在英語口語和寫作中,有什麼比very important更好的表達?
每次想表達「很重要」的時候,感覺除了「very important」之外,不會說其他的。詞窮的感覺好不爽。求各路大神指點。
比如an important person,他為什麼重要?根據語境可以換以下表達。
an influential person. (a tycoon, a Senate, etc)a valuable person. (a senior engineer, a leader of a research team, etc)a person critical to something. (a witness, etc)
a pivotal person. (a reformer, etc)可以去查同義詞詞典(thesaurus)。important常用的同義詞有critical, crucial, essential。
im?p?rtnt/adjective- of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being."important habitats for wildlife"synonyms:main, chief, principal, key, major, salient, prime, foremost, paramount,overriding, crucial, vital, critical, essential, significant;
informalnumber-one"the important thing is that you do well in your exams"of value, valuable, (highly) prized, beneficial, necessary, essential,indispensable, vital;of concern, of interest, relevant, pertinent"the school was important to the community"- (of a person) having high rank or status.synonyms:powerful, influential, of influence, well connected, high-ranking, high-powered; prominent, eminent, preeminent, notable, noteworthy, of note;
distinguished, esteemed, respected, prestigious, celebrated, famous,great;
informalaffluential, major league"he was an important man" - (of an artist or artistic work) significantly original and influential.synonyms:significant, consequential, momentous, of great import, major; critical,crucial, vital, pivotal, decisive, urgent, historic; serious, grave, weighty,material, impactful; formalof great moment"an important meeting"
- (of a person) having high rank or status.synonyms:powerful, influential, of influence, well connected, high-ranking, high-powered; prominent, eminent, preeminent, notable, noteworthy, of note;
1:主觀化:「沒他我活不下去」、「對我影響極深」、「我極為尊敬「、「我的人生楷模」 2:客觀化:「知名」、「受人尊敬/德高望重」 、「權威」形容事:
1: 善用副詞,也能起到唬人的效果。把「very」換成別的,比如「extremely」,」supremely」,」remarkably」 「irreplaceably」,句子立刻有不同的色彩。2:辭彙量!辭彙量!辭彙量!
1) 形容事。(意義、價值)
例句:"important habitats for wildlife"同義詞:main, chief, principal, key, major, salient, prime, dominant, foremost, supreme, predominant, paramount, overriding, cardinal, crucial, vital, indispensable, critical, essential, significant, urgent;2)形容人。
例句:"an important senator"
同義詞:powerful, influential, of influence, well-connected, high-ranking, high-level, top-level, controlling, dominant, formidable; 3)形容有重大影響的藝術作品或藝術家:例句:"writers as important as Hopkins"同義詞:significant, consequential, momentous, of great moment, of import, of great import, of great consequence, far-reaching, major;extremely important可以代替very important...
critical不能代替very important,critical是重要到必不可少,very important只是很重要
essential同critical,但意思跟critical也是有差別的。說什麼important, critical, essential, vital一個意思的,有道詞典查的吧?
