C語言中既然" "與空格『 』是不一樣的,那為什麼在字元串問題中,scanf中還不能讀入空格?
例如字元串"hello world",用scanf以%s格式輸入,只能輸出"hello",字元串是以『 』作為結尾,而『 』!=" "。
Reading Undelimited stringsscanf Width Specification
To read strings not delimited by whitespace characters, a set of characters in brackets ([ ]) can be substituted for the s (string) type character. The set of characters in brackets is referred to as a control string. The corresponding input field is read up to the first character that does not appear in the control string. If the first character in the set is a caret (^), the effect is reversed: The input field is read up to the first character that does appear in the rest of the character set.
#include &
int main()
char str[128];
scanf( "%[^
]", str );
printf( "%s
", str );
return 0;
這不是說明空格與 等價,而是由於C語言的緩衝機制,scanf讀取數據不是從鍵盤直接讀取,因為鍵盤是字元型輸入設備,且它是中斷方式來被操作系統控制,所以這些IO設備存取速率及其低下,而內存是塊設備,讀取速度非常快,因此引入緩衝區機制來緩衝IO設備與內存的數據交換,scanf也是從緩衝區地區,而scanf函數是把空格作為緩衝區數據的分隔符,每遇到一個空格,則表示當前一段數據為可用數據被scanf讀取,而不是空格表示字元結束而被讀入
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