推出 iPhone 之前,喬布斯用什麼手機?





So this picture of Steve Jobs supposedly using an iPhone in public got us thinking: what cellphone did he use before he had an iPhone? We know that Gates has carried a Windows Mobile device for years -- at one point he had an HTC Typhoon and then later switched to a Treo 700w -- but does anyone know what cellphone Jobs used to use? Did he even HAVE a cellphone before Jonathan Ive built him the handset of his dreams? We"ve actually heard from a couple of reliable sources that he didn"t -- and you have to admit that it would be so like Steve Jobs to not even own a cellphone until he could build his own.

Anyone out there know for sure?

Jesse Lashley, High School Student

9 votes by Mark Burton, Marc Bodnick, Jackson Mohsenin, (more)

Wow, thanks for asking me to answer a question. Mom, I"m famous!

On a more serious note, I dug up this article from Engadget, which claims that, believe it or not, he didn"t use a cell phone at all before the iPhone: http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/...

If that rumor is untrue, though, I wouldn"t be surprised if he used a Palm product. He said once that Palm makes good software. (He was talking about webOS, but still....) Palm"s always struck me as a company that"s very akin to Apple. I hope they can pull off an amazing Apple-like comeback one of these days.

Ashwin Krishnan, Mac OS X Product Manager responsible ...

10 votes by Josh Newman, Srikar Dhanakoti, Sudhir Shivakumar, (more)

I believe I heard him once say it was a Palm Treo.



  1. 沒有用手機(據說他是一個偏執的人)

  2. Motorola (猜測)



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TAG:iPhone | 手機 | 蘋果公司AppleInc |