Twitter 或者微博上有哪些好的分析工具嗎?

對於用心做微博賬戶的一些公司,很需要一些能夠知道粉絲增長趨勢、轉發統計、轉髮帶來的粉絲率、各類話題帶來的粉絲量,等等。新浪上沒有找到好的工具,不知道 Twitter 上面有沒有?

只有 Twitter 的 那個什麼綠佛羅就是點點式山寨了 Refollow, 連名字都要山寨... OTL 很全面的統計不過偏向自己的 現在的數據貌似比較少了 看 follower 的質量比較有用 也有幾個有用的數據 除了fav也能看到RT了, 不過由於中文用戶使用不多所以RT數目統計一般不準... 看 follower 增長趨勢


那個 RobotJa 的功能不錯, 不過 Twitter 的也都能滿足了

除了 Auto follow, 因為這個是 Twitter 嚴打的一個東西, 不過考慮到新浪微博有 2000 following 的硬性限制這個功能應該也沒啥大用

最後 HootSuite 除了客戶端也有很強大的報告生成工具


但是企業級的微博運營還是有相當的差別。下面是國外Social Strategy的意見領袖Jeremiah的一篇博文,列舉了國外20多家社會化媒體運營管理和分析的Vendor。


List of Social Media Management Systems (SMMS)

List of Social Media Management Systems (SMMS)

Sorted by alphabetized order by parent company, not in priority or capability.

  1. Argyle Social: Provides features to publish and schedule, manage a social inbox, measuring tools, and white label solutions.
  2. Awareness Networks, Social Marketing Hub an enterprise class community platform has launched their own tool that has Facebook, youtube, flickr, Twitter, and of course connect with their own community features. In particular, this is an existing enterprise class vendor (previously I』ve published thorough research report on them) which bodes well to their level of potential levels of service, support, and market viability. (they』ve briefed me)
  3. Buddy Media:Has a set of management tools that help brands with Facebook, Twitter, and monitoring and reporting. You』ll find iterations for both brands and agencies. They have case studies from large brands and media on their site.
  4. Constant Contact: Purchased Nutshell Mail which has keyword monitoring systems that can empower small business owners to receive alerts about their social networking accounts. On Feb 28th they acquired SCRM company Bantam Live which has some SMMS features, for sales and marketers. (hat tip to Dan Ziman)
  5. Context Optional offers management tools for moderating Facebook pages
  6. Conversocial: Offers solutions to help managers to plan updates and learn what type of content resonates the most with your fans and followers in social networks like Facebook and Twitter
  7. CoTweet was recently acquired by ExactTarget. They provide Twitter integration tools, scheduling, workflow, listening tools, multiple author management, and management dashboard tools
  8. Distributed Engagement Channel by DEC Their system offers the ability to publish content, moderate UGC submissions, and track and optimize channel performance. They also have features such as ID integration, media handling, and reporting.
  9. Engage Sciences: Allows marketers to launch social promotions to engage customers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and corporate websites, whilst aggregating, filtering and storing streams from across the social web to allow companies to easily showcase the voices of advocates.
  10. Expion Expion allows large Enterprises to publish and aggregate social media conversations that can scale to hundreds of local based Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels, etc. The tool has the ability to listen, publish, manage, respond, govern, and glean intelligence across these channels.
  11. Hootsuite Integrates Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. Whereas before you could update Facebook and LinkedIn through functionality, things are different now. Facebook and LinkedIn accounts are treated similarly to Twitter accounts: you can create columns from these social networks, read your friends』 status updates, and update multiple Facebook accounts. Facebook integration offers in-line commenting.
  12. MediaFunnel offers integration with Facebook and Twitter. They have several permission based workflows that include a variety of roles such as a contributor, administrators, publishers. This is not unlike traditional editorial processes used in CMS systems.
  13. Moderation Marketplace Provides Social Media Management and Content Aggregation solution designed to be delivered to your clients under your brand.
  14. Mutual Mind offers brand monitoring, permission based workflow as well as reporting tools.
  15. Objective Marketer provides managers ability to structure their messages by campaigns, features include User Management with roles and permissions and workflows, scheduled content, integration, analytics and reporting. The tell me their current client makeup is 60% Enterprises, 30% Agencies and 10% Bloggers / Independent Consultants. (in Jan 2011, Objective Marketer was acquired by Email Vision)
  16. Postling allows for individual clients or brand to manage assets like blog, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter account, and Flickr accounts from a single management system. There is also comment aggregation as well as workflow between teams.
  17. Seesmic. Seesmic offers support for multiple Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin,, Foursquare and Google Buzz accounts. Also offered on iPhone, Android wp7 and Blackberry. Languages translation support includes: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and more. Seesmic has received investments from Salesforce and has an integrated offering with Chatter.
  18. Shoutlet offers a multi-user application that helps global brands, small businesses, and marketing agencies build, engage, and measure all of their social media marketing communication via one platform.
  19. SocialVolt Provides STUDIO which is a complete social media management platform that integrates all the tools a company needs to successfully engage with their clients on the social web.
  20. SpredFast is an up and comer who recently briefed me, this Austin based company offers the core features and claims to have a 40% enterprise customer base. They have partners with Convio, Radian6, Crimson Hexagon, Sysomos, Trackkr, IBM, Porter Novelli, Sierra Club, HomeAway. They position their product as collaborative campaign management and offer features such as scheduling content, features that integrate with events and social stream like features similar to Friendfeed. (they』ve briefed me)
  21. Sprinklr offers social media management tools, it』s interesting their website has a strong focus on listening first, before the publication.
  22. Strongmail, a traditional email marketing platform offers platform that tracks the multi-stage sharing activity of the campaign all the way to conversion, analysis on reach, sharing activity, CT』s, feedback on Facebook fan page wall posts.
  23. Syncapse (formerly SocialTalk) provides integration with Twitter, Facebook, WordPress and MoveableType, this management tool provides governance, workflow, scheduling and other features.
  24. Vitrue: Offers social media management systems, that has integration with Facebook and Twitter, they offer scheduling features, and the ability to link multiple Facebook pages together.
  25. Wildfire: Offers features for social sweepstakes that promote word of mouth as well as ability to manage and publish from their platform to multiple social networks, with analytics.

Mentionmap,一款描述 Twitter 上網狀人際關係的 App,


Twitter是一個流行的社交網路,這裡有大量的數據等著我們分析。Twitter R包是對twitter數據進行文本挖掘的好工具。 本文是關於如何使用Twitter R包獲取twitter數據並將其導入R,然後對它進行一些有趣的數據分析。





根據不同的搜索詞,我們可以在幾分鐘之內收集到成千上萬的tweet。 這裡我們測試一個關鍵詞littlecaesars的twitter結果:








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今天新浪微博大舉封禁第三方應用以及 Twitter 封鎖 UberTwitter 等都是為什麼?
為什麼 Weico 會有市場?

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