案例,在某些情況下是作為外國的最高上訴法院案例存在的。


1. 法律淵源相關。以新加坡為例,新加坡的刑法典是抄印度的,而英國是沒有刑法典的。所以在刑事審判上,會引用很多印度和馬來西亞的案例。但同時,在普通法的範疇內,一些刑法法理源自英國普通法,比如解釋actus reus, mens rea這一類概念時,就會引用英國案例。同樣的道理,新加坡的財產法是抄澳洲新南威爾士的,所以會引用很多NSW的案例。今天早上才讀到一個上訴庭(新加坡最高法庭)的判決,中間就講為何引用某個美國案例的,摘抄如下:(Muhammad Ridzuan bin Mohd Ali v Attorney-General [2015] SGCA 53 )


37。 Courts in the United States have held that applicants who bring constitutional challenges against executive decisions made pursuant to legislative provisions which are similar to s 33B of the MDA are required to establish a 「substantial threshold showing」 of some form of impropriety on the part of the executive arm of the government before the executive is called upon to justify its decision. The US Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual (「USSG」) §5K1.1 enables the US government to make a motion on behalf of a particular offender who has rendered 「substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of another person who has committed an offense」 to grant the court discretion to impose a sentence on him which is below the statutory minimum. At the Second Reading of the Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill (No 27 of 2012) (「the Bill」), which was when the new s 33B of the MDA was debated in Parliament, Mr K Shanmugam, the Minister for Law, expressly acknowledged in Parliament that s 33B of the MDA is modelled after such provisions (see Singapore Parliamentary Debates, Official Report (14 November 2012) vol 89).

38. It would be highly relevant for present purposes to refer to the decision of the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in United States of America v John Stevens LeRose 219 F 3d 335 (4th Cir, 2000) which concerned a constitutional challenge brought in respect of a government decision whereby a motion under USSG §5K1.1 was made in respect of one co-offender but not




2. 以慣例來講,越高級的法庭出的判決,我們假設說服力越高。於是英國最高法院(上議院),加拿大最高法庭,澳洲高等法庭出的判決中闡述的原則,會更容易被人引用和接受。



基本同意 @Shaun Wong 翁磊等答案中(已有新加坡、香港)的說法。但是看到有答案說美國法已經變革到不受英國這種二流國家影響,因此不得不就(至少是在商法領域)美國法中引用英國判例的一貫原則( @姜偉Karl Ernst 提了一句),通過引用近年的法院判決作一句話的補充:

在Senator Linie GMBH Co KG v Sunway Line,Inc., 291 F 3d 145 (2d Cir. 2002)一案,Sotomayor Circuit Judge說:"in matters of commercial law our decisions should conform to the English decisions, in the absence of some rule of public policy which would forbid."。(在商法領域,除非是違反公共政策,否則美國法院要跟從英國商法的判決)。


















例如在 Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)里,美國最高法院大法官Kennedy援引了歐洲相關判例,當然用這些判例只是為了增強persuasive, 並不是因為binding。另外在Erie Doctrine沒提出之前的時期,貌似當時的州和聯邦法院還會引用英國判例作為普通法先例, 援引規則比較混亂,有的法官還會引用自然法觀點在作為判決依據。

Of even more importance, almost five years before Bowers was decided the European Court of Human Rights considered a case with parallels to Bowers and to today"s case. An adult male resident in Northern Ireland alleged he was a practicing homosexual who desired to engage in consensual homosexual conduct. The laws of Northern Ireland forbade him that right. He alleged that he had been questioned, his home had been searched, and he feared criminal prosecution. The court held that the laws proscribing the conduct were invalid under the European Convention on Human Rights.Dudgeon v. United Kingdom, 45 Eur. Ct. H.R. (1981) ? 52. Authoritative in all countries that are members of the Council of Europe (21 nations then, 45 nations now), the decision is at odds with the premise in Bowers that the claim put forward was insubstantial in our Western civilization.

