選舉團的成員,憲法Article II, section 1, clause 2中規定選舉人不可以是參議員或眾議員,或者是聯邦政府官員,以及其他總統任命的職位的成員(如最高法院大法官)(No Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector)。憲法第十四修正案還規定任何曾經參與過暴動、反動派(rebellion against the United States)或者曾經給予美國的敵人以支持和幫助的人也不可以稱為選舉人——當然這條修正案是在特殊的歷史條件下推出的——這一條中所說的人可以在兩院中以2/3多數否決掉。
儘管憲法規定每個州選舉人的選擇方式由州立法機構決定,但是絕大多數州選舉人的任命方式都是黨內指派。選舉人投票是在大選夜各州數完票之後進行,所以贏取該州的黨派可以指定與該州選舉人票數相當的選舉人。如德州有38張選舉人票,在共和黨候選人贏取德州後,德州共和黨內部指定38個人作為選舉人。這裡面有兩個州Nebraska 和 Maine,由於不施行winner-take-all的投票方式,它們的選舉人是按照兩黨贏取大眾選票的比例來分配指定的。
儘管聯邦議員不能做選舉人,但通常來講平民也無法被指定為選舉人。黨內指派的選舉人一般是對黨派有傑出貢獻的成員,如各州選出來的政府人員(stated-elected officials)、黨派領導人、或者與總統候選人有關係的人員(political affiliation)。一樓說的很好了,補一段wiki,Selection
Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution requires each state legislature to determine how electors for the state are to be chosen, but it disqualifies any person holding a federal office, either elected or appointed, from being an elector.
Under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, any person who has sworn an oath to support the United States Constitution in order to hold either a state or federal office, and later rebelled against the United States, is disqualified from being an elector. However, the Congress may remove this disqualification by a two-thirds vote in each House.
Candidates for elector are nominated by their state political parties in the months prior to Election Day. In some states, the electors are nominated in primaries, the same way that other candidates are nominated. In some states, such as Oklahoma, Virginia andNorth Carolina, electors are nominated in party conventions. In Pennsylvania, the campaign committee of each candidate names their candidates for elector (an attempt to discourage faithless electors).
The Tuesday following the first Monday in November has been fixed as the day for holding federal elections, called the Election Day.
Forty eight states and Washington, D.C., employ the "winner-takes-all method", each awarding its electors as a single bloc.Maine and Nebraska use the "congressional district method", selecting one elector within each congressional district by popular vote and selecting the remaining two electors by a statewide popular vote. This method has been used in Maine since 1972 and in Nebraska since 1996.
The current system of choosing electors is called the "short ballot." In most states, voters choose a slate of electors, and only a few states list on the ballot the names of proposed electors. In some states, if a voter wants to write in a candidate for President, the voter is also required to write in the names of proposed electors.
After the election each state prepares seven Certificates of Ascertainment, each listing the candidates for President and Vice President, their pledged electors, and the total votes each candidacy received.
One certificate is sent, as soon after Election Day as practicable, to the National Archivist in Washington D.C. The Certificates of Ascertainment are mandated to carry the State Seal, and the signature of the Governor (in the case of the District of Columbia, the Certificate is signed by the Mayor of D.C.
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