當然是有必要參照英語文語法, 搭配至少多讀多聽, 來學英語文。
「搭配至少多讀多聽」 -- 語文的有效率學習是跟使用分不開, 學習更是為了使用。 被動性的讀跟聽, 以及主動性的說跟寫, 皆為用。其中, 讀跟聽, 是自己一個人就可以大量做的。因為, 英語語法, 是對於英語文的規律, 作系統性且提綱挈領的整理,
是學習英語文的執簡馭繁的工具, 幫忙快速掌握英語文規律的工具。當然有必要拿語法來搭配多聽多讀, 來學習英語文, 來使用英語文。要不然, 您自己還是會要將讀聽時所碰上同類的東西作分類整理,
而且更是在您本身沒有語言學系統概念的情況之下, 自己摸索整理。那會是事倍功半而且左支右絀。而漢語, 您的家鄉話或普通話, 是您從小在那語言的環境當中,
在有同樣的語詞語句不斷重複的聽跟使用當中, 在您的語文思維尚未被其它使用十幾年甚或幾十年的語言慣性來固定之前, 在不斷行其然, 且往往會是不知其所以然當中, 自然獲得。這跟您成年之後, 固定使用普通話且或您的家鄉話
十幾年或幾十年之後, 在沒有英語文環境當中學英語文,不同。之前有相關問題我做了答覆, 我將連結附在這裡做為補充→ 怎樣學好英語語法? - 英語學習→ 如何踏實提高自己的英語水平? - 英語學習謝謝@譚樊馬克邀請,母語一般是不需要刻意學習語法的,但對於外語(尤其是語法比較規則化的西方語言),學好語法是掌握一系列句子的最快方式。
1. 不然看不了小說
下面是Absalom, Absalom! 中的一句:
Just exactly like Father if Father had known as much about it the night before I went out there as he did the day after I came back thinking Mad impotent old man who realised at last that there must be some limit even to the capabilities of a demon for doing harm, who must have seen his situation as that o f the show girl, the pony, who realises that the principal tune she prances to comes not from horn and fiddle and drum but from a clock and calendar, must have seen himself as the old wornout cannon which realises that it can deliver just one more fierce shot and crumble to dust in its own furious blast and recoil, who looked about upon the scene which was still within his scope and compass and saw son gone, vanished, more insuperable to him now than if the son were dead since now (if the son still lived) his name would be different and those to call him by it strangers and whatever dragon"s outcropping of Sutpen blood the son might sow on the body o f whatever strange woman would therefore carry on the tradition, accomplish the hereditary evil and harm under another name and upon and among people who will never have heard the right one; daughter doomed to spinsterhood who had chosen spinsterhood already before there was anyone named Charles Bon since the aunt who came to succor her in bereavement and sorrow found neither but instead that calm absolutely impenetrable face between a homespun dress and sunbonnet seen before a closed door and again in a cloudy swirl of chickens while Jones was building the coffin and which she wore during the next year while the aunt lived there and the three women wove their own garments and raised their own food and cut the wood they cooked it with (excusing what help they had from Jones who lived with his granddaughter in the abandoned fishing camp with its collapsing roof and rotting porch against which the rusty scythe which Sutpen was to lend him, make him borrow to cut away the weeds from the door-and at last forced him to use though not to cut weeds, at least not vegetable weeds -would lean for two years) and wore still after the aunt"s indignation had swept her back to town to live on stolen garden truck and out o f anonymous baskets left on her front steps at night, the three of them, the two daughters negro and white and the aunt twelve miles away watching from her distance as the two daughters watched from theirs the old demon, the ancient varicose and despairing Faustus fling his final main now with the Creditor"s hand already on his shoulder, running his little country store now for his bread and meat, haggling tediously over nickels and dimes with rapacious and poverty-stricken whites and negroes, who at one time could have galloped for ten miles in any direction without crossing his own boundary, using out of his meagre stock the cheap ribbons and beads and the stale violently-colored candy with which even an old man can seduce a fifteen-year-old country girl, to ruin the granddaughter o f his partner, this Jones-this gangling malaria-ridden white man whom he had given permission fourteen years ago to squat in the abandoned fishing camp with the year-old grandchild-Jones, partner porter and clerk who at the demon"s command removed with his own hand (and maybe delivered too) from the showcase the candy beads and ribbons, measured the very cloth from which Judith (who had not been bereaved and did not mourn) helped the granddaughter to fashion a dress to walk past the lounging men in, the side-looking and the tongues, until her increasing belly taught her embarrassment-or perhaps fear;-Jones who before "61 had not even been allowed to approach the front of the house and who during the next four years got no nearer than the kitchen door and that only when he brought the game and fish and vegetables on which the seducer-to-be"s wife and daughter (and Clytie too, the one