
NYT總是一次再一次的自證製造fake news的本色。現在它又提供了一個例子。



Heinrich:We』ve heard in the news that claims that Director Comey had lost the confidence of rank and file FBI employees. You』ve been there for 21 years, in your opinion is it accurate that the rank and file no longer supported Director Comey?

No, sir, that is not accurate. I can tell you, sir, that I worked very, very closely with Director Comey. From the moment he started at the FBI I was his executive assistant director of national security at that time and I worked for him running the Washington field office. And of course I』ve served as deputy for the last year. I can tell you that I hold Director Comey in the absolute highest regard. I have the highest respect for his considerable abilities and his integrity and it has been the greatest privilege and honor in my professional life to work with him. I can tell you also that Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does until this day.

We are a large organization, we are 36,500 people across this country, across this globe. We have a diversity of opinions about many things, but I can confidently tell you that the majority — the vast majority of FBI employees enjoyed a deep and positive connection to Director Comey.


Manchin:I』m just saying that basically, before July 5th, before the first testimony that basically Director Comey got involved in, prior to that, did you see a change in the morale? Just yes or no — yes a change or more anxious, more concern?

I think morale has always been good, however we had — there were folks within our agency who were frustrated with the outcome of the Hillary Clinton case and some of those folks were very vocal about that — those concerns.






Sir, if you』re referring to the Russia investigation, I do. I believe we have the adequate resources to do it and I know that we have resourced that investigation adequately.


But in terms of that investigation, sir, I can assure you we are covered.


I』m not aware of that request and it』s not consistent with my understanding of how we request additional resources. That said, we don』t typically request resources for an individual case. And as I mentioned, I strongly believe that the Russian investigation is adequately resourced.

於是,Politico, NYT, CNN, WaPo等左媒用匿名人士編造的fake news再次被打臉。


最近已經很少回答知乎上的問題了,即使是指名的。因為和你講的fake news類似,fake question 也成為了知乎的一道風景線


但最近有不少問題,看看提問者,或者是某些ID,或者是匿名,問題本身就是錯誤的出發點(引用錯誤的材料),有時候甚至有惡意(編造fake news)……這還有什麼值得回答的價值呢


這位副局長的妻子競選弗吉尼亞州參議員的時候接受過希拉里盟友的大筆捐款,本來就傾向民主黨陣營,他的話真實性很值得懷疑。Andrew McCabe was also caught up Clinton scandal



白宮發言人Sarah Huckabee Sanders 的之前說的是

「The president over the last couple of months lost confidence in Director Comey, the [Department of Justice] lost confidence in Director Comey, bipartisan members of Congress made it clear that they had lost confidence in Director Comey, and, most importantly, the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence in their director,

用你自己的引用,McCabe 已經非常直接的回復了這個問題

McCabe:No, sir, that is not accurate. I can tell you, sir, that I worked very, very closely with Director Comey. From the moment he started at the FBI I was his executive assistant director of national security at that time and I worked for him running the Washington field office. And of course I』ve served as deputy for the last year. I can tell you that I hold Director Comey in the absolute highest regard. I have the highest respect for his considerable abilities and his integrity and it has been the greatest privilege and honor in my professional life to work with him. I can tell you also that Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does until this day.


這兩個又沒有衝突,你可以對你的上司很尊重,很支持,但是同時不同意他的個別決定,這不是很正常嘛? 況且Mccabe 已經直接回答了對於信心的問題,我實在看不出MSM 的報道哪裡有問題。有人對這個決定不滿和絕大多數人對此不滿我覺得是有非常大的差異的。



MaCabe 作證的時候說的很清楚啊,如果需要資源,他們會找國會要啊,這個資源明顯說的是錢

但是Nytimes 的報道「Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry」第一段就說了

"Days before he was fired as F.B.I. director, James B. Comey asked the Justice Department for more prosecutors and other personnel to accelerate the bureau』s investigation into Russia』s interference in the presidential election"

很明顯這些資源是FBI 自己沒有的,FBI 只是負責調查,需要和檢察官合作,所以我是一點都看不出,聽證會有否認這些說法


同時FLynn 還被參議院情報委員會發了傳票,上次發這種傳票還是911 的時候


如何評價人民日報:美國政治癱瘓是體制問題 兩黨製成阻礙?美國政治癱瘓了嗎?

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