自己Google到了答案,果然中文是搜不到的,用半吊子英語找到了來源,「salt」一詞用於計算機密碼安全領域最早出現在《Password Security: A Case History》,這篇論文是Robert Morris和Ken Thompson在1978年4月3日(論文中的標註日期)發表的。而原因可能是來自古時戰爭中對鹽的使用,古羅馬人在公元前146年就向迦太基(Carthage)的水井和耕地中投放鹽,使得井中的水不適合飲用,耕地不適合耕種,一句話就是讓水井和耕地難以使用(to make it less hospitable)。而在計算機安全中,以此來引申出難以破解的含義(hard to crack)。
《Password Security: A Case History》這篇論文的ps格式副本可以通過 http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/dmr/passwd.ps 下載到。
有關對計算機安全中鹽的來源的討論可以通過 comp.security.misc: Origin of the term "salt" in computer security 查看。討論原文如下:The use of the word "salt" is probably a reference to warfare in
ancient times, when people would salt the wells or farmland to it less hospitable. The Romans are sometimes supposed to have done this to Carthage in 146 BC. In the context of passwords, a "salted" password is harder to crack.The word "salt" appears in "Password Security: A Case History" by
Robert Morris Ken Thompson, dated April 3, 1978
圖像處理領域很早期便有Salt-and-pepper noise的說法,黑像素點稱pepper,白像素點稱salt。
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