

美國的數學master有兩種, 一種是當成自己系PhD的預備隊來培養的. 招生數量少, 一般給TA或者至少半獎, 畢業要求大概相當於PhD資格考試之前的課程要求,轉本系PhD也相對容易. 另一種就是為了賺錢而開設的, 沒人管, 要求很低, 出路也奇差. 很多名校的數學master其實都是後一種, 所謂的數學master空有個名頭, 連測度論都不用學就可以混畢業, 畢業時候可能亂七八糟唬人的課學了不少, 但是貨真價實的數學功底我覺得也就相當於國內數學系大二下學期比較好的學生, 離PhD資格考試的要求天差地遠, 轉本校PhD也只有理論上的可能性.

我自己就帶過後一種master學生的畢業論文, 水平那就真的呵呵了. 不光是數學學不好, 做人都成問題, 一幫子英語奇差又沒什麼上進心的小留學生廝混在一起, 你懂的......

不想在這裡一一點名, 但是你可以自己去看看課程要求, 從"advanced calculus」和"advanced linear algebra"開始學起的master項目十有八九是水貨.

舉兩個例子吧, 都是其他答主提到的學校, 反正匿名不怕得罪人. Master項目水不水和學校實力關係真的不大......

一個是NYU, 專門開了不少猴版課程把master和PhD分開, 點開看看就知道, 想偷懶的話以國內數學系大二下學期的水平就能畢業.


Students are required to take eight courses (24 credits) from the list below. All four courses in Group I, two courses from Group II, and two additional courses from Group II or Group III must be taken. Substitute courses are listed at the end.

Group I (Mandatory Preparation)

MATH-GA 1410 Introduction to Math Analysis I (fall)

MATH-GA 2450 Complex Variables I (fall)

MATH-GA 2110 Linear Algebra I (fall, spring, and possibly summer)

MATH-GA 1002 Multivariable Analysis (spring)

Group II (Fundamentals)

MATH-GA 1420 Introduction to Math Analysis II (spring)

MATH-GA 2460 Complex Variables II (spring)

MATH-GA 2120 Linear Algebra II (spring)

MATH-GA 2901 Basic Probability (fall, spring, summer)

MATH-GA 2043 Scientific Computing (fall, spring)

MATH-GA 2470 Ordinary Differential Equations (spring)

Group III
(more advanced core graduate courses)

MATH-GA 2010 Numerical Methods I (fall)

MATH-GA 2020 Numerical Methods II (spring)

MATH-GA 2130 Algebra I (fall)

MATH-GA 2310 Topology I (fall)

MATH-GA 2210 Number Theory (spring)

MATH-GA 2350 Differential Geometry I (fall)

MATH-GA 2490 Partial Differential Equations (fall)

MATH-GA 2701 Methods of Applied Math (fall)

MATH-GA 2702 Fluid Dynamics (fall)

MATH-GA 2550 Functional Analysis (spring)

MATH-GA 2563 Harmonic Analysis (fall)

MATH-GA 2911 Probability: Limit Theorems I (fall)

MATH-GA 2902 Stochastic Calculus (fall, spring and summer)

MATH-GA 2962 Mathematical Statistics (spring)

or: DS-GA 1002 Statistical and Mathematical Methods (fall)

另一個是印第安納, 基本上是和低年級PhD一塊上課的, 下面的核心課程要選6門

Coursework Requirements

The Department of Mathematics offers core courses to give our students a broad education in mathematics and to prepare them for more advanced studies in the respective subjects. These core courses

  • Algebra
    • M501/502 Algebra
    • M507/508 Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
  • Analysis
    • M511/512 Real Analysis
    • M513/514 Complex Analysis
  • Topology and Geometry
    • M521/522/M529 Topology
    • M531/M533/534 Differential Geometry
  • Differential Equations
    • M540/541/542 Partial Differential Equations
    • M544/545 Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Dynamical Systems / Probability
    • M557/558 Dynamical Systems
    • M560/M563/564 Probability
  • Numerical Methods
    • M571/572 Analysis of Numerical Methods
  • Logic and Set Theory
    • M583/584 Set Theory/Recursion Theory


NYU招數學碩士就招得挺多的啊。 UMich這種大牛校也招數學碩士啊,西北、UIUC等等印象里也招。學數學何必非得去藤校,PH是神校,Yale數學太小眾,Columbia也是前十的難度,Brown Cornell其實跟UT Austin UMN這種差不多。我賓的話,我現在覺得比不上石溪,石溪的Simons center有一票牛人,我賓明顯名氣大於實力。Dartmouth的數學是個奇葩。。雖然不見得有多好,但是申請難度絕對配得上藤校的逼格。。

真心想好好做學術的話 強推 ETH Zurich 無學費 學校超牛 課程難 應該是能好好學到點東西的




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