如何理解和評價《禁止濫用知識產權排除、限制競爭行為的規定(徵求意見稿)》第 4條和第5條,應如何修改?











  • 工商總局反壟斷與反不正當競爭執法局副處長宋玥3月在中歐第十次競爭政策周上介紹了《反壟斷法》對濫用知識產權排除、限制競爭行為的規制及工商總局工作進展,其PPT第10頁O網頁鏈接



— 不能是《反壟斷法》壟斷協議章節中有名條款列舉的行為;

— 要在相關市場上,達到市場份額要求或有關替代性要求;

— 協議不能具有排除限制競爭效果。

  • 2015年5月7日下午,上海交大王先林老師和工商總局反壟斷及反不正當競爭局陸萬里副局長在@人民網@強國論壇 就《關於禁止濫用知識產權排除、限制競爭行為的規定》接受了訪談(訪談直播-強國訪談)其中提及

主持人:《規定》建立了安全港規則,這個概念對很多人來說比較陌生,應當如何理解和適用這個規則? [14:49]

  • 王先林




市場上有大量的知識產權許可活動在進行。通過建立安全港規則,有利於知識產權權利人根據自己在相關市場的市場力量等因素判斷相關行為在反壟斷法上的後果,指引經營者避開對競爭明顯具有不利影響的權利行使行為,逐步走向合理競爭。 [14:51]

  • 王先林




對有證據證明協議具有排除、限制競爭效果的,無論經營者市場份額大小或替代技術多少,對這樣的協議不適用安全港規則。 [14:52]


徵求意見稿」), 在這裡僅就該徵求意見稿第4條和第5條有關涉及知識產權的【壟斷協議】規制問題進行研討。









第十三條 禁止具有競爭關係的經營者達成下列壟斷協議:































第3條第1款 【術語解釋】

第3條第2款 【濫用知識產權排除、限制競爭行的界定】

第3條第3款 【相關技術市場與相關技術產品市場】

第4條和第5條 【壟斷協議】

第6條 【濫用市場支配地位的一般原則和市場支配的認定】






第12條 【專利聯營】

第13條 【標準制定】

第14條 【著作權管理組織】

第15條 【濫發警告函】

第16條 【程序規則】

第17條 【分析步驟】

第18條 【分析競爭影響的考量因素】

第19條 【行政處罰】

第20條 【解釋許可權】

第21條 【生效日期】

第四條 【不適用安全港的壟斷協議】






第四條 【涉及知識產的壟斷協議】

第一款 (建議參考歐盟的相關規則,就涉及知識產權的限制價格競爭、分割市場及客戶協議進行重新起草)

第二款 【合作研發協議中原則上不予以豁免禁止的限制競爭協議】










第四款 【不適用安全港的其他壟斷協議】




第五款 【原則上禁止的其他壟斷協議】


(一)為繼續排他地經營保護期到期的知識產權,例如涉及醫藥行業的技術專利,而向其競爭對手支付一定補償金的行為(pay for delay);



20. 要理清和現有規定的關係,更要區分哪些壟斷協議是不可以被豁免禁止的,哪些原則上不適用第五條的安全港條款

首先,【徵求意見稿第四條】是「冗餘的話」,只是在重申《反壟斷法》的現有規定,可以刪去。換言之,沒有這樣的規定,並不妨礙工商系統依據反壟斷法查處行使知識產權的過程中達成壟斷協議。但是,近六年過去了,為何沒有查處過一例?如果有制度缺陷需要補充細化規定,為何近六年過去了還沒有補充?為何在【徵求意見稿還沒有具體規定?這或許可以在【總體意見 :(二)主題問題與解決方針 2.規制模式涉嫌邯鄲學步】中找到原因。
















21. 應當明確到底哪些協議可以原則上適用《反壟斷法》第十五條

【徵求意見稿第五條】令人費解。什麼叫「可以不被認定為《反壟斷法》第十三條第一款第(六)項和《反壟斷法》第十四條第(三)項所禁止的壟斷協議」? 什麼時候不可以呢?

















