The original stem vowel ? is shown by Old English bisig; the form bysig (when not simply an inverted spelling with y for i in areas where Old English y had been unrounded) probably shows late West Saxon rounding of the stem vowel as a result of the influence of the preceding labial consonant (compare A. Campbell Old Eng. Gram. (1959) §318); Middle English (and modern standard English) busy continues this form (although in the case of the modern standard form with the pronunciation of the unrounded variant). Pronunciation with /?/ is regularly indicated for forms spelt with -u- by orthoepists from the mid 16th cent. onwards (see E. J. Dobson Eng. Pronunc. 1500–1700 (ed. 2, 1968) II. §82).
fungus/fungi,margarine,gear,geek,exaggerate,congenial,canada goose/geese,geisha,gibbons,ginger ale,gig,gag order,evangelical,gaol/jail,ingest and digest,veg,vegged,veggie,vegetarian,midrange,scavange,.gif,gilt,girth and length,gizzard,gismo,yoga/yogi,pharyngitis,dingy,tangible,tangerine,avenger,fledgling,mortgagor,alga/algae。
理論上來說,英語中的規則是,soft g出現在e,i和y之前,比如說gemini,但也有例外,比如begin;hard g則出現在其餘的位置,諸如gazpacho,但也有例外,比如margarine。維基百科整理出一個相對完整的list,列出了不符合這個通用規則的單詞,有興趣的可以自行參考,Appendix:List of English words where G is pronounced exceptionally。
The creators of the format pronounced GIF as "jif" with a soft "G" /?d??f/ as in "gin". Steve Wihite says that the intended pronunciation deliberately echoes the American peanut butter brand Jif, and CompuServe employees would often say "Choosy developers choose GIF", spoofing this brand"s television commercials.
An alternative pronunciation with a hard "G" (/?ɡ?f/ as in "graphics", for which it stands) is in widespread usage. The American Heritage Dictionary cites both, acknowledging "jif" as the primary pronunciation, while Cambridge Dictionary of American English offers only the hard-"G" pronunciation. Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate Dictionary and the OED cite both pronunciations, but place "gif" in the default position ("?gif, ?jif"). The New Oxford American Dictionary gave only "jif" in its 2nd edition but updated it to "jif, gif" in its 3rd edition.
The disagreement over the pronunciation led to heated Internet debate. On the occasion of receiving a lifetime achievement award at the 2013 Webby Award ceremony, Wilhite rejected the alternative pronunciation, and his speech led to 17,000 posts on Twitter and 50 news articles. The White House and TV program Jeopardy! also waded into the debate during 2013.
no one says February right. lolspeaking of pronunciations, check this out 爆笑黑人兄弟系列之代課老師
同事們天天嘴瓢就不說了我兒子三歲,他一個華裔, 生長在我們這個多語言混用的家庭 導致語言confusing我就不吐槽了。可他那些愛爾蘭裔 非洲裔同學們也和他一樣經常tapato (patato),sgepeti (spaghetti)
How I met your mother 裡面 Ted 教課時念的 chameleon ……(正確音標為/k??mēly?n/,Ted念的大約等於kah-mee-lee-on)
和中文一樣的,小錯誤也是有的。不止是普通人,就是播音員、主持人偶爾也出錯。比如一次,英國天空新聞(Skynews)資深女主播播馬航370搜救,有個詞 聲吶(sonar),結結巴巴幾遍才說出來。這條新聞結束後自己又重複讀了兩遍「sonar,sonar」。也有主播把時態、單複數,甚至是單詞用錯的(多數是小口誤,馬上就糾正過來了)。上半年有次奧巴馬演講時有句話也是時態口誤,隨時糾正的。
中國人說中文有時候也會用錯詞啊 還有什麼前言不搭後語啊 中文也是母語
forte常備讀成forté,雖然forte本來來源於義大利文音樂術語forté(強音),但在英文中引申出強項的意思,因此不能讀成forté。his forte is play forté 他的強項是演奏強音。
Seinfeld 有幾個橋段,如把Rediculous 讀成Rediculraous時搞得幾個人爭吵。
最常見的:take it for granted 後面那個-ted有多少native speaker讀成-ned
英國每個地方口音都不一樣,沒有所謂的標準口音,只是London accent稍微好點。美國地方不同口音也不一樣,但是比英音好點至少有個standard。其實就像我們中文有普通話,但是每個地方也有方言,也不見得每個人都能說一口標準的普通話一樣