蘋果公司是否可能通過 Touch ID 搜集用戶指紋信息?

雖然 Apple 聲稱不會,但因為 iOS 高度封閉,並且 iPhone、iPad 硬體精密複雜,Apple 是否有可能悄悄上傳 Touch ID 指紋信息?

Secure Enclave

Touch ID doesn"t store any images of your fingerprint. It stores only a mathematical representation of your fingerprint. It isn"t possible for your actual fingerprint image to be reverse-engineered from this mathematical representation. iPhone 5s also includes a new advanced security architecture called the Secure Enclave within the A7 chip, which was developed to protect passcode and fingerprint data. Fingerprint data is encrypted and protected with a key available only to the Secure Enclave. Fingerprint data is used only by the Secure Enclave to verify that your fingerprint matches the enrolled fingerprint data. The Secure Enclave is walled off from the rest of A7 and the rest of iOS. Therefore, your fingerprint data is never accessed by iOS or other apps, never stored on Apple servers, and never backed up to iCloud or anywhere else. Only Touch ID uses it, and it can"t be used to match against other fingerprint databases.

Secure Enclave

Touch ID 不會儲存指紋的任何圖像。它只存儲指紋的數學表達式。不可能從該數學表達式反推導出實際的指紋圖像。iPhone 5s 還包括 A7 晶元內稱為「Secure Enclave」的全新高級安全架構,專門開發用於保護密碼和指紋數據。指紋數據通過 Secure Enclave 的專用密鑰得到加密和保護。指紋數據僅由 Secure Enclave 使用,以驗證您的指紋是否與所註冊的指紋數據匹配。Secure Enclave 獨立於 A7 的其他部分以及 iOS 的其他部分。因此,您的指紋數據絕不會由 iOS 或其他 app 訪問、絕不會存儲到 Apple 伺服器,也絕不會備份到 iCloud 或其他任何地方。只有 Touch ID 使用它,並且不能將它用於匹配其他指紋資料庫。





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TAG:iPhone | 蘋果公司AppleInc | iPadAir | 觸控ID | iPhone6 |