說事實吧,這種形容詞沒有什麼100%可以替換的,very important就是very important,但你可以換種表達方式。
比如你想表達金錢對你來說很重要:money is very important to me.完全沒問題啊。但你也可以換種表達比如I can"t live without money.名詞就可以替換了例如dick, cock, penis都可互相替換。
critical 特別重要,有關鍵作用crucial 極其重要,有決定性作用essential 基本的,必要的,沒有不行的那種重要vital 跟維持生命有關係的重要significant 偏向於有重要意義considerable 相當多,需要引起注意
……語言交流的本質,在於用簡單的語言把複雜的意思表達清楚,而不是用複雜的語言表達複雜的意思, very important 是一個受用度很廣的詞,你說這個詞的時候別人不會認為你語言匱乏,但假如你在不合時宜的場合用extremly imporant,vital,crutial,別人就會認為你腦子有問題了,而你只是認為不就是替換了一個更高級的辭彙嘛,變得更有逼格。英語辭彙對事物的表達可以達到非常非常精確的程度,在這一點上,漢語是不如英語的,尤其是涉及到科學內容時,很多時候漢語是無法表達清楚的,漢語的辭彙,很多情況下是需要你去琢磨意思的,而英語不需要。你用漢語的思維去理解英語,以為把very important 替換成高級辭彙,就像漢語中把「非常」替換成「很」一樣,這種認識本來就是錯誤的。尤其是在口語中,說話要說大多數人都能聽懂的話,而不是為了突出逼格用一些純書面語的辭彙,說話的首要目的是溝通交流,其次才是藝術內涵或者其他。
1.More significant/ decisive/consequential/urgent monumental/essential/paramount/vital 2.More crucial3.More heavily dependent/ rely on something 4.Have a bigger/dominant/ fundamental (前面的單詞皆可替換)role
5. Something outweighs/overshadows something else
6. More outstandingsignificant
不是大神 看到隨便答答 important的同義詞很多或者可以用形容 比如 失去他相當於失去我的生命 之類 可以表現出重要性也更生動一點
用 It"s more important than..., It"s the most important.(已經比very important有內容了)
或者根據是為什麼重要,可以有It"s the biggest challenge. It"s our main concern. It"s critical. It"s necessary. It"s essential. It"s foundamental . It"s the bottleneck. It"s consequential. It"s fatal. 或者直接講後果。The system would fail without it. We would lose millions of dollars without it. People would die without it. The universe would explode without it.extraordinarily significant
(Oxford Thesaurus)
1 an important meeting SIGNIFICANT, consequential, momentous, of great moment, of import, of great import, of great consequence, far-reaching, major; critical, crucial, vital, pivotal, paramount, decisive, urgent, epoch-making, historic, seminal; serious, grave, substantial, weighty, signal, material, meaty. -opposite(s): UNIMPORTANT, TRIVIAL.2 the important thing is that you do well in your A levels
MAIN, chief, principal, key, major, salient, prime, dominant, foremost, supreme, predominant, overriding, cardinal, crucial, vital, indispensable, critical, essential, significant, urgent; central, fundamental, basic; informal number-one. -opposite(s): UNIMPORTANT, INESSENTIAL.3 the school was important to the community
OF VALUE, valuable, valued, useful, of use, beneficial, necessary, essential, indispensable, vital, of the essence; OF CONCERN, of interest, relevant, pertinent, material, germane. -opposite(s): UNIMPORTANT, IRRELEVANT.4 he was an important man
POWERFUL, influential, of influence, well-connected, high-ranking, high-level, top-level, controlling, dominant, formidable; prominent, eminent, pre-eminent, notable, noteworthy, of note, of import; distinguished, esteemed, respected, prestigious, celebrated, famous, great, grand; leading, foremost, outstanding; informal big, big time, major league, big league. -opposite(s): UNIMPORTANT, INSIGNIFICANT.(WordWeb)
Adjective: important im"port(u)nt1.Of great significance or value"important people"; "the important questions of the day"- of import 2.Important in effect or meaning- significant 3.Of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis- crucial 4.Having authority or ascendancy or influence"an important official"- authoritative 5.Having or suggesting a consciousness of high position"recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office"See also: all important, all-important, alpha, beta,big, burning, cardinal, central, chief,consequential, Copernican, critical, crucial,decisive, distinguished, earthshaking, earth-shattering, epochal, epoch-making, essential,eventful, evidential, evidentiary, fundamental,grand, grave, great, grievous, heavy, historic,immodest, importance, importantly, in-chief,influential, key, large, life-and-death, life-or-death,main, master, meaningful, measurable,momentous, monumental, most-valuable,noteworthy, of the essence, operative,outstanding, pivotal, polar, portentous, primal,primary, principal, probative, probatory,prodigious, profound, remarkable, serious,significance, strategic, valuable, weighty, world-shaking, world-shattering
Antonym: unimportant
Encyclopedia: Important
方法二是用在線語料庫,比如想用important形容一個人,就可以搜索由形容詞加上person構成的短語有哪些,然後語料庫網站就會返回給你在特定文本中具體出現了哪些短語以及這些短語出現的次數。一些在線語料庫還提供了歷史演變,近義詞搭配的功能。xxx is of the utmost importance?
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※如何區別 than 是做介詞還是連詞?