

1 主語 + think... → 主語 harbor the idea that/ take the attitude that / hold the view that 或者改寫成It is widely shared that / It is universally acknowledged that

2 sb. take interest in /sb.be interested in → sth.appeals to sb ;sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb

3 ...reasons for sth.→There are several reasons behind sth.

4 for example/ for instance →to name just a few ;as an example

5 sb. have to do →sb. can not but /

can not help/ choose but do


try one"s best to de 可換成 do our utmost in doing sth.

in my opinion 換成 for my part ;from my own perspective

unnecessary,avoidable 換成hardly necessary ,hardly inevitable

be against ,disagree with sth 換成 frown on sth.

if 換成 provided /providing (that)等用上一系列獨立主格形式




1 不可否認的是……

It is undeniable that...

There is no doubt that ...

By no means can we deny that ...

2 毫無疑問的是……(感覺與第一條通用)

It is undisputed/ unquestionable that...

There is no doubt that...

It goes without saying that ...(這句我超愛用)

3 ...有自身的優缺點

... has its merits and demerits

(還可以用 pros and cons)

4 揚長避短(與第三條相關)

①Exploit to the full one"s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones.

②Sb. are supposed to bring the advantages of ...into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.(湊字數)

③make the best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages

5 取其精華去其糟粕

Take the essence and discard the dregs.

6 提出折中建議

set forth a compromise proposal

7 理論與實踐結合

combine/integrate theory with practice

8 跟上...的最新發展

keep pace with / catch up with/ keep breast with the latest development of...

9 重視

attach great importance to (話說這個有點用爛了)

10 發揮日益重要的作用

play an increasingly important role in...

11 導致 ,引起

lead to / give rise to /result in /contribute to

12 無可非議的是...

It is beyond reproach that ...

It is blameless that ...

13 對...有益/害

be conducive /detrimental to...

14 對...產生有利/不利影響

exert positive /negative effects on...

15 考慮到諸多因素

①take many factors into consideration/account

②Taking all the factors into consideration, we can come to the conclusion that...(獨立主格形式,引出結論)

16 ①許多 an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of , a host of , if not most

② 一些 a slice of , quite a few, several

17 再怎麼強調...也不為過

We cannot emphasise the importance of ... too much .

18 很有可能

Chances are ... (從句)

19 我們要記住的是...

It must be kept in mind that...(還有 bear sth. in mind 這種用法)

20 辨別是非

tell the right from the wrong

tell the true from the false

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