不同工種的typical day都是怎麼樣的呢?
謝@蘭尼 大牛邀
DCM的結構其實非常簡單。如果一定要細分的話,大概可以分為DCM Origination, DCM Execution和Syndicate,而且在很多銀行,Origination和Execution並沒有很明確的分開,所以一般就是DCM Deal Team(常常直接簡稱成DCM)還有Syndicate.
Origination:Typical day就是pitch pitch pitch. Analyst/Associate的工作包括準備pitchbook,設計structure,向syndicate詢價(indicative pricing quotation)。對於沒有評級的初次發行者,詢價之前會根據公司的信用狀況(credit matrix)做個參考評級用作定價依據。再往上的MD/D/Senior VP等老大們的主要工作就是見客戶、開會,實現拿到mandate的終極目標
此外sales和trader也會在之後的分銷和market making上提供支持,不過這就不屬於DCM的範疇了。對ECM的了解還停留在非常表面的階段,就不說二者的比較了吧。
樓下答主提供的題為」Debt Capital Markets 101」的鏈接非常好,寫的非常具體深入,對獲得一個關於DCM的整體印象及分工是一個非常有用的資料,建議題主細讀。(當年我準備面試的時候看了這篇文兩遍這種事我會亂說么 …&>&<)
1. dcm 有哪些細分。
這個我建議參考第一個匿名用戶的答案。不同銀行的dcm有不同的細分,基本是按不同的funding scenario。但是基本上講得是loan syndication和new issue of public and private debt這個東西。再加幾個更細的:liability management asset-backed finance project finance equipment finance Yankee new issues continuously offered productspreferred stock
2. ecm和dcm的區別顧名思義,ecm是指capital而dcm是指debt。 ecm可以被看作是企業融資的一個做deal的延伸,也就是說我通過此次融資如果用股權多的話就會有ecm,如果是公共項目的話,很多時候是用dcm。現在很多的領域也有一些融合,這樣的情況可以找dcm:比如說preferred stock, convertible bonds.如果要發行這種產品的話需要dcm的團隊來進入銷售,或者來計算一個叫做「All-in cost"的東西,這個是因為不同的產品會有不同的收益;如果equity和debt issue都有的話,那樣計算所有的加權收益。現在很多銀行將兩個整合叫做capital markets origination,比如說citi。但是基本上應該會有一個investment bank下面跟ibd平行的機構。也有ms叫它們securities underwriting. 看來之間的線也不是很明顯了。3. 每天dcm是怎樣過的?這個我無恥地拿來樓上的英文版:Debt Capital Markets 101Debt Capital MarketsChoices in FinanceUsually I』m at the desk by 7 AM.
Between 7 AM and 9 AM, most of the team meetings occur and DCM sits in with the sales force and traders to learn what』s going on in the market that day.
Then, those 2 groups leave and syndication and DCM stay behind to discuss possible and pending deals – this is inside information and so the traders and sales force must leave at this point. At some banks, a compliance officer monitors this meeting to make sure nothing inappropriate gets out.
By 8, we』re finished with the meetings and we spend most of the next hour catching up on the news, seeing what happened overnight, and monitoring what traders in other offices are doing.
We』re also watching for economic data and we might speak with clients around this time, especially if they』re launching a deal that day.
Deals start launching when the market opens at 9:30 AM, so that』s when it gets really busy if we』re leading any deals.
A lot of time is spent monitoring the market, running back and forth between trading desks, and helping syndication allocate orders between different investors and build the books.
There』s also some administrative work from lawyers working on deals, and we have to help with drafting term sheets and sales force memos.
For example, the sales force might need to get up-to-speed on a certain debt issuance so they can pitch it to investors, so we would fill them in and get them all the relevant details.
Sometimes investors also come to us, via the sales force, and ask more about the borrower because they haven』t had time to do due diligence themselves.
Analysts usually don』t field those calls, but as an Associate you might start doing that if the desk is empty or everyone else is busy.
So we might get tasked with pulling credit rating reports for clients and interfacing with the lawyers and sales force on a deal. If we』re not launching any deals that day, it』s much quieter.
現在在某BB Syndication裡面當民工,就說說syndication作為analyst的日程吧
當然這是早上不launch deal的情況,要launch deal的話會到的更早一些,7點或者六點半到
Launch deal 就比較緊張了,但說說不是那麼早launch deal的情況吧
到了之後會有sales meeting,跟sales開個晨會,相互通通氣交換一些市場的信息
然後準備很多亂七八糟的東西,例如有sales brief meeting什麼的會準備一些相關的東西
Leveraged FinanceDebt syndicateStructured finance
Investment gradeRisk solutionsReal Estate financingRestructuringBanking group大致這些,還有一些小的,基本上如此把
----------------------@蘭尼 好久不見啊ZHX~推薦閱讀: