- Side effects. The side effects of guarana are generally the same as the side effects of caffeine. They include sleep problems, anxiety, restlessness, upset stomach, and quickened heartbeat. Long-term use of caffeine may result in tolerance and psychological dependence.
- 以上大致內容:同咖啡因副作用近似,容易引起心慌、焦慮、胃痛、心跳加快,長期服用易產生心理依賴。
- Risks. High doses of caffeine may raise the risk of increased heart rate, breast disease, and high blood pressure. An overdose of caffeine can cause seizures and convulsions. Talk to your doctor before using guarana if you have high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, glaucoma, osteoporosis, heart problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, kidney problems, or liver disease. At least one death has been reported in a young woman with mitral valve prolapse who consumed a guarana containing drink. People with MVP should speak to their doctor before using guarana.
- 易加速心跳,引發胸腺疾病、高血壓。過量服用易引發痙攣、驚厥。曾有報道,一名患有
二尖瓣脫垂(mitral valve prolapse)的女性服用含有瓜拉納飲品後致死。
- Interactions. If you take any medications regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using guarana supplements. They could interact with medicines like some antidepressants, lithium, sedatives, and blood thinners. Don』t use guarana along with other stimulants, whether they』re medications, supplements, or street drugs. To avoid excessive caffeine intake, be careful when taking guarana along with other foods and supplements that contain caffeine, such as coffee and sodas.
- 應注意與瓜拉納共同進食的食品,避免在服用瓜拉納的的同時進食其他含有咖啡因的食物。
---- 出自WebMD:Guarana
淘寶海淘買得GNC Burn 60,瓜拉納。按照客服的建議,每次跑步前吃2粒,然後跑10公里,已經持續了三次類似的鍛煉。感受來說:1)跑步心跳明顯加快,我帶上心率帶,平時心跳是168左右,吃了瓜拉納輕鬆心跳突破178,但是個人不覺得累。
瓜拉納果實中含有豐富的維生素、礦物質和氨基酸,可以有效干擾黑色素的形成,預防色素的沉澱,保持皮膚報喜,是祛斑的良藥; 瓜拉納顆粒分子的分工合作可以分解老化壞死的細胞,製造新細胞,凈血排毒,活化細胞可以有效祛痘。 瓜拉納中有大量的膠原蛋白可以修復受損組織,減少骨膠原,給皮膚供應大量水分,使皮膚光華瑞澤,疤痕淡化直至消失。 瓜拉納植物提取物能快速分解斷裂錯位的成纖維結構可主動鏈接受損彈力纖維,重新構建真皮層彈力纖維網,從根源改善受損肌膚使妊娠紋得到有效的祛除。