國內物理系很多都不教信號與系統這門課 我也是物理系出身的 偶爾看了下信號與系統 經常覺得這門課跟量子力學有些地方比較相似
在思維方式和概念理解方面比如傅里葉變換 表象變換 以及涉及到後面固體物理裡面的實空間倒空間 還有哈密頓量(矩陣)和系統函數矩陣之間 等等感覺這種聯繫來自於數學?亦或是這兩門課本質上的相同點都是人類在研究信號以及信號和信號之間的轉變 微觀世界波動性起主要作用之後微觀粒子本身就變成了一段信號 而信號與系統面對的宏觀層面的信號(一個複雜系統產生的信號)
中,稱為共軛變數。例如在平面波中:, 共軛;共軛,因此有變換關係。之所以信號和量子力學有相似處,因為他們處理的都是波而已。量子力學最本質的共軛變數變換關係是要求:。或者又說,。這個可是和信號系統半毛錢關係也沒有的。
Conjugate variables are pairs of variables mathematically defined in such a way that they become Fourier transformduals of one another, or more generally are related through Pontryagin duality. The duality relations lead naturally to an uncertainty in physics called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle relation between them. In mathematical terms, conjugate variables are part of a symplectic basis, and the uncertainty principle corresponds to the symplectic form.
只是從形式上倒是有些相似的東西,都是由數學上的相似導致:香農採樣定理在[-T,T]×[-Ω,Ω]的採樣數目等同於量子統計中區間內的獨立態數目,從Heisenberg原理容易看出聯繫,而信號上,這是Landau和Pollak的prolate spheroidal wave function作為特徵函數的數目(也就是本徵值數目)決定的,它是所謂時頻受限運算元的本徵函數,函數一般不能時域頻域同時受限(Paley-Weiner定理),它只用于衡量受限時逼近原函數的程度。那麼香農採樣定理就是說至少需要采n=S/2π次樣來分辨這n個本徵函數(等同於該區間內的N個量子態)以便在該區間內重構信號。技術上加窗傅里葉變換和小波都能構造量子光學中的所謂P型運算元(量子力學中似乎叫做Wigner分布?)來構成時頻局域化運算元。題外話Daubechies的小波十講還說過一個有趣的應用——Lieb使用P運算元證明了多體庫倫勢在Z趨於無窮時的確會趨向於Thomas-Fermi理論有。時域和頻域之間的轉換和坐標表象與動量表象之間的轉換是一樣的。「不確定原理」在信號這邊就看的更清楚一點:時域越窄,則頻域越寬;頻域越窄,時域就越寬。同一段錄音,放的越快,頻率就越高;放的越慢,頻率就越低。
因為大多數信號處理的系統假設信號由一個線性或者準線性系統產生;有限採樣下的 variance-bias trade off 是否能夠和統計物理有很好的數學上對應我沒有想清楚
Heisenberg"s Uncertainty principlei.e. if a signal is infinitely concentrated (Dirac delta function) in one domain, it is completely spread out (exponential) in the other.Also recall the scaling property:i.e. if signal spreads out in time domain by factor of T, spectrum is compressed by same.e.g.
Duration of signal = T s, main lobe bandwidth of spectrum = 1/T Hz.In previous examples, Signal duration x Bandwidth = constant. Can be shown that for any signal,Uncertainty principle (after Heisenberg)(Bandwidth and duration above defined in terms of RMS quantities.)Intuition: if signal decays rapidly with time (i.e. short duration)? d/dt must be large
? High frequency content significant
? Bandwidth large
有,離散信號處理的教學上有個很尷尬的問題,最基礎的問題「奈奎斯特採樣定理」 很少能給出理論上很嚴謹的推導。這個問題和不確定性就有很大的聯繫。具體參考http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.3135The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem其摘要如下:
The derivation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) from the Uncertainty Theorem of Fourier Transform theory demonstrates that the HUP arises from the dependency of momentum on wave number that exists at the quantum level. It also establishes that the HUP is purely a relationship between the effective widths of Fourier transform pairs of variables (i.e. conjugate variables). We note that the HUP is not a quantum mechanical measurement principle per se. We introduce the Quantum Mechanical equivalent of the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem of Fourier Transform theory, and show that it is a better principle to describe the measurement limitations of Quantum Mechanics. We show that Brillouin zones in Solid State physics are a manifestation of the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem at the quantum level. By comparison with other fields where Fourier Transform theory is used, we propose that we need to discern between measurement limitations and inherent limitations when interpreting the impact of the HUP on the nature of the quantum level. We further propose that while measurement limitations result in our perception of indeterminism at the quantum level, there is no evidence that there are any inherent limitations at the quantum level, based on the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem.