

我來轉篇quora 的回答吧(我翻譯過了,有不對的地方歡迎指正)。各位自己看著辦。潘校是我科的教授,能做出這個工作還是很不容易的。對於做過科研的人,我覺得應該持保守態度。



對於量子計算來說,超導約瑟夫結,金剛石NV-Center, 拓撲材料,那個是實現量子計算體系最有希望的?

Some of the key parameters to consider - the stability of physical qubits (time to decay) and the amount of noise in quantum evolutions, the necessary ambient conditions (esp. temperature, which determines infrastructure cost), amenability to fault-tolerant implementations, provisions for qubit coupling and necessary architectural constraints, the speed of quantum evolution/gates, provisions for measurement, ease of manufacturing and overall scalability. There"s more, but this is a good start.

有一些關鍵的幾個參數需要考慮:物理量子比特實體的穩定性(相干衰減時間) 和量子演化里的雜訊程度, 必要的外部條件(尤其是溫度,因為它決定了系統建造成本),容錯設計能力,量子-量子的耦合調控能力,量子門/演化的速度,測量精度,設備製造難度以及可擴展性(到多個量子比特)。還有其他問題,不過這些就夠說的了。

Superconducting qubits require serious cooling (dilution refrigerators), but otherwise can leverage advanced chip-making technologies, which is good for manufacturing and scalability. A lot is known about quantum control of such systems both in theory and in practice. They impose fewer complications on qubit coupling and communication than some other technologies. But qubit stability and overall noise remain serious challenges, as with practically every technology, especially as you try to scale to hundreds of qubits.


Topological structures have some promising properties with respect to quantum fault-tolerance, but the amount of science that needs to be done before they can be pitched as an engineering solution is enormous. In particular, their control is not understood well, AFAIK. Much of engineering is completely missing here.


I know little about diamond NV centers, but my understanding is that they offer greater qubit stability, and at higher temperatures than superconductors, whereas qubit coupling can be very restricted and that can slow things down at the large scale. There are fewer opportunities to leverage industry-standard technologies and infrastructures, compared to superconducting qubits, which can be a problem when trying to scale to hundreds of qubits. In particular, implementing quantum fault-tolerance would be very expensive.


In the short run, superconductors seem the most "doable", which is why D-Wave is working in that direction. Topological materials are scientifically interesting, but their practical promise is anyone"s guess at this point. From the scaling perspective, NV centers seem to suffer from similar obstacles to scalability as conventional VLSI (the dominance of interconnect), and I haven"t seen compelling solutions to these problems.

短期來看,超導應該是最有前途的,這也是為什麼D-Wave在這方向死磕的原因。拓樸材料在科學上很有趣,但是它的實際用處我們還無從得知。從可擴展性這個角度來看,NV 系統在擴展性上有問題,就想傳統的集成電路一樣,我還沒有看到可以解決這個問題的途徑。

As far as measurement goes, I"ve seen some serious applied physicists working on technologies for which they don"t really know how to do q. measurement in practice. This is less of a problem for superconductors and more of a problem for topological materials.


If you are serious about comparing different technologies for near-term implementations, you need to look at concrete numbers. Compare the reliability of qubits in a particular technology to the best known (estimate of) fault-tolerance threshold, check the costs of building and maintaining the largest devices possible today, as well as the time required to perform unitary evolutions and measurements, and also their fidelities.


At a "meta" level, a major positive aspect for superconducting qubits is that many of the people involved in the engineering effort know what they are doing and thought carefully about many aspects of the technology. I am not saying they have the solutions, but at least they know what the challenges are and have enough ideas to be optimistic. In comparison, research in topological materials primarily qualifies as basic/fundamental research - which some people value more than engineering, but that makes any engineering successes less likely in the near future. Basically, it"s a matter of faith. Research in NV vacancies seems somewhere in between those two cases.







原文地址:IBM builds its most powerful universal quantum computing processors 感謝評論區



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