歐盟在涉及技術研發協議、技術轉讓協議,分工協議適用《歐盟運行條約》的規定已經非常成熟,十分系統,對企業合規指導意義極大,很具有操作性。那麼為何一條都沒能接受和參考呢?這或許可以在【總體意見 :(二)2】中找到原因。

為強調【徵求意見稿第五條】的重要性和問題的嚴重性,有關該條的分析中,有部分被納入了【總體意見 :(二)2】。






Regulation (EU) No 316/2014 of 21 March 2014 on the application of Article 101(3)
of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of
technology transfer agreements

有關知識產權許可協議中有關排他交易、糾紛解決和知識產權許可費的安排適用安全港的分析,可參考Guidelines on the
application of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Union to technology transfer agreements 4.2.1;4.2.2;4.2.7;4.7。

22. 設置安全港的標準

22.1. 以市場份額作為設置安全港的標準


具體到相關技術市場份額的計算,的確並非一目了然,但Guidelines on the application of Article
101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to technology
transfer agreements 第86段到93段作了一些簡單明了,並輔以例子說明,是頗具可操作性的經驗,值得在工商總局製作該規章的起草說明以及個案實踐中參考。

參考Guidelines on the application of Article 101 of the Treaty on
the Functioning of the European Union to technology transfer agreements 第86段到93段:

Calculating market shares for
technology market(s) for the application of the safe harbour


calculation of market shares on the relevant markets where the technology
rights are licensed, under the TTBER, deviates from the usual practice for
the reasons explained in point (87) of these guidelines. In the case of
technology markets, it follows from Article 8(d) of the TTBER that, both for
the product and the geographic dimension of the relevant market, the
licensor"s market share is to be calculated on the basis of the sales of the
licensor and all its licensees of products incorporating the licensed
technology. Under this approach the combined sales of the licensor and its
licensees of contract products are calculated as part of all sales of
competing products, irrespective of whether these competing products are
produced with a technology that is being licensed.


This approach
of calculating the market share of the licensor on the technology market as
its 『footprint』 at the product level, has been chosen because of the
practical difficulties in calculating a licensor"s market share based on
royalty income (see point (25)). In addition to the general difficulty of
obtaining reliable royalty income data, the actual royalty income may also
seriously underestimate a technology"s position on the market in the event
that royalty payments are reduced as a result of cross licensing or of the
supply of tied products. Basing the licensor"s market share on the technology
market on the products produced with that technology as compared with
products produced with competing technologies would not carry that risk. Such
a footprint at the product level will in general reflect the market position
of the technology well.


Ideally that
footprint would be calculated by excluding from the product market the products
produced with in-house technologies that are not licensed out, as those
in-house technologies are only an indirect constraint on the licensed
technology. However, as it may be difficult in practice for licensor and
licensees to know whether other products in the same product market are
produced with licensed or in-house technologies, the calculation of the
technology market share, for the purposes of the TTBER, is based on the
products produced with the licensed technology as part of all products sold
in that product market. This approach based on the technology"s footprint on
the overall product market(s) can be expected to reduce the calculated market
share by including products produced with in-house technologies, but will
nonetheless in general provide a good indicator of the strength of the
technology. First, it captures any potential competition from undertakings
that are producing with their own technology and that are likely to start
licensing in the event of a small but permanent increase in the price for
licenses. Secondly, even where it is unlikely that other technology owners
would start licensing, the licensor does not necessarily have market power on
the technology market even if it has a high share of licensing income. If the
downstream product market is competitive, competition at this level may
effectively constrain the licensor. An increase in royalties upstream affects
the costs of the licensee, which makes it less competitive and thereby may
cause it to lose sales. A technology"s market share on the product market
also captures this element and is thus normally a good indicator of licensor
market power on the technology market.


To estimate
the strength of the technology, the geographic dimension of the technology
market has also to be taken into acount. This might sometimes differ from the
geographic dimension of the respective downstream product market. For the
purpose of applying the TTBER, the geographic dimension of the relevant
technology market is also determined by the product market(s). However,
outside the TTBER safe harbour it may be appropriate to also consider a
possibly wider geographic area, in which the licensor and licensees of
competing technologies are involved in the licensing of these technologies,
in which the conditions of competition are sufficiently homogeneous and which
can be distinguished from neighbouring areas because the conditions of
competition are appreciably different in those areas.


In the case
of new technologies that did not generate any sales in the preceding calendar
year, a zero market share is assigned. When sales commence the technology
will start accumulating market share. If the market share rises subsequently
above the relevant threshold of 20 % or 30 %, the safe harbour will
continue to apply for a period of two consecutive calendar years following
the year in which the threshold was exceeded (see Article 8(e) of the TTBER).

