In Python,most variable names use only lowercase letters with underscores to separate word,we call this UNKNOWN case.
CamelCase 這個叫駝峰風格
mixedCamelCase 這個叫mix風格lowercase 這個叫小寫風格UPPERCASE 這個叫大寫風格this_is_strange 這個叫抽風風格 (UNKOWN case)
這個case應翻譯為風格,主要是uppercase和lowercase來的樓主你引用一句話不寫來源哪裡,沒有上下文讓人怎麼猜。我把這句話放到Google,第一篇是Hey, everyone. You"ve seen how to evaluate expressions in Python ...
這裡的UNKNOWN case應該是相對於上文的使用upper case和lower case來命名變數,即說這種以下劃線分隔單詞的命令方法叫作UNKNOWN caseEvery programming language has a set of rules for what a legal name is.
In Python, variable names must start with a letter or the underscore character and
can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.Both upper case and lower case letters are allowed.Badly formed variable names cause syntax errors.So, for example, if we try to start a variable name with a number, we are toldwe can"t.
Similarly, if we include a non-alphabetic, non-underscore, non-numeric character in avariable name, platform will complain.Python is also case sensitive.So, seconds in minute is a perfectly valid variable link.
But it"s different from any other combination of upper case and lower case characters like that.The first one, seconds and minutes is, of course, more readable than the second one with those capital letters and choosing good names is important because programs can easily be used, read, and improved on for years.Every programming language has a set of conventions for how to choose a name, much like websites have a particular style and layout.In Python, most variable names use only lowercase letters with underscores to separate words, we call this UNKNOWN case.
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