remaining servant, negro, the one who would forbid him to pass the kitchen door with what he brought) depended on to keep life in them, but who now entered the house itself on the (quite frequent now) afternoons when the demon would suddenly curse the store empty of customers and lock the door and repair to the rear and in the same tone in which he used to address his orderly or even his house servants when he had them (and in which he doubtless ordered Jones to fetch from the showcase the ribbons and beads and candy) direct Jones to fetch the jug, the two of them (and Jones even sitting now who in the old days, the old dead Sunday afternoons of monotonous peace which they spent beneath the scuppernong arbor in the back yard, the demon lying in the hammock while Jones squatted against a post, rising from time to time to pour for the demon from the demijohn and the bucket of spring water which he had fetched from the spring more than a mile away then squatting again, chortling and chuckling and saying `Sho, Mister Tawm" each time the demon paused)-the two of them drinking turn and turn about from the jug and the demon not lying down now nor even sitting but reaching after the third or second drink that old man"s state of impotent and furious undefeat in which he would rise, swaying and plunging and shouting for his horse and pistols to ride single-handed into Washington and shoot Lincoln (a year or so too late here) and Sherman both, shouting, "Kill them! Shoot them down like the dogs they are!" and Jones: "Sho, Kernel; sho now" and catching him as he fell and commandeering the first passing wagon to take him to the house and carry him up the front steps and through the paintless formal door beneath its fanlight imported pane by pane from Europe which Judith held open for him to enter with no change, no alteration in that calm frozen face which she had worn for four years now, and on up the stairs and into the bedroom and put him to bed like a baby and then lie down himself on the floor beside the bed though not to sleep since before dawn the man on the bed would stir and groan and Jones would say, "flyer I am, Kernel. Hit"s all right. They aint whupped us yit, air they?" this Jones who after the demon rode away with the regiment when the granddaughter was only eight years old would tell people that he "was lookin after Major"s place and niggers" even before they had time to ask him why he was not with the troops and perhaps in time came to believe the lie himself, who was among the first to greet the demon when he returned, to meet him at the gate and say, "Well, Kernel, they kilt us but they aint whupped us yit, air they?" who even worked, labored, sweat at the demon"s behest during that first furious period while the demon believed he could restore by sheer indomitable willing the Sutpen"s Hundred which he remembered and had lost, labored with no hope of pay or reward who must have seen long before the demon did (or would admit it) that the task was hopeless-blind Jones who apparently saw still in that furious lecherous wreck the old fine figure of the man who once galloped on the black thoroughbred about that domain two boundaries of which the eye could not see from any point.2. 又或者犯了法都不知道:
The Manager undertakes that for a period of 24 months after the termination of this Agreement, he shall not attempt in any manner (i) to solicit, to try to solicit or to accept from any person or entity with whom the Company or its affiliates in the PRC, the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, and Taiwan had within the previous 12 months, has or proposes to have any contractual and/or commercial relationship as a customer, supplier, consultant or contractor of whatsoever nature, existing or under negotiation on or prior to the effective date of termination of his employment (the "Partner") or perform any act, directly or indirectly, which may, will or is calculated to interfere, reduce or cease in any way with the relationship between the Partner and the Company and/or its affiliates in the PRC, the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, and Taiwan; or (ii) to have any direct or indirect business dealings with any such Partner or directly or indirectly approach such Person with a view to business dealings.只是你小學時候學的時候沒告訴你這是語法而已==、
男的,凡遇學生問"為什麼應該是這個詞?"無論是否語法相關,他都咧嘴笑曰「I don"t know. I just feel it should be the word.」
女的,細心耐心,然而遇到語法問題,常苦笑曰:"You know what? Miserably, your grammar knowledge has been better than many Americans"."