Calculating market shares for product
market(s) for the application of the safe harbour


In the case
of relevant markets where the contract products are sold, the licensee"s
market share is to be calculated on the basis of the licensee"s sales of
products incorporating the licensor"s technology and competing products, that
is to say, the total sales of the licensee on the product market in question.
Where the licensor is also a supplier of products on the relevant market, the
licensor"s sales on the product market in question must also be taken into
account. In the calculation of market shares for product markets, however,
sales made by other licensees are not taken into account when calculating the
licensee"s and/or licensor"s market share.


Market shares
should be calculated on the basis of sales value data of the preceding year
where such data are available. Such data normally provide a more accurate
indication of the strength of a technology than volume data. However, where
value based data are not available, estimates based on other reliable market
information may be used, including market sales volume data.


principles set out in section 3.3 of these guidelines can be illustrated by
the following examples:

Licensing between non-competitors

Example 1

Company A is specialised in developing
bio-technological products and techniques and has developed a new product
Xeran. It is not active as a producer of Xeran, for which it has neither the
production nor the distribution facilities. Company B is one of the producers
of competing products, produced with freely available non-proprietary
technologies. In year 1, B sold EUR 25 million worth of products produced
with the freely available technologies. In year 2, A gives a licence to B to
produce Xeran. In that year B sells EUR 15 million produced with the help
of the freely available technologies and EUR 15 million of Xeran. In year
3 and the following years B produces and sells only Xeran worth EUR
40 million annually. In addition in year 2, A also licenses to C. C was
not active on that product market before. C produces and sells only Xeran, EUR
10 million in year 2 and EUR 15 million in year 3 and thereafter. It
is established that the total market of Xeran and its substitutes where B and C
are active is worth EUR 200 million in each year.

In year 2, the year the licence
agreements are concluded, A"s market share on the technology market is 0 %
as its market share has to be calculated on the basis of the total sales of
Xeran in the preceding year. In year 3 A"s market share on the technology
market is 12,5 %, reflecting the value of Xeran produced by B and C in the
preceding year 2. In year 4 and thereafter A"s market share on the technology
market is 27,5 %, reflecting the value of Xeran produced by B and C in the
preceding year.

In year 2 B"s market share on the
product market is 12,5 %, reflecting B"s EUR 25 million sales in year
1. In year 3 B"s market share is 15 % because its sales have increased to
EUR 30 million in year 2. In year 4 and thereafter B"s market share is
20 % as its sales are EUR 40 million annually. C"s market share on
the product market is 0 % in year 1 and 2, 5 % in year 3 and
7,5 % thereafter.

As the licence agreements between A and
B, and between A and C, are between non-competitors and the individual market
shares of A, B and C are below 30 % each year, each agreement falls within
the safe harbour of the TTBER.

Example 2

The situation is the same as in example
1, however now B and C are operating in different geographic markets. It is
established that the total market of Xeran and its substitutes is worth EUR
100 million annually in each geographic market.

In this case, A"s market share on the
relevant technology markets has to be calculated on the basis of product sales
data of each of the two geographic product markets separately. In the market
where B is active A"s market share depends on the sale of Xeran by B. As in
this example the total market is assumed to be EUR 100 million, that is to
say, half the size of the market in example 1, the market share of A is
0 % in year 2, 15 % in year 3 and 40 % thereafter. B"s market
share is 25 % in year 2, 30 % in year 3 and 40 % thereafter. In
year 2 and 3 both A"s and B"s market share does not exceed the 30 %
threshold. The threshold is however exceeded from year 4 and this means that,
in line with Article 8(e) of the TTBER, after year 6 the licence agreement
between A and B can no longer benefit from the safe harbour but has to be
assessed on an individual basis.

In the market where C is active A"s
market share depends on the sale of Xeran by C. A"s market share on the
technology market, based on C"s sales in the previous year, is therefore
0 % in year 2, 10 % in year 3 and 15 % thereafter. The market
share of C on the product market is the same: 0 % in year 2, 10 % in
year 3 and 15 % thereafter. The licence agreement between A and C therefore
falls within the safe harbour for the whole period.

Licensing between competitors

Example 3

Companies A and B are active on the
same relevant product and geographic market for a certain chemical product.
They also each own a patent on different technologies used to produce this
product. In year 1 A and B sign a cross licence agreement licensing each
other to use their respective technologies. In year 1 A and B produce only
with their own technology and A sells EUR 15 million of the product and B
sells EUR 20 million of the product. From year 2 they both use their own
and the other"s technology. From that year onward A sells EUR 10 million
of the product produced with its own technology and EUR 10 million of the
product produced with B"s technology. From year 2 B sells EUR 15 million
of the product produced with its own technology and EUR 10 million of the
product produced with A"s technology. It is established that the total market
of the product and its substitutes is worth EUR 100 million in each year.

