stock unit和stock option分別是什麼?

A company: base 105k, 200 stock unit, 無signon

B company: base 112k, 10k signon, 10k relocation(7k cash), about 10k飯補, 2800 stock option(萬年不變的股價可以直接忽略)


Congratulations on the two awesome offers, first of all.

In simple terms,

Stock option is the right for you to buy stock at the strike price, which the company should also give you now or later. So stock option only has value when the stock price is higher than the strike price. When the price is lower than the strike price, there is no point for you to execute it. So it has no "value"(in strict terms it has "time value", but you can ignore that). You get the right (no obligation) to buy 2800 shares at the strike price. (Usually this price, as it is offered by the company, should be a lot lower than the market price)

Stock units, on the other hand, are actual stocks. So they always have value. You get 200 free shares.


For A, if A"s stock price is $1,160, you basically get 200*$1,160 as stock bonus.

For B, if B"s strike price is $1,160, you get max(0, (P-$1,160)*2,800) as stock bonus, P being the stock price in the future when you want to execute your option.

Hope that helps.

(I"d like to know which these two companies are, if you don"t mind. Is one of them MSFT?)

stock unit就是股票,你售出時收益等於股價

stock option是公司允許你按照一定價格買入股票的權利,這個價格叫授予的行權價。當市價(股票市場上該股票的交易股價)高於行權價時,你可以按行權價買人再按市價賣出,收益=市價-行權價。

當市價低於行權價時,stock option一分不值。換個角度,你也可以把stock unit理解為行權價為0的stock option.

Stock option是指買入權...就是說你可以以現在的價錢買入x股, 然後你賺的是差價. 比如說 你有$3買3000股的option, 你買的時候是$6, 那你就賺了$(6-3)*3000=9000. 如果股價萬年不變就什麼都沒有了...



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