路是自己走出來的。首先說明一點,語法不是無師自通的,只靠聽說讀,不系統學習難以掌握語法。漢語語法結構相對鬆散,而且漢語作為我們的母語,語言環境上的優勢是我們學習英語時所不具備的,而且我相信題主從小到大,至少有一次被語文老師在作文上批「有語病」吧。具體關於要不要系統學,先做一個比喻,一個人不管漢字寫得美或者丑,只要大體可以辨認,都不會很大程度的影響讀者對文意的理解,語法也是一樣。 不敢說我很懂得題主的感受吧,但是很長一段時間裡我對英語語法沒有很成型的概念,也不覺得語法有多重要。小學二年級開始報班學英語,純粹因為興趣,只有聽說讀,幾乎沒有寫。 後來中學時開始認識到語法最大的意義就是考試能做對題,開始惡補,每天狂背,效果很明顯,但心裡也跟很多同學一樣:這些題外國人都不一定做對,我們摳得這麼死,有用嗎? 大學裡面有幸參加了一些演講比賽,詢問了一些native作為評委對於選手語法和讀音的評價,他們的說法是:演講也是一種交流,交流中最重要的不是你的口音或者你的語法,而是你的觀點。聽你說話的是人,而不是機器,語法錯誤是可以被聽者辨明和理解的。 而另一方面,語言結構的相似性決定了不同語言之間一些基本的語序和表達是類似的甚至相同的,就比如漢語說我是李明,英語說i"m frank一樣,而這些基本語序和表達的存在決定了即使你按照母語的語法來表達,常見的通用語序和基本表達之外的其他細微錯誤並不會很嚴重地影響到理解。 實際上,連美國人自己都越來越少關注語法,60年代的反文化運動之後語法的重要性一直在淡化,很多人都知道的long time no see就是一個很好的例子。 所以其實對於溝通來說,語法真的不那麼重要。這一點,我贊同樓主。 但是我個人觀點認為,語言是一門藝術,既然是藝術,就如書法一樣,美的程度會影響人們的感受。字寫的醜人們能夠認得,但是卻不會給人帶來很大的美感。 我們現在學習的語法,大都是formal english的語法,條目繁多且規定很死,真正的native speaker在現實生活中也不見得會完全遵守。但是如果能學會,就像練得一手好字一樣,不會明顯得提高溝通的能力,卻能提高語言的藝術性。 我之前買過一本薄冰語法,一直閑置沒有怎麼仔細讀,前一陣複習考研英語作文的時候(非英語專業),翻出來一看,覺得上面的很多例句精妙絕倫,甚至標點符號都是神來之筆,不僅應試很出彩,而且運用到日常書面交流也很裝逼。不知道題主有沒有關注英國女王的演講,每年的聖誕演講內容大同小異,但是語法無不謹遵規範,字字句句都經得起推敲,通篇下來充滿的莊重尊貴的感覺,是奧巴馬的演講所不能比擬的。再看一些知名報刊和雜誌的comment和editorial,語法遵守其實仍舊很嚴格,很多句子都是可以當成語法條目的例句來研習,給人感覺也更能表現作者的深刻。有一篇文章曾經把formal english比做china(瓷器),說we now carry english in paper plates instead of china,我覺得再恰當不過,formal english不是必需,但確是一種美。所以我個人看來,學英語純粹是為了溝通的話,語法其實不必專精,但如果是真的熱愛英語的話,不妨好好學學語法。補充一下,如果題主要應試,還是好好背語法,不然會摔得很慘,作文上語法是絕對的硬傷。
講語法對老師的水平要求很高,比如我確實是一個學生,首先I am a student這是個獨立句子,加上that這個引導詞變為that I am a student名詞從句 再變為 That I am a student is true. 通常呢名詞從句當句首會頭重腳輕,所以要用it這個形式主語成為 It is true that I am a student .
但是呢等我學寫作和句法時裡面提到英語是right branching 結構,中文是left branching結構,比如(這個例子不知道合適不合適) He is a doctor who always helps others.但是中文他是個樂於助人的醫生。 值得注意的是,語法俱樂部和語言學裡面提到所謂從句,其實是意思相對於沒有那麼重要的成分。接下來,翻譯里提到英語里重要的總結性的話語放在前面,中文裡一般在後面。那麼既然that I am a student 是不重要的成分,放在後面更好。 後來我又看到話語分析裡面的英語句子的一個原則first is importance,也就是說一般情況下一個人表達一句話放在句首是最重要的信息,是焦點focus所在。
那時的我實在是too young too simple啊~我讀的是英語翻譯專業啊~~
我也曾經安慰自己語法不重要,其實,很重要。現在一直在惡補語法,別跟我說口語,聽力好就可以了,外國人不注重語法。其實你學了語法才能更好地自己書面表達和口頭表達呀。至少,基本語法不要錯!!如果你父母用英文一把屎一把尿把你喂大你的可樂瓶麥片盒子包裝都是英文手機電腦都是英文界面天天看英文報紙英文電視節目你的基友們吐槽的時候用的全是英文大街上掛的都是英文海報見到熟人人家打招呼都用」what"s up dude」而不是「吃了嗎您吶」,估計你也就不用學什麼語法了。