他說等號右邊的求和項表示系統可能發生的躍遷,但是在隨後的解釋中,再次說了求和項中的第一項表示可能的量子躍遷,可是第二、三項他卻說是are needed to normalize properly the case in which no jumps occurs。 這句話是什麼意思呢,我的理解有些跟不上來,他上文不是說整個求和項不都是代表著可能的躍遷嗎,為什麼求和中的第二三項的解釋中竟然有no jumps這樣的字眼呢。
3,主方程的用法可以參照Scully的Quantum Optics第八章(菜鳥向),或者Ficek的Quantum Interference and Coherence第二章(進階項),以及Agarwal的Quantum Statistical Theories of Spontaneous Emission and their Relation to Other Approaches(大師級,然而沒啥用)
The point is that one unravel the Lindblad master equation with a set of Kraus operators and the choice of the Kraus operators are not unique. This allows one to have physical interpretation what the Lindblad master equation means. The concept of unravelling a master equation is also mentioned somewhere in BreuerPetruccione"s book The Theory of Open Quantum Systems. But I don"t remember where in the book.
First, check the normalization of the Kraus operator:
The probability of having measurement outcome 0 is
, the state after measurement given measurement outcome 0 is
and the probability of having measurement outcome 1 is
the state after measurement given measurement outcome 1 is
the Kraus operators provide a physical intepretation of the Lindbald master equation of the bit flip channel:
For small time interval dt, there is probability
that no jump operator
will act on the qubit (which is trivial, just change the normalization) and probability
that the jump operator
will flip the qubit.
Furthermore, in the no jump channel, the state does not change. However, this is not the general case. In the unravelling of the Lindbald master equation of spontaneous emission, the state still undergo dephasing even if no jump happens. This is also why in quantum optics both pure dephasing and spontaneous emission will contribute to
(A misconception is that spontaneous emission only leads to
I think what preskill means is that in the general case the state for no jump process still undergo evolution, so renormalize the state in no jump process is necessary. More on this issue, Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities, and Photons