The Beatles 在 1970 年發表的專輯 Let It Be 與 2003 年的 Let It Be ... Naked 相比有什麼明顯不同?


簡單說吧,let it be 當年快發行的時候,哥幾個不開心了,半解散狀態。於是,列儂自己拿著母帶去混音了,按他的風格,加了很多華麗的弦樂和各種調味劑。保羅很不喜歡,於是在多年後,列儂掛掉後,他用以前的母帶重新製作發行了 Naked,顧名思意,還原真實的聲音,去除潤色。




Most of the songs on Let It Be... Naked, differ significantly from the original versions on Let It Be. First, they are in a different running order than the original. Second, all of Phil Spector"s orchestral and choral overdubs were removed, and his Wall of Sound mixing technique was not used; this is especially evident in the guitars and vocals on "For You Blue". All lead vocals and drums are now placed in the middle of the stereo picture, giving the album a more modernised sound and feel. Finally, all studio and rooftop dialogue from the original album was removed, resulting in a number of sharp fade-outs where dialogue had been previously.

Two songs that had been included on the original album—the traditional Liverpool folk song "Maggie Mae" and the improvisational piece "Dig It"—were both excised, as they "didn"t fit comfortably with the concept of a straight album."


Lennon"s "Don"t Let Me Down" was added to the running order, although Naked features a composite edit of the two versions from the rooftop concert, rather than the B-side from the "Get Back" single.


("I"ve Got a Feeling" was also presented in a new composite edit of its two rooftop concert takes.)


"Dig a Pony" features two major fixes and edits. An off pitch note sung by Lennon in his second "because" was digitally pitch-corrected. Also, whereas the original album track featured Lennon beginning to play the song"s final guitar riff one beat too early, this version mixes the error out, leaving a clean outro.

The remixed "For You Blue" reinstates George Harrison"s original acoustic guitar track.

For "The Long and Winding Road", the Naked producers used the final take, recorded five days after the rough run-through Phil Spector had selected for the original album.


As per all songs on Let It Be... Naked, this version is devoid of any orchestral or choral overdubs. (The unadorned take from Let It Be is featured on Anthology 3.) Finally, there is a slight lyrical difference: whereas the original album version"s lyric reads, "anyway, you"ll never know the many ways I"ve tried," on this version it reads, "anyway, you"ve always known the many ways I"ve tried." Electric guitar and electric piano are also present in this version, played respectively by Harrison and Billy Preston.

"Across the Universe," which dates from nearly a year before the rest of the original album was recorded, was stripped of almost all of its instrumental and vocal overdubs, leaving Lennon"s acoustic guitar and lead vocal as the song"s centrepiece. This marks the first appearance of the track in its original recorded key, as the original "wildlife" version had been sped up and the Let It Be album version had been slowed down.

For the title track, the original take 27a was used for the bulk of the song, but two edit pieces were flown in from take 27b (the version seen and heard in the Let It Be film): namely, the guitar solo and a brief section near the end (the final "Mother Mary comes to me" bar) to fix an errant piano chord that was present on the album/single versions. Also, as per all other tracks, all orchestral and choral overdubs were removed. With the versions featured on the single, the original album, and the compilation album Anthology 3, it features the fourth version of the song"s guitar solo to be released thus far.

The cover image of the album is a monochrome negative of the original cover picture, although George Harrison"s photograph has been replaced with a new one for undisclosed reasons. George"s new photo conforms to that of the other three in that it shows him in performance, as opposed to the photo on the original sleeve.

就說let it be:





簡單的說naked是粗糙的母帶,而70年髮型的交給phil spector再製作後的成品


全球來看,和 Oasis 風格最像的是哪支樂隊?
Viva La Vida 講的是路易十六還是拿破崙?

TAG:音樂 | 搖滾樂 | 披頭士TheBeatles | 英倫搖滾Britpop | LetItBe歌曲 | TheBeatlesOriginalUKLP |