To assess the licence agreement under
the TTBER, the market shares of A and B have to be calculated both on the
technology market and the product market. The market share of A on the
technology market depends on the amount of the product sold in the preceding
year that was produced, by both A and B, with A"s technology. In year 2 the
market share of A on the technology market is therefore 15 %, reflecting
its own production and sales of EUR 15 million in year 1. From year
3 A"s market share on the technology market is 20 %, reflecting the
EUR 20 million sale of the product produced with A"s technology and
produced and sold by A and B (EUR 10 million each). Similarly, in year 2
B"s market share on the technology market is 20 % and thereafter
25 %.

The market shares of A and B on the
product market depend on their respective sales of the product in the previous
year, irrespective of the technology used. The market share of A on the product
market is 15 % in year 2 and 20 % thereafter. The market share of B on
the product market is 20 % in year 2 and 25 % thereafter.

As the agreement is between
competitors, their combined market share, both on the technology and on the
product market, has to be below the 20 % market share threshold in order
to benefit from the safe harbour. It is clear that this is not the case here.
The combined market share on the technology market and on the product market is
35 % in year 2 and 45 % thereafter. This agreement between
competitors will therefore have to be assessed on an individual basis.

22.2. 把若干「可以以合理成本得到的其他替代性技術」作為安全港條件並不合理






for the Use of Intellectual Property under the Antimonopoly Act也採取了以「替代技術」作為安全港設置標準的方案。

參考Guidelines for
the Use of Intellectual Property under the Antimonopoly Act,

(5) Cases where restrictions are deemed to have minor effect in reducing


In principle, restrictions pertaining to the
use of technology are deemed to have a minor effect in reducing competition
when the entrepreneurs using the technology subject to the restrictions in the
business activity have a share in the product market (hereinafter referred to
as 「product share」 in this section) of 20% or less in total. This is not
applicable however to conduct of restricting selling prices, sales quantity, market
share, sales territories or customers for the product incorporating the
technology (Note 9) or to the conduct of restricting research and development
activities or obliging entrepreneurs to assign rights or grant exclusive
licenses for improved technology.

The impact of a particular restriction on
competition in the technology market is also deemed to have minor effect in
reducing competition if the product share is in principle 20% or less in total.
Where the product share is unavailable or the product share is found to be not
appropriate to determine the effect on the technology market, the effect in
reducing competition is considered to be minor provided that there are at least four parties holding rights to
technologies available with no outstanding detriment to
business activities. (The viewpoints
given in this section are not applicable, however, when restrictions should be
examined from the viewpoint mentioned in Part 4-1-(3) below

我國學者也曾及時對此做過概要的介紹,例如潘志成:「第二章 若干法域知識產權領域反壟斷執法的新發展」,載王先林等著《知識產權濫用及其法律規制》,2008年中國法制出版社,第113頁:


應當必須與以區分的是:其一,日本的《指南》對適用替代技術作為安全港的標準有著嚴格的限制,且優先選擇市場份額;其二,日本的《指南》明確要求的是「there are at
least four parties holding rights to alternative
technologies available
with no outstanding detriment to business activities(在至少有四家企業擁有可替代的技術且不存在相關商業行為的妨礙的情況下)」。這比徵求意見稿第五條的相關設計要嚴格得多,而且Guidelines for
the Use of Intellectual Property under the Antimonopoly ActPart 4-1-(3) 中羅列的嚴重限制競爭行為,即安全港不適用的情況,也要比【徵求意見稿第四條】更寬泛,同時也更明確,能夠讓企業在適用這樣的安全港時,預見哪些行為構成嚴重限制競爭行為無法被納入安全港,豁免禁止。

相比日本的Guidelines for
the Use of Intellectual Property under the Antimonopoly Act,徵求意見稿第五條設計得太粗糙,會給實踐帶來極大的不確定性,應當重新起草。至於為什麼會出現這樣的粗糙設計,是無意為之,是只知其一不知其二,還是故意為之,如果是故意為之,其理由和動機又是什麼,基於哪些實際考量等等,都有待起草者及時澄清。




第一款 【非競爭關係變為競爭關係】


第二款 【市場份額的變更】



新增:【修訂版第五條乙】 【專利聯營協議】 (部分為【徵求意見稿第十二條】的修訂版)


















如何看待《國外公司壟斷95%專利葯和醫療設備 兩大魔咒怎麼破》一文?

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