自己布置設置過的系統有自己的使用習慣。探究如何完美移植,不想要ghost鏡像這種非正規不穩定手法。要挽救的 應用 默認都完整安裝。安裝在 系統盤 例如Program Files (x86) 或Program Files 這樣的地方。有方法完整copy系統嗎?!
微軟提供完整的Windows Deployment解決方案,包括將一台機器的image移動到另一台機器上,實際上大公司的Windows安裝都是這樣的,image網路部署完畢後所有必須軟體都安裝好了,個人賬戶設置完畢,Windows使用新的SID.自己折騰需要一點時間來專研,簡單地說先裝Windows ADK做一個WinPE5.1的啟動U盤,然後敲一串DSIM和Sysprep的命令就可以了。你可以從這裡入手:Boot Windows to Audit Mode or OOBEDeployment examples
To transfer an image to a different computer, you must first remove the computer-specific information from the configured computer by generalizing the image with the Sysprep tool. To prepare a computer for the customer, you must generalize the computer, and then set it to boot to OOBE when a customer starts the computer for the first time. In the following examples we create and transfer a reference image to a different computer, and then create a model-specific image that ships to a customer.
Step 1: Transfer an image to a different computer
Install Windows on a reference computer.
After the installation is complete, boot the computer and install any additional device drivers or applications.
After you update the Windows installation, run Sysprep:
- At the command line, run the Sysprep /generalize /shutdown command. -or-
- In the System Preparation Tool window, select the Generalize check box under the System Cleanup Action box on the Shutdown Options box, select Shutdown, and then click OK.
Sysprep removes system-specific data from the Windows installation. System-specific information includes event logs, unique security IDs (SIDs), and other unique information. After Sysprep removes the unique system information, the computer shuts down.
After the computer shuts down, insert the Windows PE USB flash drive or other bootable media, and reboot into Windows PE.
In the Windows PE session, capture the reference image by using the Dism /capture-image command.
Proceed to the next step to create a model-specific reference image.
你敲這個命令: sdclt.exe
要恢復備份的時候,先在Windows里做一個USB 恢復盤 「Create a recovery drive", 用這個U盤啟動,選擇"system image recovery」就可以了。或者你用windows安裝盤啟動也有這個選項Acronis True Image,ATI還是很不錯的,可以異機還原
再者樓主可以嘗試一下備份為wim文件,wim文件是微軟官方的安裝文件的一個格式,可以增量可以通過官方工具安裝可以通過pe安裝…不過具體使用方法我就不太清楚了,樓主可以自行搜尋一下以上,希望能對樓主有幫助微軟有官方的數據遷移工具免費的數據遷移服務-XP 光榮退役可以從xp遷移數據到新的win7/8
個人覺得還是重裝最好,畢竟硬體不一樣,需要的軟體也要升級更新,還是重裝快一些哇? 你眼中的 GHOST鏡像是不正規不穩定
※DOS 系統和 Windows 系統有什麼關係?
TAG:微軟Microsoft | MicrosoftWindows | 操作系統 | Windows7 | Windows10 |