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 573 (2003)

另外無意搜到一本書,似乎很有意思, 這裡應該可以找到其他國家和地區(因為有台灣)最高院或者憲法法院援引外國判例的概括,貌似有大陸法系也有英美法系的。

Part I

1. Reference to Foreign Precedents by the Australian High Court: A Matter of Method

Cheryl Saunders and Adrienne Stone

2. Canada: Protecting Rights in a "Worldwide Rights Culture". An Empirical Study of the Use of Foreign Precedents by the Supreme Court of Canada (1982–2010)

Gianluca Gentili

3. India: A "Critical" Use of Foreign Precedents in Constitutional Adjudication

Valentina Rita Scotti

4. The Supreme Court of Ireland and the Use of Foreign Precedents: The Value of Constitutional History

Cristina Fasone

5. Israel: Creating a Constitution-The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Supreme Court (1994–2010)

Suzie Navot

6. Namibia: The Supreme Court as a Foreign Law Importer

Irene Spigno

7. South Africa: Teaching an "Old Dog" New Tricks? An Empirical Study

of the Use of Foreign Precedents by the South African Constitutional Court (1995–2010)

Christa Rautenbach

Part II

8. Austria: Non-cosmopolitan, but Europe-friendly-The Constitutional Court"s Comparative Approach

Anna Gamper

vi Contents

9. Lifting the Constitutional Curtain? The Use of Foreign Precedent by the German Federal Constitutional Court

Stefan Martini

10. Hungary: Unsystematic and Incoherent Borrowing of Law. The Use of Foreign Judicial Precedents in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, 1999–2010

Zoltán Szente

11. A Gap between the Apparent and Hidden Attitudes of the Supreme Court of Japan towards Foreign Precedents

Akiko Ejima

12. Mexico: Struggling for an Open View In Constitutional Adjudication

Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor and Rubén Sánchez Gil

13. Romania: Analogical Reasoning as a Dialectical Instrument

Elena Simina Tanasescu and Stefan Deaconu

14. Russia: Foreign Transplants in the Russian Constitution and Invisible Foreign Precedents in Decisions of the Russian Constitutional Court

Sergey Belov

15. Judges as Discursive Agent: The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Constitutional Court of Taiwan

Wen-Chen Chang and Jiunn-Rong Yeh

16. United States of America: First Cautious Attempts of Judicial Use of Foreign Precedents in the Supreme Court"s Jurisprudence

Angioletta Sperti

Conclusion. The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges: A Limited Practice, An Uncertain Future

Tania Groppi and Marie-Claire Ponthoreau


如果你在香港 或者新加坡念法律 ,那麼英國和澳大利亞(特別是新南威爾士)的案子是非常非常常見的。香港終審法院的外籍法官接近2/3來自英國 1/3來自澳洲,還有一個兩個紐西蘭的法官。這些外籍法官一般都是在自己國家的最高或者州高等法院退休了,被聘請到香港終身法院。這一機制是由李國能法官開創,希望能夠提升香港判例在普通法世界的地位,因此高薪聘請他們這些普通法世界最聰明的腦袋來香港。 很多人質疑外籍法官在香港大陸一些案子上的看法會不會不公正,可惜諷刺的是,似乎外籍法官對大陸更友好…

的確,英國作為普通法起源的地位不可否認再加上長時間的殖民影響,對於英聯邦國家影響甚大。 澳大利亞(尤其是新南威爾士州) 法官水平極其高,立法理念比較前衛,步子邁得比較大,把不少英國的經典principle都拒絕了(如前不久澳洲高院認為故意和別人性交導致別人感染HIV是assault,此前英國都拒絕了這個看法),可以說澳洲的公法憲法走在了普通法世界的最前沿。中國現在也有一批證監會的監管者希望中國的證券監管系統能像澳洲模式靠攏。

加拿大仍會被香港 提及,但非常少,而且也只是提及,不會大篇幅討論。


印度 南非出現的比較少

最後再說一句,美國 澳洲 英國 香港 加拿大 紐西蘭等等普通法地區基本每兩三個月都會出一個公告,說這段時間 其他jurisdiction出了什麼案子,發生了什麼什麼事,什麼什麼principle,法官也要不斷地update。


法律人應如何看待和應對「社會輿論認為 『法律背叛了我們』 」這一客觀事實?

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