





[max/min-]width、left、right、text-indent、padding、margin 等;


[max/min-]height、top、bottom 等;


flex-basis 等;


font-size 等;


line-height 等;


border-radius、background-size、border-image-width、transform: translate()、transform-origin、zoom、clip-path 等;


vertical-align 等;


background-position (方向長度 / 該方向除背景圖之外部分總長度 * 100)、border-image-slice (相對於圖片尺寸)、filter 系列函數等;

如果自身設置 position: absolute,「父元素」指:Boringer:破壞文檔流的div高度設為百分比是相對誰而言的?;

如果 position: fixed,「父元素」指視口。


In CSS 2.1, many box positions and sizes are calculated with respect to the edges of a rectangular box called a containing block. In general, generated boxes act as containing blocks for descendant boxes; we say that a box "establishes" the containing block for its descendants. The phrase "a box"s containing block" means "the containing block in which the box lives," not the one it generates.


The position and size of an element"s box(es) are sometimes calculated relative to a certain rectangle, called the containing block of the element. The containing block of an element is defined as follows:

  1. The containing block in which the root element lives is a rectangle called the initial containing block. For continuous media, it has the dimensions of the viewport and is anchored at the canvas origin; it is the page area for paged media. The "direction" property of the initial containing block is the same as for the root element.
  2. For other elements, if the element"s position is "relative" or "static", the containing block is formed by the content edge of the nearest block containerancestor box.
  3. If the element has "position: fixed", the containing block is established by the viewport in the case of continuous media or the page area in the case of paged media.
  4. If the element has "position: absolute", the containing block is established by the nearest ancestor with a "position" of "absolute", "relative" or "fixed", in the following way:
    1. In the case that the ancestor is an inline element, the containing block is the bounding box around the padding boxes of the first and the last inline boxes generated for that element. In CSS 2.1, if the inline element is split across multiple lines, the containing block is undefined.
    2. Otherwise, the containing block is formed by the padding edge of the ancestor.

    If there is no such ancestor, the containing block is the initial containing block.

詳情參考這個鏈接:Visual formatting model details



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