LSHTM, London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine, 國際上知名的公共衛生與健康領域學校,和Johns Hopkins, Harvard, UNC在公衛領域齊名,特別是在global health and training領域,它可能比美國的學校要更好。但由於沒有本科設置在英國大學裡面沒有排名,並且專業性又強,所以在國內名氣一般,但在國際上絕對有很高的聲望。
以下是我在Student Doctor Network上面摘的帖子,挺客觀的。
1. LSTHM V.S. BU (boston univerisity)LSHTM vs. BU vs. ... (國內需要翻牆)
a) 「LSHTM is definitely a top contender globally, probably more so than Boston University"s School of Pubic Health. With that said, that"s not to say BU"s program might be a better fit for you. I see that you said that you"re interested in applying to medical school. If that"s the case, then perhaps Boston would be the better place to set you up for medical school. With a variety of top research universities and teaching hospitals in a 10 mile radius, Boston would offer you with plenty of opportunities and allow you to network, thus setting you up for medical school admissions. If you"re most interested in working globally, then I"d say LSHTM might be the better option. With the WHO and other multinational health agencies located in Europe and easier access to underdeveloped countries in Africa, LSHTM provides you with more opportunities if your goals include to practice medicine internationally.」
b) 「Have only visited London once, but if you"re familiar with public health literature and just the general reputations of schools of public health, you"d know that LSHTM is quite possibly the top public health school in the world, up there with JHU. LSHTM typically attracts the top students worldwide, was founded in 1899, and has made amazing contributions to public health, they even won a Gates Award in 2009. If somebody asked me what the best public health school was, especially with regards with global health, I"d mention LSHTM, JHU, and maybe UNC. LSHTM probably has the biggest commitment to global health in terms of all public health schools.I"d rank LSHTM as number one, over JHU and UNC, in terms of global health, just given the research that they do and the breadth of the school.
LSHTM is definitely a dream school for the vast majority of applicants, and LSHTM has been described as having students from 120 countries around the world, and is the largest school of public health in Europe, and also won an award for being one of the top ten universities in terms of collaborative research, I believe out of all research universities in the world. 」c) 「That"s nice, but we"re talking about the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, one of the best public health schools in the world! Probably every applicant to mph programs should be aware of LSHTM, (if they aren"t already), as they"re kinda the John Hopkins of Europe. As the OP was lucky to get into LSHTM, that"s probably the best place to go for her/him as LSHTM excels in global health, in addition to many other areas. LSHTM probably helps the most with regards to further education post mph given the prestige.If I wanted to do public health research on cancer, even genetic epidemiology, of course I"d consider LSHTM if I got in there, they"ve got excellent programs in epidemiology (some of the best in the world), and I could get involved in specific research that they"re working on in the field. Sounds like great preparation to me.From just their wiki page:The Faculty (of Epidemiology and Population Health) has expertise in: The spectrum of diseases studied is wide and there are major research groups working on topics which include:
- Clinical trials
- Analysis of routinely collected statistics
- Indirect techniques for measuring mortality in developing countries
- Conduct and analysis of observational studies
- Large-scale field trials
- Design and evaluation of interventions
- National and global health
- HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases
- malaria and other vector borne diseases
- tuberculosis
- vaccine development and evaluation
- vector biology and disease control」
總的來說,是國際上專業方面最top的學校,對於將來計劃讀PhD,去LSHTM絕對是不錯的選擇。如果讀完碩士回國工作的話,由於名氣原因會有些劣勢。「I am applying to LSHTM, the MSc in Global Mental Health. It is one of my top choices. The question you are asking is difficult to answer because it will vary across programs/concentrations. However, I do agree that the London School may have a slightly better edge with regards to international work and training. So, here are my 2 cents:
1. In my own research of the program - and one primary reason why I am applying - global health training, multicultural perspectives, and international discourse are infused across all programs at the London School. Whereas many (though not all) U.S. public health schools have a separate global/international health concentration/focus (which are strong and provide excellent training), I believe that the London School as a whole isglobal health training.2. The exceptions to this may be Harvard and Hopkins. (I cannot speak about Emory.) Shorter than the traditional 2-year MPH, there are specific reasons why they "get away" with a 1-year curriculum - not least of which are requirements for advanced or doctoral-level degrees, significant work/professional experience post-undergrad, and emphasis on quantitative skills. (I am talking about the MPH specifically.) This is not to say that Harvard and Hopkins are "better" than 2-year programs, but you can see how and why the caliber of the coursework, training, and job potential are tied to the type of applicants they offer admissions. I believe that admissions to either Harvard or Hopkins facilitates international job prospects irrespective of the concentration (i.e., even if you did not do the global health focus).3. The London School is cheaper, even as an international/non-UK/non-EU student. (Living in London is a different story.) Also, quite frankly, based on folks I have met from and lived in London, I get a sense that students there have a "global" mindset. Again, this does not mean one is "better" than another. However, engaging in discussions/debates with other students whose perspectives are global - not because they are in an international concentration/focus but because it is what it is - does and will inform the way discourse is translated into practice.
4. You should consider University of California San Francisco"s MS in Global Health Sciences.」
竟然把全英衛生領域Top1 ,全世界第三的London school of hygiene and tropical medicine翻譯成衛校我也是醉了,它是倫敦大學的一部分,和UCL還有KCL一樣親!
LSHTM是英國最好的衛生專業的學校,是世界排名第一的research school.在英國乃至歐洲的聲望遠高於Johns Hopkins。毫不誇張的說,它的公共衛生比牛、劍至少高出一個level。
在等它的offer 幾個月了啊摔